XY What new Types would you like to see in X and Y?

??? is used as a placeholder. If you look through the Pokemon Online simulator code you will see every Pokemon that only has 1 type their second type is ???.

Wouldn't "wood" be covered by Grass and Bug? Wood I thought is like forest which seems like it is covered.

What I'd like to see is the return of the Shadow Type. Even though it would only be for moves, the whole Shadow Pokemon was fun in Pokemon Colloseum and its sequel.
Pokemon Trainer Dark said:
Pokequaza said:
Curse is a Ghost-type move as of gen 5. They completely removed the ???-type.

I was using ???-type as an example, though thank you for showing me that apparently the ???-type has been turned into a Ghost type move. It is still in the games coding probably, and will continue to be for a while, due to the ???-typing being the whole mysterious effect of Curse for other pokemon, but I am still thankful for the information.

It isn't present in the coding either. They probably decided the games would work better without it; it creates more problems than it solves. Even though I personally liked the ???-type on Curse.
King Arceus said:
What I'd like to see is the return of the Shadow Type. Even though it would only be for moves, the whole Shadow Pokemon was fun in Pokemon Colloseum and its sequel.

Shadow was really more of a gimmick type that you were stuck with when you caught Shadow Pokemon, plus it's already kind of covered by Dark and Ghost. I wouldn't mind seeing another game in that series, though.
But most light type moves would probably fit into psychic/fire/electric/even normal. This is seen in parallels like Cresselia and Darkrai, or Espeon and Umbreon. Actually hyper beam is normal.

As far as japanese legends/ideals go, the light type is covered by fighting and bug types. Obviously fighting types are different, like Scrafty and Machamp. However, that's true for dark types like Umbreon and Zoroark, and any other type for that matter (see Grass and Flying).

Bugs are commonly used as inspiration for heroes, like in Kamen Rider, which is why it is strong against the dark type.

Fighting types are literally the hero type in japanese, and is used to represent the good warriors which is also seen in other cultures/places like the Musketeers.

This is different than when Steel and Dark were introduced because they evened the playing field against Psychic types. Steel doesn't really fit into ground or rock types, and Dark types don't exactly fit into the Ghost type because they are not neccesarily dead/spirit related.

I'm just saying that the light type is covered in all definitions and pokemon has gone on a little too long to throw in a new type; we are going to have over 700.
Silentslayer said:
How about Light Type be renamed to Holy Heaven or Angel type!

The games are made in Japan, not the US. They are not going to make it a religious game.
frostwind said:
But most light type moves would probably fit into psychic/fire/electric/even normal. This is seen in parallels like Cresselia and Darkrai, or Espeon and Umbreon. Actually hyper beam is normal.

As far as japanese legends/ideals go, the light type is covered by fighting and bug types. Obviously fighting types are different, like Scrafty and Machamp. However, that's true for dark types like Umbreon and Zoroark, and any other type for that matter (see Grass and Flying).

Bugs are commonly used as inspiration for heroes, like in Kamen Rider, which is why it is strong against the dark type.

Fighting types are literally the hero type in japanese, and is used to represent the good warriors which is also seen in other cultures/places like the Musketeers.

This is different than when Steel and Dark were introduced because they evened the playing field against Psychic types. Steel doesn't really fit into ground or rock types, and Dark types don't exactly fit into the Ghost type because they are not neccesarily dead/spirit related.

I'm just saying that the light type is covered in all definitions and pokemon has gone on a little too long to throw in a new type; we are going to have over 700.

Alright I'll say it once more, and then tell you why your logic is flawed by going into Japanese for these games. First, the thing I must say again, is that No type exactly perfectly covers the Light type, as well as it wouldn't just be based off of moves that create light. It would be based off moves that both create light for the special/status sides, and for the physical side, it would be attacks that are meant to be a way of fighting completely fair. Fighting types don't necessarily mean fair play. They would be the in-between for Dark and Light types more or less. Now, for why your logic is flawed by going into Japanese stuff for these games, is that it was a release that's happening World Wide, which means that they have to take into aspect both the American games, and the European games being brought into the picture, so basing it off just the Japanese games, wouldn't be a good argument. Remember they purposely released it at the same time, so we don't exactly know what will happen with the game, since they've never done this before. There's a lot they can do between now, and October this year. Till we get information on if there's going to be a new type or not, we can't exactly say what will be solidly kept. They could remove Ground type pokemon and make them rock type if they wanted, it's all up to them.
I seriously doubt there will be new types. I think the last time we saw a new type was in Gen 2. Even the TCG just got their first new type last August since Neo series.
Light doesn't always have to refer to a counter to Dark or have some kind of religious theme. Like it has been repeated multiple times by you guys Fighting is the technical counter to Dark types! However I don't really think it's fair to say that every single Pokemon type can cover the "Light" type.
For example, what if we were referring to the electromagnetic spectrum for Light? Not only would there be the visible light which is covered by moves like Flash and some Fire type attacks, but there would also be x-rays, ultraviolet, and infrared. Not to mention rainbows (no, I am not suggesting that Ho-oh should be Light type). How does one justify those attacks? You could say Psychic types, but they really only seem to cover more supernatural themes like telekinesis and more abstract psychic beams that hurt your head. Light type attacks could be a lot more, like a gamma ray-esque attack that could maybe have a possibility of poisoning the opponent (kind of a reference to its radioactivity), maybe? There'd probably be a lot of wave and beam-based attacks.

You're also kind of leaving out the fact that while Dark types are a foil to Fighting types in terms of weakness and resistance, design-wise they borrow a lot of elements from more "demonic" folklore. The Houndoor line is the obvious example, but the Murkrow line does reference witches with their pointy hats, and there are plenty of other "demon dog" lines. If they were to try and create a Pokemon based on more angelic or ethereal properties however...I honestly don't think the right types would be there. Sure we have Flying, but adding Fire or Electric would create Pokemon that were too...mundane isn't the right word but I guess ordinary? Ghost and Flying makes it spooky, and Psychic and Flying, with Psychic tending towards the "weirder" aspects of the supernatural, would likely only make another Sigilyph-looking thing. There are other possible combinations like Fire and Electric, but that would only cover the energy form of light.

They could create a lot of weird, kind of angelic but mostly abstract looking things with the type too! Like maybe some sort of glowworm-esque mote with little balls of light floating off of it all in rainbow colors, or some pastel-yellow, glowing spirit if it were a Light/Ghost type! You just have to think out of the box. Also Light types would probably be mostly Special Attack oriented.

TL;DR: Electromagentic spectrum and angelic designs could be used for the Light type.
Luxray can see through things and has some form of x-ray.

Also, animals have different spectrums of colors and sounds they can see and hear. E.g. bees see a completely different set of colors, but we would only see blue or purple.

Not all of them though.

Togetic and Togekiss are probably the closest thing we have to angelic types. Normal types sort of cover it, considering its that normal abnormal type, with everything from genetically altered fox bunnies, fat cats, and chameleons that change types. It wouldn't be that weird to have a Normal/Flying type, or even just have them be a pure flying spirit or something. Or it could even be a Fighting/Flying type because as I've said before, fighting is the hero type and sort of fits an angel like the muskedeers.

Also, Arceus the most holy and light-type worthy pokemon is normal type. I've always seen Normal as a jack of all trades type that includes all of the abnormal pokemon.
True there is sight, and I won't deny your points on that, but I was talking about a more physical representation of them. Like...Luxray has a form of x-ray, but IS it an x-ray in some way, shape, or form? Luxray, being an Electric type, is more of a vector or a harnesser of light. Light types would be closer to a manifestation. I'm not sure if that makes sense but I hope so!

Once again, I would like to say that Light types would likely not represent angelic beings! After all that is pretty much the Togepi line, as you said. I do suppose a pure Flying type, which we've only seen one of, might be a good candidate for the closet thing to a Light type, though honestly I think pure Flyings will just end up as windy things. The only Normal/Flyings we've seen are quite ordinary birds, and I think it might be a bit disappointing to have some sort of abstract, Light-like being technically be in the same category as them. If it were single Normals, then sure, but the dual types are more of specializations.

Fighting is a "hero" type, not a "spiritual"/"spectrum" type. If they're based off of the Japanese idea of heroes then I think a Fighting/Flying type is more likely to be a sort of Garuda, not an angel, as you term it. So far they've all fit into a very physical appearance mold, disregarding the muskedeer.

Your last point is really valid...Though I'm operating by the assumption that their type meaning in and of itself is not angelic. So Arceus would be good as a Normal type, as it is the originator of the universe and everything in it, with Normal being like the average of all of those types. Light types would just be a more specialized, narrower range of qualities like Fighting or Psychic or Flying is.
I'm starting to understand the concept, as far as literal light goes. I just think it would be terribly weird to get a few light types and then have to wait for more light types in later generations. They can only put so many in each generation, like they did with gen 2, without it taking over.

I could see something being done with glow worms like you said, and they can make use of the different animals that see different ranges of color and light.

They could have a firefly pokemon, that doesn't fit into fire/electric/psychic/normal completely. Just a light/bug type with levitate or something.

If they made Light a type, they would have to focus on evolutions too. That could be like a Light type eeveelution, to make the type more likeable. Certain pokemon like Lumineon, that make their own light or reflect light can be used too.

I guess the main problem is the pokemon that sort of fit into the Light type but are already set in another. Espeon would have to remain psychic but is probably one of the most likely pokemon to be considered a light type. They could have pulled this idea off really well with Reshiram too.
We did get only a few in Gen 2, remember? There were, what, only six Dark type Pokemon? I suppose they could do the same thing they did in Gen 2 and have a few Pokemon change type like Volbeat, but that might upset the game a bit too much. They'd probably just only introduce a couple of new lines of the type and then have some Light type evolutions, like your Light type Eevee idea.

Heck, with the seeing different ranges of color they could have Light type moves that cloak them in rays that make them less visible, or maybe a Light type exclusive ability that does some of the like, and then have counter abilities/attacks that dispel the effect.

This might sound like an odd prediction but I think that if the Legendary types don't come out by the end of about...next week or so, one or both of them may have a new type. Of course I don't remember how long it took for the Gen 5 legends to have their types revealed, but if it takes longer than it normally does then I don't see any reason for it other than hiding some sort of surprise.
You kids and your newfangled types; back in my day we only had fifteen and we liked it!

All I really want is to see some love for the Ice type. It has been neglected for far too long.
Eh not true PMJ, ICe type has had some awesome pokemon go though it, as well as the currently three OU pokemon there. Kyurem, Kyurem-B, and Cloyster.
Ice types as a whole are weak and have bad stats overall, especially in-game. They should go ahead and make it resistant to Dragon type moves.

I think they should just make every type combination first, as there are plenty of pokemon to make that fit into the types/combinations that are currently possible.
Pokemon Trainer Dark said:
Eh not true PMJ, ICe type has had some awesome pokemon go though it, as well as the currently three OU pokemon there. Kyurem, Kyurem-B, and Cloyster.
Kyurem is BL sucka!
Haha but seriously, Ice-types tend to get lame stats. Kyurem is only decent because its a legendary with ok stats. But that isn't always true. (see Regice in NU) Obamasnow sees play because of his ability, and Cloyster is only good because of Shell Smash. We need some Ice stats!!
Its not just the stats.

Ice is doomed simply because of being an utterly awful failure on the type chart.

Resistant to itself... Normal at least has an immunity.
But then when you look at the weaknesses, Fire, Rock and Fighting of all things.. like what's the point of even having any defensive stats then lol.
I thought of a Savannah type which is a mix of grass and fire into one. (This means these pokemon types usually have high attack or defense but mostly has good speed) A plastic type and a magic type. The Plastic is pretty much only from the evil group in the game and can only be matched with magic to power it and make it come to life. Magic is kinda like shadow type pokemon and the two legendaries have this power that the evil team wants to super power up pokemon for evil.