XY What Pokémon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Current Team / Ideas Here!

RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Bashamo said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I'm now seriously torn between keeping Vivillon, or ditching it in favor of a fossil and guess what, I'm seriously torn by which fossil I want.
(I say ditching Vivillon because I already have my Flying type in Talonflame, and it has several weaknesses in common with Venusaur)

I'll probably go with Aurorus, if I do decide to ditch Vivillon. But that Tyrantrum... its so vicious and awesome
(and no one say that I should dump Vivillon in the PC or release it. its so cute and happy and innocent I could never do such an evil deed to it)

My 2 cents: I remember your post saying you wanted Froakie Evo, Venusaur, and blaziken on your team. With vivillion, you have 4 team mates weak to flying (if the source is right about froakie becoming part fighting). With one of the fossils you could help nullify that slightly, so I'd say replace it with a fossil.

...I never said I wanted Blaziken? Are you mistaking it for Talonflame, they are both badass Fire birds
(well if I did, I don't think it was ever a serious contender)

But the main reason it would be Vivillon is that it doesn't really bring anything major new to my team.
Froakie will presumably be either Water/Fighting or Water/Dark, which are both nice typings
Talonflame has good synergy with Froakie (apart from the Electric weakness but Venusaur resists that, and Sylvie and Mali might help with those as well)
Malimar has awesome stab and both his weaknesses are easily dealt with by the rest of my team (Fairies by Venusaur, Bugs by Tallie)
Sylveon has been in my team from day1, plus it kills dragons so is infinitely awesome

but poor old Vivillon has the meh Bug/Flying type, which would mean 2 of my Pokemon are 4x weak to Rock, which even ingame is just not a good thing.
Secondly, iirc all of its resistances are ones that the rest of my team have.

I think Imma switch Vivillon for Aurorus for the time being, but if another Pokemon shows its face before X/Y are revealed then I may go with that.
(I've actually been debating Helioptile, I have no Electric type)

I was actually considering dumping Talonflame and using Charizard, but then I couldn't have dear Venusaur which would've sucked.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

I'm planning a Psychic Fairy team provided Fennekin does indeed turn out to be Fire/Psychic. I haven't decided on all the members yet. Mainly because I don't know what will be available, when they appear, or anything else. Fennekin is obvious, and probably something in the Ralts evolution line. (Possibly both of them.) The rest... I dunno. :/
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

P.DelSlayer said:
Bashamo said:
My 2 cents: I remember your post saying you wanted Froakie Evo, Venusaur, and blaziken on your team. With vivillion, you have 4 team mates weak to flying (if the source is right about froakie becoming part fighting). With one of the fossils you could help nullify that slightly, so I'd say replace it with a fossil.

...I never said I wanted Blaziken? Are you mistaking it for Talonflame, they are both badass Fire birds
(well if I did, I don't think it was ever a serious contender)

But the main reason it would be Vivillon is that it doesn't really bring anything major new to my team.
Froakie will presumably be either Water/Fighting or Water/Dark, which are both nice typings
Talonflame has good synergy with Froakie (apart from the Electric weakness but Venusaur resists that, and Sylvie and Mali might help with those as well)
Malimar has awesome stab and both his weaknesses are easily dealt with by the rest of my team (Fairies by Venusaur, Bugs by Tallie)
Sylveon has been in my team from day1, plus it kills dragons so is infinitely awesome

but poor old Vivillon has the meh Bug/Flying type, which would mean 2 of my Pokemon are 4x weak to Rock, which even ingame is just not a good thing.
Secondly, iirc all of its resistances are ones that the rest of my team have.

I think Imma switch Vivillon for Aurorus for the time being, but if another Pokemon shows its face before X/Y are revealed then I may go with that.
(I've actually been debating Helioptile, I have no Electric type)

I was actually considering dumping Talonflame and using Charizard, but then I couldn't have dear Venusaur which would've sucked.

I think I confused iyour initial post with someone else's, even still the point stands.

But meh, an in-game team can be composed of snorunts and luvdiscs and still beat the e4 so it's not that big of a deal
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

1. Chespin ;) Expecting Big Things
2. Fletchling:shy: Dat Talonflame
3. Amaura :D FREEZE DRY!!!
4. A Cool Water Type maybe Squirtle
5. Honedge Dat Typing Although I think he is late game. Or something else
6. ???
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Mon1010 said:
I'm planning a Psychic Fairy team provided Fennekin does indeed turn out to be Fire/Psychic. I haven't decided on all the members yet. Mainly because I don't know what will be available, when they appear, or anything else. Fennekin is obvious, and probably something in the Ralts evolution line. (Possibly both of them.) The rest... I dunno. :/

Why not go with Dedenne? It's really cute. (and a better pikachu)
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

New fossils?
Time to update.

Fennekin, Braxien
Little pyro fox, now becoming a witch? SOLD.
Presuming how it'll learn a bunch of magical moves of awesomeness.....if it's final evolution makes it decked out in a full robe and staff...I will be forever happy.

Her name? Uh, Witch Pyr. Yaaaaaaaay.

Skiddo, Gogoat
Little baby goat? SO ADORABLE ASDFGHJKL:
Giant goat that controls nature? STILL ADORABLE ASDFGHJKL;
The fact that you can ride both goats are just pure awesome, the fact that it can suck the life out of you using its horns.....just....wow.

He will be named Leafhorn. Or Grasshoof. OR MOSSBACK. SOMETHING.

Tyrunt, Tyrantum
Sorry Bunnelby, but unless your evolution looks awesome...you may not end up on my team. So yeah, we FINALLY got a Tyrannosaurus Rex. First it was a prince, and now....A KING. A KING. It's a DRAGON type, and it's got the attitude of a trucker that's been driving in traffic for three days.
And I love it.

His name will be Aevus. Ssshhh. Don't ask. Just accept it.

I've been keeping at three because the entire Pokedex hasn't been released yet.
I don't want to have a full team, then suddenly see some super awesome Pokemon and replace a member that I wanted in the first place.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

I'm very likely to use Auroros. That thing is beautiful and has great type coverage. Course it's also weak to water, grass, fighting, ground, rock and steel but meh. It's still got super effective STAB against fire, grass, water(new move), ground, flying, dragon, ice, and bug. Then again it's probably pretty slow so it might die before it can attack...meh will probably test it.

I'll definitely be using Braixen though since I love it's design and I love Psychic types. I'll also be using Gardevoir if I can find Ralts or Kirlia early enough. I don't care if I have two Psychic types because I love Psychic types. I might use Malamar too because I don't care if I have three Psychic types because I love them.

I'll also probably be using Flabébé if it evolves(kind of doubt it will)...because fairies. Actually might have to use Clauncher in place of it though since I need a pokemon to use surf...I guess for the flying type that I'm going to want to have I'd say Noivern because boombox.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Without further ado:

Pokemon Y

1. Frogadier - I usually stick with the Fire starter, but have lost hope since Infernape and Emboar. Granted, I think Fennekin's possible Fire/Psychic evo will be epic, and will include it in a future playthrough. Water just seems to be my favorite starter this gen.

2. MegaVenusaur - DIGGING the new thick fat ability

3. Talonflame - Favorite regional bird yet (not too surprising with it straying from Normal/Flying)

4. Tyrantrum - Are you fricking kidding me? Finally we have a bad*** T-rex with ROCK/DRAGON?! My favorite fossil pokemon so far, I cannot wait to use it in battle (Tyrantrum used the move SNACK!) ;)

5. Sylveon - Just my attempt to include a fairy. I will have to see how I like it.

6. ???

Pokemon X

1. Quilladin -Not really a huge fan so far, just hoping for a cool evolution. (Hopefully not Grass/Steel, Grass/Rock would be acceptable but my hopes lie with Grass/Dark)

2. MegaCharizard - Charmander is the greatest starter IMO. Mix that with a great mega evo and shucks, I couldn't be happier.

3. Aurorus - How could I keep the 2nd greatest fossil pokemon off of my team?

4-6 are still up in the air. I can't be too sure until the entire pokedex is released, naturally.

I'm still hoping for some more unique type combinations (Electric/Poison, Fire/Poison, Electric/Dark, FIRE/ICE, etc.). Work your magic GF.

Thanks, and stay classy.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

1. Fennekin - My favorite starter this gen, but also an inevitability since I want to use Bulbasaur and Skrelp as my Grass and Water. Also, I love Psychic, assuming it does end up with it as a secondary type.
2. Bulbasaur - It looks like you'll get the Kanto starter before you get too far into the game. Bulbasaur will always be my favorite.
3. Skrelp - Finally a new Water/Poison type! Poison is my favorite type, and seahorses are always cute.
4. Amaura - Adorable. I love dinosaurs, and I love that he's Ice type.
5. Spritzee - I've got to use a Fairy type on my first play through, and I'm hoping he turns into an awesome plague doctor as the info suggests.
6. A surprise pokemon, or maybe just an HM slave. A lot of the time I only raise four or five pokemon since they level faster when you don't have to spread the XP around as much.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

1. Fennekin/Braixen - I just love this starter with a passion. Witchy fox monster thing, umm HELL YES!!! Hopefully I'll get a female one, but regardless of gender it shall be named Zen.
2. Mega Venusaur/ other Pokemon (probably fairy type, maybe Xerneas) - Dem flowers. Enough said. I think Verdantasaur has a nice ring to it. Once I get my little hands on an awesome sauce fairy or Xerneas it'll replace it.
3. Pancham/Pangoro - I love pandas and I love dark types, so a staple in my team. I'll keep it's name simple and classy with Bamboo.
4. Amaura/Aurorus - My favorite fossil EVER! Love the little auroras on its sails, and it's just so majestic. Borealis seems appropriate.
5. Furfrou - It looks so similar to my little puppy, I have to have it and stye it ^_^. Sunny if a female and Sorrell if male.
6. Rotation Pokemon slot
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

TheRoyalXerneas said:
1. Fennekin/Braixen - I just love this starter with a passion. Witchy fox monster thing, umm HELL YES!!! Hopefully I'll get a female one, but regardless of gender it shall be named Zen.
2. Mega Venusaur/ other Pokemon (probably type, maybe Xerneas) - Dem flowers. Enough said. I think Verdantasaur has a nice ring to it. Once I get my little hands on an awesome sauce fairy or Xerneas it'll replace it.
3. Pancham/Pangoro - I love pandas and I love dark types, so a staple in my team. I'll keep it's name simple and classy with Bamboo.
4. Amaura/Aurorus - My favorite fossil EVER! Love the little auroras on its sails, and it's just so majestic. Borealis seems appropriate.
5. Furfrou - It looks so similar to my little puppy, I have to have it and stye it ^_^. Sunny if a female and Sorrell if male.
6. Rotation Pokemon slot
Dedenne ultimate awesome sauce fairy plus nice coverage. (not to mention freaking adorable and a better pikachu <3)
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

zappy800 said:
TheRoyalXerneas said:
1. Fennekin/Braixen - I just love this starter with a passion. Witchy fox monster thing, umm HELL YES!!! Hopefully I'll get a female one, but regardless of gender it shall be named Zen.
2. Mega Venusaur/ other Pokemon (probably type, maybe Xerneas) - Dem flowers. Enough said. I think Verdantasaur has a nice ring to it. Once I get my little hands on an awesome sauce fairy or Xerneas it'll replace it.
3. Pancham/Pangoro - I love pandas and I love dark types, so a staple in my team. I'll keep it's name simple and classy with Bamboo.
4. Amaura/Aurorus - My favorite fossil EVER! Love the little auroras on its sails, and it's just so majestic. Borealis seems appropriate.
5. Furfrou - It looks so similar to my little puppy, I have to have it and stye it ^_^. Sunny if a female and Sorrell if male.
6. Rotation Pokemon slot
Dedenne ultimate awesome sauce fairy plus nice coverage. (not to mention freaking adorable and a better pikachu <3)
I would use it if it evolved, but it most likely won't.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Poison Master said:
zappy800 said:
Dedenne ultimate awesome sauce fairy plus nice coverage. (not to mention freaking adorable and a better pikachu <3)
I would use it if it evolved, but it most likely won't.

Might be weaker but at least it is fun to use unevolved pokemon against the elite four. Besides it's a pika clone probably won't. (never understood why they don't evolve the clones with thunderstones it just doesn't make sense.)
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

zappy800 said:
Poison Master said:
I would use it if it evolved, but it most likely won't.

Might be weaker but at least it is fun to use unevolved pokemon against the elite four. Besides it's a pika clone probably won't. (never understood why they don't evolve the clones with thunderstones it just doesn't make sense.)

Hopefully this one has a decent movepool. Every single one (except for maybe pikachu and raichu) has had a movepool that's on par with Flareon.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

TheRoyalXerneas said:
zappy800 said:
Might be weaker but at least it is fun to use unevolved pokemon against the elite four. Besides it's a pika clone probably won't. (never understood why they don't evolve the clones with thunderstones it just doesn't make sense.)

Hopefully this one has a decent movepool. Every single one (except for maybe pikachu and raichu) has had a movepool that's on par with Flareon.

Well at least it gets fairy moves.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Poison Master said:
I would use it if it evolved, but it most likely won't.

I hope it evolves. I still need an Electric pokemon, and an Electric/Fairy would be a bonus. Especially if it reminds me of Raichu :rolleyes:
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Chespin: I loved Chespin from the start, but now that I've seen Quilladin I like it a lot more! I'd like the rumour about it's type to be Grass/Dark in the final evolution, as I think it is a nice combination.

Furfrou: Who doesn't love Normal Types? I was X-cited for this Pokemon when it was accidentally leaked with the Mega Evolutions of the Starters, but I was slightly disappointed when it turned out to be a poodle and not a Llama.... But I love it anyway. I like the fact that they are supposed to have guarded royalty of Kalos, which makes me think it will be quite strong.

Helioptile: Again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better, who doesn't love Dual Types? I love that Game Freak has finally opened up to allowing Normal to be a Secondary type (Helioptile is Electric/Normal), and that is not only why I like this Pokemon. I like the idea behind it, and it's design is just so cute!! ...But, if it doesn't evolve I might have to exchange it for something else...maybe. It seems like it wouldn't be very powerful in battle.

Litleo: Again again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better yet! Who doesn't love Dual Types? Another Normal type for my team, but I do not care!! I love Normal types anyway, and being Primarily Fire Type helps it a lot also. I liked Litleo's design, but I wasn't very fond of it being coloured Black, as that colour doesn't fit on a lion, or at least I don't think so. Pyroar made up for this though, with the big, multi-coloured mane changing it's entire appearance.

Pancham: Panda!!! Finally a Panda Pokemon! Pancham will definately be my Fighting type for this Generation! I also love Pangoro's design, and I hope the rumour about it's evolution method is true as well as the Chespin types, as that would make it easier to evolve then. Pangoro looks so powerful but would still have the defensive potential. As Pancham evolves, it gains an immunity to one of it's weaknesses, which is always a Plusle!

Tyrunt: T-Rex! T-rex! T-Rex! Like with Pancham and Pangoro, they finally push through with a wonderful choice of animal to base a Pokemon off! I didn't really like Amaura that much, as it looked very plain and simple, but Tyrunt looked great to me. It's typing is great too! Rock/Dragon! Something I don't think we have yet! Or rather, I know we haven't had it! It's evolution, Tyrantrum, looks worthy of being trained by a Champion, being kingly and all. I so wish it will be as good as I invisioned!
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Viktor12 said:
Chespin: I loved Chespin from the start, but now that I've seen Quilladin I like it a lot more! I'd like the rumour about it's type to be Grass/Dark in the final evolution, as I think it is a nice combination.

Furfrou: Who doesn't love Normal Types? I was X-cited for this Pokemon when it was accidentally leaked with the Mega Evolutions of the Starters, but I was slightly disappointed when it turned out to be a poodle and not a Llama.... But I love it anyway. I like the fact that they are supposed to have guarded royalty of Kalos, which makes me think it will be quite strong.

Helioptile: Again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better, who doesn't love Dual Types? I love that Game Freak has finally opened up to allowing Normal to be a Secondary type (Helioptile is Electric/Normal), and that is not only why I like this Pokemon. I like the idea behind it, and it's design is just so cute!! ...But, if it doesn't evolve I might have to exchange it for something else...maybe. It seems like it wouldn't be very powerful in battle.

Litleo: Again again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better yet! Who doesn't love Dual Types? Another Normal type for my team, but I do not care!! I love Normal types anyway, and being Primarily Fire Type helps it a lot also. I liked Litleo's design, but I wasn't very fond of it being coloured Black, as that colour doesn't fit on a lion, or at least I don't think so. Pyroar made up for this though, with the big, multi-coloured mane changing it's entire appearance.

Pancham: Panda!!! Finally a Panda Pokemon! Pancham will definately be my Fighting type for this Generation! I also love Pangoro's design, and I hope the rumour about it's evolution method is true as well as the Chespin types, as that would make it easier to evolve then. Pangoro looks so powerful but would still have the defensive potential. As Pancham evolves, it gains an immunity to one of it's weaknesses, which is always a Plusle!

Tyrunt: T-Rex! T-rex! T-Rex! Like with Pancham and Pangoro, they finally push through with a wonderful choice of animal to base a Pokemon off! I didn't really like Amaura that much, as it looked very plain and simple, but Tyrunt looked great to me. It's typing is great too! Rock/Dragon! Something I don't think we have yet! Or rather, I know we haven't had it! It's evolution, Tyrantrum, looks worthy of being trained by a Champion, being kingly and all. I so wish it will be as good as I invisioned!

You do realise that every Pokemon in your team (all but 1 if Quilladin isn't Grass/Dark) is weak to Fighting.
To help combat this, you could:
-replace Litleo with Talonflame, almost same STAB, its not like losing one Normal member will do you much harm, plus Talonflame may have decent use of Return. Talonflame is also resistant to Fighting, which is a huge bonus for your team.
-Maybe replace something else with a Ghost type? If we happen to get a new Electric/Ghost it could be a decent replacement for Helioptile.
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

P.DelSlayer said:
Viktor12 said:
Chespin: I loved Chespin from the start, but now that I've seen Quilladin I like it a lot more! I'd like the rumour about it's type to be Grass/Dark in the final evolution, as I think it is a nice combination.

Furfrou: Who doesn't love Normal Types? I was X-cited for this Pokemon when it was accidentally leaked with the Mega Evolutions of the Starters, but I was slightly disappointed when it turned out to be a poodle and not a Llama.... But I love it anyway. I like the fact that they are supposed to have guarded royalty of Kalos, which makes me think it will be quite strong.

Helioptile: Again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better, who doesn't love Dual Types? I love that Game Freak has finally opened up to allowing Normal to be a Secondary type (Helioptile is Electric/Normal), and that is not only why I like this Pokemon. I like the idea behind it, and it's design is just so cute!! ...But, if it doesn't evolve I might have to exchange it for something else...maybe. It seems like it wouldn't be very powerful in battle.

Litleo: Again again, who doesn't love Normal Types? Better yet! Who doesn't love Dual Types? Another Normal type for my team, but I do not care!! I love Normal types anyway, and being Primarily Fire Type helps it a lot also. I liked Litleo's design, but I wasn't very fond of it being coloured Black, as that colour doesn't fit on a lion, or at least I don't think so. Pyroar made up for this though, with the big, multi-coloured mane changing it's entire appearance.

Pancham: Panda!!! Finally a Panda Pokemon! Pancham will definately be my Fighting type for this Generation! I also love Pangoro's design, and I hope the rumour about it's evolution method is true as well as the Chespin types, as that would make it easier to evolve then. Pangoro looks so powerful but would still have the defensive potential. As Pancham evolves, it gains an immunity to one of it's weaknesses, which is always a Plusle!

Tyrunt: T-Rex! T-rex! T-Rex! Like with Pancham and Pangoro, they finally push through with a wonderful choice of animal to base a Pokemon off! I didn't really like Amaura that much, as it looked very plain and simple, but Tyrunt looked great to me. It's typing is great too! Rock/Dragon! Something I don't think we have yet! Or rather, I know we haven't had it! It's evolution, Tyrantrum, looks worthy of being trained by a Champion, being kingly and all. I so wish it will be as good as I invisioned!

You do realise that every Pokemon in your team (all but 1 if Quilladin isn't Grass/Dark) is weak to Fighting.
To help combat this, you could:
-replace Litleo with Talonflame, almost same STAB, its not like losing one Normal member will do you much harm, plus Talonflame may have decent use of Return. Talonflame is also resistant to Fighting, which is a huge bonus for your team.
-Maybe replace something else with a Ghost type? If we happen to get a new Electric/Ghost it could be a decent replacement for Helioptile.

Well, I don't necessarily care too much about what I'm weak to or not, as it won't change what I'll use. I don't need to be resistant or immune to a type to counter it, do I? Normal types commonly have a very wide moveset of multiple other types, so it shouldn't be too hard to find something useful. I have been considering my weaknesses though, so I know that I'm extremely vulnerable to Fighting and somewhat of Fairy, but I'll find a way! Those are the only two I have to consider anyway...
RE: What Pokemon do you want in your team for X/Y? Post your ever changing list here!

Not sure if I posted my planned team or not....

• Chespin/Quilladin - my main starter and grass type too

• Heliptile - my main electric Pokemon

• Litleo/Pyroar - my main fire type and also Feline Pokemon of Kalos (Pyroar won my heart over Meowstic, I'll use Meowstic in another game as an all Feline team in the future) - I just had to have a feline in my team, at least for the first time playing.

• a water type, hopefully a good looking one from Kalos - if none are introduced, and Buizel is no catchable then I'll have no choice but to choose Squirtle (that would be my final choice)

• the weasel Pokemon of Kalos, but if none are introduced then I'll take Patrat only if its available before the Elite 4 other wise I'll go with the early normal type. In all my previous games the early normal type has always helped me out with the E4.

• a great looking fighting type, if none others are introduced then I'll take Mienfoo but if its not available before the E4, then I'll take Pancham as my fighting partner.

my last possible change could be if two above are introduced togheter like another fighting weasel or water type weasel then I'll take Sylveon as the final choice.