What should I play for _________?

Event: City Championship
Division: Masters
Metagame: SP, specifically, Luxchomp
What you can play: Vilegar, Vilepluff, Donphan ERL.
So pretty much my metagame is all Luxchomp. Ive had good results with Vilegar, but the rest isnt tested at all.
@Light Venasaur: It's even cheaper on Troll and Toad(trollandtoad.com). 4 Hoppip and 4 Skiploom will cost you 2 DOLLARS. And Jumpluff are $3.99 each. Great for buying singles.
@Poliwrath: I'd go for Vilegar. You have the experience with Vilegar, and you do have a positive matchup unless the Luxchomp deck you're facing runs Dialga G Lv.X.
play vilegar if you know how to play aginst SPs well with your vilegar then I would think that that would be your best choice.

I know this, but you must include shipping, and I found it better to round
Oh, forgot about shipping. Yeah, for someone in Australia it might cost 5 to 10 dollars(smacks forehead repeatedly).

VileGar. What about all of the Gyarados in are meta, or is Gyarados just for Seniors?
It's pretty much just seniors. I saw maybe, 5 at the last cities vs. the 30 luxchomps. Okay, i guess I'll go with Vilegar. Thanks!
Event: States (Getting Ready)
Division: Senior
Metagame: A LOT of Vilegar! Machamp and some Luxchomp.
What you can play: Mewperior, Uxie Donk, Gyarados, Jumpluff, Kingdra, Machamp, Regigigas
In theroy there is no perfect counter to that meta from what you can play I would say Mewperior because it KOs machamp and SPs every turn starting T2, but you must pray that no one is playing DGX, If Vilegar is your biggest problem you should try and anti-vilegar tech in which ever deck you do chose to run, and what state do you live in (PM me) I am a seinor and am compleatly out of tune with our meta
To add to that, if a 1-1 Blaziken FBX is teched into Mewperior it can help greatly against the DGX matchup. (However, it'll have a lot of trouble with a DGX in Gyarados, but I don't think you should have too much of a problem.)

Speaking of which, I'd recommend Gyarados with a 1-1 DGX tech in it...that way you won't really need to worry about Vilegar, and Gyarados' excellent track record will do well both against SPs (which Gyarados can OHKO) and Machamp (which Gyarados resists). You might have a frustrating time against the Luxchomp but it definitely won't be impossible.
Event: States
Meta: Lots of SP, and I'm also expecting Lostgar. I know it's states, so it probably has some other decks that will be popular, but that's majority
What I can play: Machamp varients, any deck that isn't completely metagame. Also thinking about Donphan, Sablock varients, and Absolchomp.
True, but at this point I'm not worried about Lostgar if I play Machamp. Champ Prime loves their spread, and does 100+ every turn, which 2HKOs Gengar and OHKOs Mew Prime, which is what people will mainly use in Lostgar unless they're body locked. If you've noticed, all of my deck choices have an even, if not favorable matchup against lostgar. I won't play a deck if it doesn't beat it.
Ah. I'd say Vilepluff then. It has a quick set-up, and the 2 top thing IMO here are SP (DGX ruins Scizor) and Jumpluff (No Sp. Energy and can damage Umbreon).
Probably not. It just gives you more space for an extra Jumpluff or Sunflora.