What should I play for _________?

RE: What should I play for _______?

Javier8100 said:
Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: SP,Jumpluff,Gyarados,Cursegar,Machamp
What Can You Play: Sps,Flygon,Jumpluff,Rogue,Donphan,
RE: What should I play for _______?

Tyraniking said:
Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: I saw Kingdra, Donphan, and Luxchomp (Which otherwise isn't popular O_O) last BR's, my meta isn't too slow-paced, only two seniors I know of play pretty slow decks. I don't know if Seniors play too much SP where I am.
What you can play: Rogues (I don't play meta) been thinking of a Viletomb varient, or something that can shut down these quick low energy decks like Dusknoir SF.

Reposting. I'll probably run Viletomb, but which one's best for my meta?
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Masters
Metagame: Lady Gaga, Luxchomp, Jumpluff, Flygon (& verents), Machamp (also verents), Umbreon (the Ul one), net-deckking decks, Donphan Prime & rouges.
What you can play: Eeveelutions, Shaymins (Mainly Skymin), RayChomp (Ray & Chomp C's), or just ask me for a list of Lv.X's/Prime/Shiny/reprints I've got.
Other: I WILL NOT PLAY A NET DECK...DECK (AS I HATE THEM :( (<-that's a mad face...not sad)).
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: lady gaga, luxchomp, donphan, machamp
I can play: Luxchomp, donphan, dialgachomp, sablelock, sp toolbox, lady gaga
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: BR's
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Not exactly sure, probably lots of rogues, SP varients, gengar SF maybe
I can play: Luxchomp, Palkia Lock, most SP's, Rogue, Regigigas, Bellawesome
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: lady gaga, luxchomp, donphan, machamp
I can play: Luxchomp, donphan, dialgachomp, sablelock, sp toolbox, lady gaga

No one has answered yet...
RE: What should I play for _______?

I'm confuzzled on what to play.

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Gengar/Vileplume, SP variants (Luxchomp, Blazeray, etc..)
What you can play: Anything but Sablelock, Chenlock, Scizor, and T-Tar
RE: What should I play for _______?

I'm thinking Donphan for you, gliscor. It has a good matchup vs. SP and genplume is just stupid. Once Donphan is set up then genplume is going to have a lot of trouble.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Vilegar, Gyarados, LuxChomp, KingdraMachamp, DialgaChomp
I can play: DialgaChomp, Vilegar, DonkPhan, Gyarados, Charizard, Sabelock.
Let me know what you think! Thanks!
RE: What should I play for _______?

Dialga/Chomp would probably be your best bet. All the matchups seem to be 50-50 or better. Especially against Vilegar. The other decks listed lose at least 70% to one or more of the meta decks listed. That's just my personal advice however.

dmaster out.
RE: What should I play for _______?


Event: Battle Road Fall
Division: Masters
Metagame: Luxchomp, Dialga Chomp, some Vilegar?
What you can play: Any Meta deck..including luxchomp, dialga chomp, etc.

I played Luxchomp and 3/1'd and then 3/2d at BR. then tried Vilegar and 2/3 dropped (one donk loss, one Mirror loss, one Dialga chomp loss). I played Jumpluff for fun and 3/2'd. two more BR this weekend...any ideas/tips? I know luxchomp is the most popular deck..but honestly I would like to try something different. I have kingra, charizard, sablelock Mostly Done, donphan (manetric/queen), jumpluff, Champphan, Luxchomp, Vilegar Completely done. what do you think?
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads Fall
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Mostly Vilegar, with a few rogue and Luxchomp decks
What you can play: Pretty much anything except decks with Luxray GL, including Sablelock (with 2-2 Blaziken FB or without), Jumpluff, Raichu LV.X, Kecleon, and Wormadam.

I have placed 4th out of 10/11 people in the last 2 Battle Roads with Sablelock (without Blaziken FB), so I am leaning towards that again. I need to test a bit more with Raichu, Kecleon, and Wormadam, as the lists are not perfected yet.

Please respond,
RE: What should I play for _______?

You should play Sabelock, because it's faster, and more consistent than the other decks mentioned.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Battle Roads
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Dialgachomp, luxchomp, donphan, machamp, stuff with blaziken, sablelock
I can play: Luxchomp, donphan, dialgachomp, sablelock, sp toolbox, lady gaga, stuff with blaziken
RE: What should I play for _______?

Event: Cities
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Where I'll most likely be for cities: Rogues, newb decks, mainly, but I know some people may play some good pick up and play decks (By that I mean Vilegar, SP, maybe Machamp, Donphan, Gyarados. I'm pretty sure I'll see the first two based on the players I think will be attending).
What you can play: Rogues, but--

1. I don't want to run donk.
2. Can't be anything with Luxray GL X
3. I don't want to run SP right now (Bad matchups) but I can play decks with a main attacker that is SP (Like Gengar/Garchomp C)
4. I don't want to play Gigas. I already played it for BRs and I like to change things up.

Thanks in advance if I don't reply.
RE: What should I play for _______?

^I think you should play Blastigatr. That would hurt any Donphan deck, you could kill Vileplumes on the bench, Regice in Gyarados, along with Uxie and Azelf. That deck would really work out I think.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Good idea. I was thinking of Blastgatr, actually. However, Raichu Prime is in my meta:

(credit to FlamingDriscoll for helping me out)

40% Random Rogue Decks
10% Donphan Prime based decks
5% SP varient
10% Eeveelutions
2% Cursegar
8% Jumpluff
5% Crobat Prime/Ursaring
5% Ursaring Prime/Typhlosion Prime
10% Raichu Prime
5% Horrible Decks, that are impossible to play.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Based on that, I'm thinking Vilegar is your best bet. Being able to lock trainers and hitting for damage is pretty good.
RE: What should I play for _______?

Thanks, but Vilegar's not rogue. Maybe for that meta it is lol.