Does anyone know when Generations is legal and if you could play it at Cal. states, which is on April 9, because I am playing Vileplume/bees and I want to use revitalizer.
Does anyone think there will be a lot of Greninja in week 2? It won one, got second, two top 4s, and two top 8s. It seems decent since it can be good against Night March and crushes BatMan(I'll probably play BatMan)
But there isn't ever really a time you don't have draw support unless under item lock (Which you can't play buddy buddy rescue anyway). Also just getting the Item lock or a free Vespiquen is much better. I too have tried Buddy - Buddy Rescue but I do believe that its better to just be able to grab two. Also the opponent can get a much needed Pokemon back.Yeah but Battle comp/ Buddy Buddy lets you always get a shaymin
Well that isn't necessarily important. Nevertheless play which ever one you see as better in your deckBut if you are going first/ second how many pokemon will they have discarded? After that, you should have item lock.
Cool dude did you play at states yet?Its legal now(Internet High Five to ShinyHydreigon5 for playing Vileplume/Bees as well as me)
YZG I would imagine. Things like mega man might do well in that macthup too