Who is the strongest fighter in the universe? Come debate here.

Strongest fighter ever.

  • Goku.

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • Vegeta.

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Inuyuasha.

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Sonic.

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Mario.

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Link.

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Naruto.

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Captain Falcon.

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Gohan.

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Knuckles.

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yeah, but he would lose because he is a real person, and regular humans such as ourselves cannot do much. Sure hes a good fighter but he can`t fly and stuff like fake people can.

Also Turboblast, I won`t always have to change my signiture to put links in! Yay!
I was joking..... v.v

My honest vote goes to Goku. He's been put through the ringer again and again but he always stood back up and fought for the good. He's the quintessential heroic character, the true avenger of all things good. Gotta love it.
We should go for the classics.

How can Superman beat Goku? Remember, he's always holding back in the comics because everyone tends to be too fragile to hit that hard.

Or Green Lanturn. Most other superheroes tend not to have enough endurance.
Ah, Green Lantern... The second Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) is the best by far.

As for his ability to stand up to Goku: Green Lantern has a ring that can create absolutely anything in the universe. He was strong for sure, but the ring really carried him as well.

That said, I still have to give the edge to Goku. How many times has he completely died trying to protect the innocent and good? He's saved Earth so many times it's unbelievable. Not only that, but Goku is a much, much tougher fighter than Green Lantern (again, the ring is what really made GL tough to begin with)...
God would win. Or Alah or whatever hindu Gods and stuff there are out there. Seriously, I bet God could do more than some weird Dragonball-Z character could even hope to.
~Magma king~ said:
God would win. Or Alah or whatever hindu Gods and stuff there are out there. Seriously, I bet God could do more than some weird Dragonball-Z character could even hope to.

God does not fight. Yes, God could easily trump any one listed in this thread in any aspect known to man as well as countless that are not.

In any event, God does beat all but he is not a fighter.
I agree. But lets not use religion because thats what killed that other thread. Of course, also the reason why I said no fan characters was because of the example I gave, Omega God. Which I based off of God but not the same name so the thread would not recieve a warning. But God would support Goku. Because they are both good.

You think Gokus wierd? Ok so he is a bit bizzare. But the point of the show was to produce a unique show. Not something like an exact Mario clone. Instead of copying something popular, they made they`re own series.

How can I put this, uh? Like a game called The Legend Of Mush (Its an example. I know its a dumb name-but just go with it.) Where a green kid saves a princess with the legendary sword. And fights bubbaloo who has a piece of the Quad-Force. Its a rip from The Legend Of Zelda.

No such game exists because I just made it up. So don`t go looking it up. Bubbaloo

Why is Batman one of the fighters in the Justice League? All he has is a big brain. He has no super powers of any kind.
Fierce Deity said:
I agree. But lets not use religion because thats what killed that other thread. Of course, also the reason why I said no fan characters was because of the example I gave, Omega God. Which I based off of God but not the same name so the thread would not recieve a warning.

I agree whole-heartedly. Religious icons and deities don't fit the game, as I said. Still say Goku wins by a landslide where the thread is concerned.
^Fire Emblem path of Radiance.

Anyway, Batman has a large arsenal of weapons, and is adept at close combat. Against opponents are mental over physical, he has a large edge over them.
Dude, the Black Knight is Invincible!

Anyway, something tells me that by the end of Bleach, Ichigo will be stronger than Goku.

Also, you can't forget God Enel, he's invincible to everyone except Luffy!
Yep, power of electricity is hard to overpower. He disappates every time you try to hit him, and so unless you're Rubber you can't even try to. You can try wearing a rubber glove though.
I was not here so I`ll comment now. Remeber, I am not availible on Saturdays.

Even if someone is invincible, Goku can power up to SS 3 and open a dimensional rift. He will trap them inside the no-exit Hyperbolic Time Chamber. You know, when the door/exit is destroyed. Or he`ll trap them in a dimension that goes on forever with no exit. He`ll escape by creating a dimensional rift and leave. It closes after about 10 seconds. He`ll fly far away and open it there. It`ll close before the opponent reaches it. The opponent would die from hunger or dehydration.
HE moves fast as lightning, he also has an ability which senses movement at a range of maybe two kilometres. When someone moves as fast as lightning ti's hard to catch up.
Goku travels just as fast. Once he catches him. He`ll trap him and teleport all the way to the end of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It goes on forever, so just say very far even for light.

He would be trapped while Goku escapes.
FAst as lightning? I'd like to see that. And Ener can tell when he's trying something shifty like that. Hey, he can tell when someone is bad-mouthing him on the other side of his island. To which he responds with a gigantic pillar of electricity.
Goku even said it in GT.

Goku is too fast to be hit by the goddess. Or he`ll use the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. Frieza and Vegeta were trying to get the Dragon Balls to do this. But Goku stopped them.

I don`t know why Goku didn`t wish for this. Go ask the creator.
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