Why that username?

Well, pix is for pixels since I like pixel art stuff...
Moon seemed to just fit in so that is how it came to be.
My name is Darkrai's nightmare because I have a group at school with 4 of my friends. We are always competing to see who is king and who wasn't. I was always second place, my friend Riley was always beating me with his Dialga (later on I found out he was secretly using the action replay, even though nobody else in the group was). When Darkrai was first announced, it was love at first sight, figurativley speaking. I went to the event to get it and I trained it non-stop secretly. All of my other friends were to lazy to go the event, and they did not really care about Darkrai. For some strange reason, they did not like him. Anyways, on our trip to Astrocamp, I challenged Riley with my new Darkrai as my secret weapon. I won fast, it was easy with a Darkrai that knows Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Roar of Time, and Spacial Rend. I became king and I stayed king for the rest of the year. My friend called battling me a nightmare, and there we go, Darkrai's Nightmare (since I was called a nightmare due to my Darkrai). Also because Darkrai inflicts nightmares.
Hahahaha, some of these descriptions are hilarious.

I originally was Dudeman1993. I was always combing the words "dude" and "man" when talking to my friends, so I was like, "Hey, 'Dudeman' has a ring to it." I kept the username for everything: Beach, email, Neopets, etc. (I quit Neopets, calm down. XD) Then, I pitched the name because it was cliche, IMO. It sounded weird with the 1993 at the end, which is my birthyear.

I loved Espeon. She's cute, I like her, most of her PTCG artwork is amazing and she "ROX." I'm sure you can guess what happens here.
8's my lucky number and the Symbol for Infinity is a sideways 8.

as for Fang, well It sounds cool and adding the X at the end made it even snazzier :]

I kinda just thought it up and it stuck =P
My name came because Piplup was my strater and then as many trainer my pokemon evolved but at the time i changed pokemon so often just my trusted empoleon,staraptor, roserade, pachirisu where there always in my team so when i challenged the elite four it was down to empoleon and garchomp, and the only attack that could defeat him was hydro pump and even when he was a little slower than garchomp my empoleon still got to defeat him.Ever since he was my favorite pokemon
In platinum he was also the first pokemon that reached the Lv 100 under my care.
So Empoleon(favorite pokemon) and #1 for me, and first to reach level100
uhhh idk where i came up with this fraggy stupid name :S

But in most sites, my user name is be0ez
and simply i put two words together: "be" and "easy"
which simply meaning to stay cool :B
lol, creepy indeed, but a bit hysterical at the same time that you guy's choose similar name's of similar pokemon. cya
My usernames are usually those of my Fake Pokemon, Incinermyn being one of them (a pyrokinetic weasel). Apollo the Incinermyn, though, is actually one that appears my fanfic Feral Twilight as my main character's starter Pokemon.
Radar is a nickname I acquired during college, and El let's people know I have some working knowledge of Spanish (also lets them know I am male).
when i was 15 i was into sonic games.... during that time i started drawing my own characters.... my 1st was a character called "Swift The Fox" why? because foxes are my favorite animals and i needed a name that was a word for speed or power, like Sonic, Knuckles, or Miles Prower (a play on Miles per Hour). Later i made a youtube account with the same name, when i was 15 hence the 15. and the rest is history