Will sp pokemon take over?

Will sp pokemon take over?

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Just went to States. Top ranks were full of SPs. My friend Pablo ran SP, but with a little twist. I think he got in the Finals.
Yeah, I just got finished reading your report.

However, what we do have to keep in mind is that is only your metagame. We have to wait and see what other States reports say about SP decks.
Sp decks will probably be huge in seniors beacuse the cards are not as hard to get (not including dialga g lv.x). If I keep seeing this then I will prob tech a cress x into my dusk deck.
In my meta game, people are trying to combine SP with other tier 1. It actually does well, since there is no exact counter of it.
scarry. I just wonder it will take over all states. The scary part is they are taking over now and they dont even have half of the good sp cards.
PokeKid Brandon said:
scarry. I just wonder it will take over all states. The scary part is they are taking over now and they don't even have half of the good sp cards.

most don't even run dialga G X
I dont think that everybody in seniors will have enough trade bait to get him and I dont think that they are willing to Drop $30 bucks on him.
Well if people begin to tech in mewtwo lv x and face an SP-deck
it would depend who can set up either dialga G lv x or mewtwo lv x first
Ugh, Mewtwo doesn't work. There was a noob that was running Dusknoir/Mewtwo/Giratina/Sceptile. The guy got his only win against a Regigigas deck. And besides that, it can be countered too easily.
and I traded my Mewtwo Lv.X for a bunch of freaking normal cards I was desperate for.

I feel like an effing person.
I don't think It was so hard.I could kill a Mewtwo LV.X with Crobat G and Skuntank G.