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  1. M

    (1) HGSS Commercial [7/3]

    I absolutely adore the scenery. The quality of the graphics is incredible. I absolutely must have this game now. I agree that the place with lava must be the Blackthorn gym. The Ecruteak gym looks absolutely perfect for a Ghost type gym. The seasonal trees are beautiful. The whole game...
  2. M

    (1) Explorers of Sky Release Date [7/3]

    Cool, October 1st is a nice release date. I, being Pokemon obsessed, will probably get the game. I like the new possible starters, which is one of the reasons I might get the game. The special missions are pretty nice looking, too. I can't wait to see the new advertisement. I wonder what...
  3. M

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the sixth round (yppy) :( 1...
  4. M

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the sixth round (yppy) 44...
  5. M

    (2) HGSS Release Date, Advent of Arceus Theme Deck Commercial [6/25-6/26]

    Woohoo, a confirmed release date! That means that the official countdown had begun. I'm so excited to find out about all of the new features of the game. It seems like it will be a must-buy.
  6. M

    (2) New HGSS Images, New Arceus Cards [6/15]

    Something I just noticed is that a cloud is convenietly covering the place where the Battle Tower used to be next to Olivine. That seems like it could be on purpose, just to keep us fans guessing.
  7. M

    (2) New HGSS Images, New Arceus Cards [6/15]

    Wow, I adore the image of Ecruteak. It seems poetically beautiful, with the golden leaves fluttering about and the sun shining off the icy mountain. The gym in it is cool, too. I hope at least one of the new places is a Battle Frontier. Has that desert behind Ecruteak always been there?
  8. M

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans and Info [6/12]

    The ability for any Pokemon to be able to follow the player around is incredible! The possibilities just seem endless, with nearly 500 Pokemon and all. Seeing Wailord following me around would make my day completely. I don't really like the newer Team Rocket Grunt designs, since the girls...
  9. M

    (1) Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza in HeartGold and SoulSilver [6/10]

    I hope that, if there is a new Battle Frontier, then it will be less haxy than Platinum's. That was really annoying. I wonder what new facilities they can create? The Battle Garden? Putting Kyogre in Heart Gold and Groudon in Soul Silver seems a little bizzare. I have to wonder why they...
  10. M

    (1) New 12th Movie Poster [5/28]

    I hope Sheena doesn't die, but she is in "the light," and, as everyone knows, "the light" is what people see at death. Unless, of course, the light is just a light. We'll see... And no Brock. The poor guy.
  11. M

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fifth round (yppy) You are evil. 1...
  12. M

    Is This Ridculous or What?

    ^ Does that mean that one can walk around on a Saturday with an ice cream come in his/her pocket?
  13. M

    (2) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

    I wonder, will Heart Gold and Soul Silver have the Battle Frontier?
  14. M

    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh added. I decided to switch back to Mew, Xous. Thanks!
  15. M

    (3) Major 12th Movie Spoilers, Porygon-Z G Japan Gym Challenge Promo, Third Part of Arceus Movie Sum

    ^His name was Brandon. Why do so many characters have Legends? Aren't they supposed to be rare, and next to impossible to catch? I want Heatran to rebel against Gishin. I don't think the movie's villain deserves an awesome Pokemon like Heatran.
  16. M

    Writing Kronar Meets a Girl-A Short Story based on a very made up story

    Wow, Pepper has very wild, yellow hair. Kronar must have peculiar tastes. Oh, and by the way...this was absolutely hilarious! The whole Chapturo/Taco Bell thing was very funny. Great job!
  17. M

    Finished Rate My Usertitle (You-Person-Person-You)

    6/10. Amusing and confusing.
  18. M

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fourth round (yppy) Shouldn't we be on 4? Anyway, 3.
  19. M

    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh added. The Raikou avatar is awesome. It seems very aloof and powerful. If you don't mind, Xous, I'll be using it. Great job with the main banner!!
  20. M

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)
