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  1. P

    DylanTheVillan's Top 32 Masters Regional's Report! "Tyrogue the MVP"

    Nice job on that. Tyrouge really is a beast. I'm pretty sure that at Worlds, the top two players in masters or seniors won because of Tyrouge.
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Megazone)

    Thanks. Now I see why Pachi is so good in this deck.
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    MegaJump: Yanmega, Jumpluff

    **Bump** Anyone?
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    Megazone (Yanmega/Megazone)

    I have a question about this deck. I know Pachi can attatch energy to only itself. Do you attack with him, or do you have a way to move energy to Magnezone, or am I just plain missing something? The way I usually see is with Shaymin, but tnere isn't one in your list.
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    Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'm just overly concerned with things getting stuck in my prize cards. I once had a game where all 3 of my Jumpluff plus two Cinccino were in my prize cards. But I don't see too much point in Mr. Mime. You might take that out for a junk arm or cheren of something...
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    vileplume/vaniluxxe/victini with Mew engine

    Personally, I would take out atleast 1 psychic energy and one water for 2 rainbow. Iwould also take out Fisherman or FSL. You usually don't need both. Then add in a PONT, Judge, or something like that. Hope I helped.
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    MegaJump: Yanmega, Jumpluff

    As my favorite pokemon are jumpluff and pichu, I built a deck for them. pokemon 19 3-1-2 Jumpluff 3-3 Cinccino 3-3 Yanmega Prime 1 Pichu Trainers 33 4 pokemon communication 4 Elm's training method 4 copycat 4 pluspower 4 pokemon collector 3 judge 2 rare candy 2 flowershop lady 1...
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    Dark Flare (HGSS-On) (needs main pokemon in deck title)

    RE: Dark Flare (HGSS-On) Wow!!! This deck is cool and the list is nearly perfect. Just as a personal preference, I would add in two Interviewer's questions. Anyway, Good job.
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    [Cobaops] Cobalion/Fossil LOCK

    What is the strategy of this deck? It looks like you want to get out Archeops to evo lock them. So if you rely on basics so much, then you should want at least 2 pokemon collector. I would probably take out a research record and a defender. Hope you will give this consideration.
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    Cobalion/Scizor - Metal Break (HGSS-NV)

    I would max out max potion and junk arm. It really will help you to stay alive. I would take out 1-2 pokemon collector (4 is a bit too much) and maybe a bianca and a skarmory. 1 thing to watch out for is Reshiram because it will own you.
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    I actually like your list. But it could hurt you if your slowpoke, slowking, or noctowl gets prized. You could strengthen their lines or add alph lithograph 4 to help.
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    Reshiram/Emboar/Ninetales for States

    I would max out rare candy and pokemon communication for consistency. I just don't know what to take out. I am also not sure that the nonability Emboar is worth it, but it is your choice.
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    YDZ (Yanmega, Donphan, Zoroark)

    I agree with Lostgar. A Blissey prime or two would be excellent. If you could fit it in. I also say you should take out two fighting energy for two DCE.