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  1. Barkjon

    State of States: An article on the upcoming meta.

    This is pure awesomness. Kudos, sir. I'll probably either play Sablelock or DialgaChomp - both some pretty strong plays. But I liked reading the lists and the analaysis on the decks. Pretty cool.
  2. Barkjon

    Giratina X?

    One idea i had with Giratina X is to use cards to disrupt your opponent's hand and make it so they have less cards (Weavile UD. Iniative, TRT) and either really disrupt them, or try to get invulnerabilty.
  3. Barkjon

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokéBeach? I go to PokeGym all the time (I'm an uber active poster there), so I said "heck, why not go to the beach"? So here I am.
  4. Barkjon

    What are you scared of?

    I'm scared of pointless threads like this. JK, not really. I'm afraid of spiders - not bad, but kinda. Everytime I think of spiders I get a weird feeling on my back that one is crawling up it. I'm kinda afraid of bees - not tons though. Ever since age 5 when I stepped on one barefoot...
  5. Barkjon

    Sablelock (Masters / States)

    Nice deck. I'm playing Sablelock w/ Blaze for States too, actually. I prefer Draggy over Pom, but that's just me. I'd take out the Krow G for another fire energy to reduce the likelihood of it being prized.
  6. Barkjon

    What cards should be banned in our current format?

    Sneasle UD. It's absolutely crazy man. cwutididthere? lolololol I so funny. Nah, it was only broken back in the NG days. But seriously now. None of the cards you mentioned there were really broken. The most broken card in this format is... well, there aren't any. Gust of WIN when it comes...
  7. Barkjon

    lock decks

    Sablelock is always good. IMO it's the best lock deck out here. Since one of it's major problems is damage output, a lot of people tech in 1-1, 2-2, or 2-1 Blaziken FB X for more damage and field control. Of course, Vilegar is always out there, and it is easily a lock deck.
  8. Barkjon

    PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 28 (Top16 UK Nats!)

    RE: PokemanDan's "PokeClass" Weekly WebShow YouTube Channel - Ep. 18 (Lost World!) Nice new episode. I really liked the one with the game that you did commentary on, you should do more of those in the future. Maybe do a deck analysis on Sablelock.
  9. Barkjon

    Machamp SF Counters

    ToxiTank + Lucario GL.
  10. Barkjon

    States Meta

    I'm gonna play Sablelock, as it has a pretty good LostGar matchup, great VileGar matchup, slightly good G-dos, and equal to pretty much everything else (except maybe LuxChomp...) Plus, it donks :P
  11. Barkjon

    The misplays thread

    Pretty much anytime I drop a Pokemon onto bench, and then realize I was an idiot to do that. It happens a lot.
  12. Barkjon

    Getting Energies to hand?

    Bronzong SF, Conductive Quarry, Burned Tower, Fisherman, Interviewer's Question, Energy Search, Cyrus's Conspiracy, Energy Restore.
  13. Barkjon

    Sableye. States Masters.

    You... need... Honchkrow. Trust me. Assuming the World of Lostness comes out in CoL, everyone with 500 bucks to spend on 4 Gengar Prime will play it. Honchkrow is an AMAZING counter to LostGar and Gyrados early game.
  14. Barkjon

    Sableye, or Spirtomb?

    Sableye for SP decks, obviously. You can also use it for S1 decks. Spiritomb for trainerlocking and s2 decks.
  15. Barkjon

    Anti Metagame?

    Yeah, HoPe is different for every person. It's hard to play, liek Sablelock hard...
  16. Barkjon

    Umbretar "Umbreon/Tyranitar" (Masters, Any)

    I'd try 4 Rare Candies, and maybe 2 BTS. Play only 2 Expert Belts, as you only need 3 in shuffledraw decks. Play 2 Seekers and no Mespirit. I'd also play 4-3-4 T-tar. Max out the 'tombs. Otherwise, looks pretty good.
  17. Barkjon

    Anti Metagame?

    ...HoPe... Anti-Sp is pretty much VileGar or other SP.
  18. Barkjon

    What do you play with Leafeon to make it successful

    ^ I said I've tried it, didn't say it was amazing, but it's an idea.
  19. Barkjon

    Dialga G X needed in LuxChomp?

    DGX is great in LuxChomp IF you have lots of VileGar in your metagame. You could also try Blaze in LuxChomp to counter VileGar and DialgaChomp.
  20. Barkjon

    Regigigas: Out of the grave (Updated for States)

    RE: Regigigas: Out of the grave Gigas is awesome. I'd just say play 4 Mespirit.