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  1. xldany

    Vilegar Senior State's

    Uxie x you dont need u use spiritomb for quik gengar and vileplume. than u attack with gengar.
  2. xldany

    Vilegar (Seniors) (States) Any positive opinion wanted

    RE: Vilegar Seniors getting ready for States -1 Spycic energy +1 unown Q
  3. xldany

    LuxChomp Seniors States

    -1 expert belt -1 dark energy +1 Weavile G (For vs Lostgar) +1 Rainbow (For take pokemon) The weavile G is free retreat and is a Call for SP pokemon. U take the sp pokemons than your deck got not pokemon left. Rainbow use for orther pokemons. if u dont need the dark u got no orther...
  4. xldany

    Vilegar Senior State's

    Pokemon: 4-3-2-1(Gengar with curse)-1 Gengar 2-2-2 Vileplume 4 Spiritomb 2 Uxie 1 Azelf 2 Unown Q S/T/S 4 BTS 2 Seeker 3 Copycat 4 pokemon Collector 4 bebe's search 4 looker's investigation Energy: 2 rescue energy 2 warp energy 3 call energy 6{P} Stategie: start with...
  5. xldany

    luxchomp Senior cc

    i want tips for my luxchomp. can u help my? decklist: Pokemon: 2-1 luxray gl X (No 2d luxray gl x) 2-2 Garchomp C X 1-1 Dialga G X 1 promocroack 1 Bronzong G 1 Crobat G 1 Dragonite FB 1 Lucario GL 2-1 Uxie X 1 Azelf 1 Unown Q Supporters/trainers/staduim 2 energy exchanger 2 premier ball 2...
  6. xldany

    sablelock (Senior) Battle Roads

  7. xldany

    Garllade (Garchomp//Gallade 4): Masters: Battle Roads

    2- champions room 1+ Dragonnite FB 1+ Warp energie dragonnite FB use the att for 80 dmg to Sp Pokemons warp energie retreat dragonnite FB _________ Sablelock
  8. xldany

    VileGar Legend ( Battle Road - Masters Division )

    2 Cyrus Iniciative _________ Sablelock
  9. xldany

    Rampardos rogue city's Seniors

    RE: Rampardos rogue BR's Seniors you can use collector for take uxie and uxie use for pick fossil's. ________ Sablelock
  10. xldany

    luxchomp(senior br)

    1- call 1+ pokemon communication you dont need more call energy's and with pokemon communication you can take quik luxray X ore Garchomp X ____________ Sablelock
  11. xldany

    Decks-kingdra & Donphan (seniors BR)

    Ok i have see you deck and i think 1- Uxie 1+ Uxie X
  12. xldany

    Sablelock, Chenlock, and Smearlock! (Each of them -> Seniors, Any Event)

    RE: Battle Roads-Seniors*~SableLock!~*~Sableye, Honchkrow G, and Garchomp C!~* Ahh Ok I Soo think hmm xD Ok Byee. _________ Sablelock
  13. xldany

    Rampardos rogue city's Seniors

    RE: Rampardos rogue BR's Seniors lol you miss set the sets Name's But. Use uxie 2-1 or 3-1 ___________ Sablelock [hr] 1- dusk ball 1- deffender 2+ Pokemon collector For take your basics. ___________ Sablelock
  14. xldany

    Jumpluff Master Division BR

    use 2-1 uxie and i think 1-1 luxray G ___________ Sablelock[hr] remove the VS Seekers.
  15. xldany

    Uxie Donk Revised(Masters-Battle Road)

    RE: Uxie Donk(Masters-Battle Road) i think use Mr.Mine for the poke body your opponent need 3 energie's ore more for attcking then u use a unown Q for retreat Mr Mine then use uxie for a donk. ____________ Sablelock
  16. xldany

    sablelock (Senior) Battle Roads

    If You think its clear? post here.
  17. xldany

    Jumpluff (Battle Roads Masters)

    1- flower shop lady 1- palmer 1+ pokemon communication 1+ Bebe's seach For a super quik jumpluff start ____________ Sablelock
  18. xldany

    Decks-kingdra & Donphan (seniors BR)

    Yes yes Its good deck. the deck is good vs luxchomp,flygon,dialgachomp Its good deck:) _____________ Sablelock
  19. xldany

    garchomp sv, seniors maybe brs

    1- VS Seeker 1- Cynthia's feelings 1- premier ball 1+ rare candy 2+ Pokemon rescue rare candy for quik garchomp. Pokemon rescue for pick back garchomp. _____________ SableLock
  20. xldany

    sablelock (Senior) Battle Roads

    Ahh Ok thank you for tell the dragonite FB. Dragonite FB is to slow i think so i need pick dragonite FB out my Deck? yes or no? Thank You.