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  1. D

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    The Pokemon Company were reported to be getting special attention with the 3DS dev kits as early as February 2010, if not earlier. They're definitely working on something on the 3DS, and that Kyurem signifies that is is Grey/Gray. But why announce it now? Third versions and remakes are always...
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    BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

    RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread Do you have a Pokemon with the move Sky Drop perchance?
  3. D

    BW/BW2 Unova Pokedex Missing Pokemon?!

    They're only using the ones they revealed on the BW site.
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    BW/BW2 What do you think the new pokemon are based off of

    ...Words fail me. It's obviously based off a ferret. Didn't the lack of a beak or feathers tip you off?
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    BW/BW2 What do you think the new pokemon are based off of

    This is straying from the point - we were debating whether Hihidaruma would have baboon as part of its english name or ape. As I said earlier, the english names don't always reflect something's origin, so it may well have baboon part of its name, whether it's based off one or not.
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    BW/BW2 If you could make B/W perfect, what would you do?

    Animated trainer sprites. It looks a bit odd that this completely still trainer sends out all these moving Pokemon.
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    BW/BW2 What do you think the new pokemon are based off of

    It probably isn't based specifically off either - anyway, english names don't always reflect the thing they are based on or even mention anything about them at all.
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    BW/BW2 What do you think the new pokemon are based off of

    It's name isn't specifically made of two words. For example, it also has 'hi' in its name because that's the word for fire.
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    BW/BW2 Pokemon's origins?

    We can't agree that it's 'hideous', as that is subjective and not factual. I don't think it looks ugly per se, just not very graceful looking. You might say that it looks dumpy (hur hur pun.) Anyway, Urgamoth seems to be based off the concept of Moths being attracted to light, or more...
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    BW/BW2 Pokemon Black And White Official Guide Book And Pokedex Announced!

    RE: Pokemon Black And White Guide Book And Pokedex Announced! Yay, can't wait! Should help me make a few team decisions xD
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    Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

    RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Sazandra, Kyurem, Arceus, Palkia, more added. Oh good its back! I'll be using the awesome Hiyappu avvie. The Yanappu one served me well xD
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    BW/BW2 Why some of the new pokemon looks like GIRLS ???

    RE: Why does the new pokemon looks like GIRLS ??? This is a completely ridiculous article. For a start, half of the Pokemon here aren't even from Gen V, yet this topic has been posted in the Black and White board. Furthermore, it says that the new Pokemon all look like girls. Well quite...
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    BW/BW2 Possible Bans

    Only Ubers are banned i.e. Pokemon with a base stat total above 600. Pseudos will probably be limited though.
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    BW/BW2 First Impression

    The Gen V Pokemon, IMO, are the best designed Pokemon. Those of you who say "they've run out of ideas so they're re-using old ones", the whole point of this gen is that it is a fresh start, not caring about re-using animals. Anyway, I prefer the replacements. Buffalon > Tauros. And, while...
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    (3) Live-Action Pokemon Movie?, BW Shipping, Isshu's Fighting-Type Legendary Trio Revealed; More Lea

    RE: (3) Live-Action Pokemon Movie?, BW Shipping, Isshu's Fighting-Type Legendary Trio Revealed; More Leaked Pokemon Info So unlikely, but it's be kind of cool if it was real. It's almost definitely fake. For instance, why does it only show gen I pokemon?
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    Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *Looking for programmer* *Region Map is Done!*

    RE: Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *New wave of Artwork!* I think it's a good sprite. My only criticisms are that the lines on the cape are too thick and that you need some lighter colours for the outlines, not just black.
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    Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *Looking for programmer* *Region Map is Done!*

    RE: Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *New wave of Artwork!* Added backgrounds Also, could I help with the 'dex entries? It sounds like a lot of fun!
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    Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *Looking for programmer* *Region Map is Done!*

    RE: Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *New wave of Artwork!* Ok. I believe I read before that it froze your computer, but could you please find a way to put all the spritework and art on the front page? Because I'm having to trawl through all the pages. EDIT: Done two of the sprites...
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    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Mr. Brocolli: Yanappu! [8/21]

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but I'll just post this image: :P
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    Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *Looking for programmer* *Region Map is Done!*

    RE: Pokemon Granite and Pokemon Cumulus *New wave of Artwork!* Sure. Do you want scratch sprites? I'm quite decent at them, although I don't have much experience. There's an example. Also I'll be glad to make up names. I'll also do some research for the names, so they don't end up...