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  1. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version sorry i have been gone what can i do?
  2. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version nvm my bro doesnt wanna join!
  3. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version ok sry my brother will join this weekend!
  4. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version i know MotorRotom Remember those are only two completely different pokemon[hr] I made one for the bug dragon pokemon here it is![hr] Hello, my brother is about to join i think he wants to b a namer!
  5. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version here is first attacks for Punchilla[hr] Here is Kingstrict[hr] Hope You Like Them! Got To GO!!!
  6. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version OK i cna do that![hr] i can* sorry
  7. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version I mean name the attacks not program them if thats ok?
  8. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version hi do you mind if i could make up attacks? Because, as i said in one of my first posts i am not good drawer
  9. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version hello again again... i am here to give you some pictures! Here they are:[hr] Here is another one![hr] and another one[hr] and this is what evolves them[hr] and something else that evolves them
  10. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version Hello i have a picture for you guys :) [hr] it didn't work[hr] hello again here are some pictures![hr] WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!!!!![hr] :( i am sad[hr] I just do not get it.[hr] let me try again i hope it works: [hr] i do not see the attatch file
  11. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version here i have a pic I can give you. __________________________ wait how do you post pics???
  12. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version how good do the drawings have to be? [hr] how did you get that awesome picture?
  13. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version hi sorry i couldn't update the pictures of my drawings i will in maybe an hour or so.
  14. IcyChezburger

    Electric+Water Deck. Help?

    ok thanks alot :)
  15. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Pokemon Battle on Post 1510* I don't have a conf. but going to brothers practice so i will be home around 1 or 1:30
  16. IcyChezburger

    Glaceon MD Partner?

    k thnx guys i will problably run evee
  17. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Pokemon Battle on Post 1510* He's right. I have two 2 stages, two 3 stages, and a single stage fakemon.[hr] I have made a name for the no name by Kr-Oh it's the cat tell me if we should use it it could be Antike?
  18. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Battle Animation on Post 1480* i will pm Ice Arceus tommorow with my evelution pic just for fun.
  19. IcyChezburger

    Electric+Water Deck. Help?

    how much water energy should i have?
  20. IcyChezburger

    Pokemon Ice Version

    RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Battle Animation on Post 1480* ok, thank you and you send me the pics?