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  1. Kt3kais

    Lucario CL Deck

    If you did want to use Noctowl, I would use the Dodrio from SV instead. Same power but free retreat cost.
  2. Kt3kais

    DarkGon (Flygon + Weavile + Umbreon)

    Ha. I just posted this deck without realizing you had this one up. I used 2-1-1 Slowking CoL/Prime. That way you get a little more draw power.
  3. Kt3kais

    Rainbow Road, Garchomp Spinda (any)

    If you don't mind SP pokemon, you could change it up a bit and use the Ambipom instead of spinda. Just move their energy to a useless pokemon. You can also hit pretty hard if they don't have energy. Just a thought.
  4. Kt3kais

    Lostgar for Nationals,Senior

    Omastar MD. Excellent against any evolution deck.
  5. Kt3kais

    scizor umbreon

    -4 Metal energy +4 Special Metal Energy -3 Dark +3 Special Dark -1 Bebe +1 Communication Black belt is all preference...I would take it out for another Pokemon Collector. Espeon and Umbreon Prime don't really fit. Umbreon UD is always a good stall. If you wanted an espeon you could always add...
  6. Kt3kais

    Magnezone/Raichu deck (states,juniors any)

    RE: Magnechu deck -3 Super Scoop Up -1 Twins -1 Raichu HGSS +1 Raichu Lv. X + 2 Seeker + 2 Warp Point Seekers are a little more consistent.
  7. Kt3kais

    HGSS+ Lostgar (Masters) URGENT

    RE: HGSS+ Lostgar (Masters) URGENT!! PLEASE HELP!! I like Mesprit. Since you're using seeker, you can have a great deal of control over the decks based on certain poke powers.
  8. Kt3kais

    Magnezone Lock

    Thanks for the help. I could cut the trainers and put in vileplume...That would make a very aggravating deck!
  9. Kt3kais


    I would add some draw power...2 more poke drawer, Uxie, Professor Oak's New Theory and even 2 or 3 engineer's adjustments to get energy into the discard. I would focus more on Kingdra, so max out Kingdras and Seadras and cut Octillery. 4 Junk Arm would help you get energies into the discard. You...
  10. Kt3kais

    Magnezone Lock

    Pokes 4 Magnemite 4 Magneton 1 Magnezone SF (Super Connectivity) 2 Magnezone SF (Magnetic Search) 1 Magnezone lv. x 2-2-2-Metagross LA 3 Spiritomb 2 Uxie 1 Azelf T/S/S 2 PONT 3 Collector 3 Communication 1 Luxury Ball 3 BTS 4 Drawer + 2 Conductive Quarry 4 Super Scoop 1...
  11. Kt3kais


    So the Blaziken don't make a good bench combo? that's 40 extra damage plus a burn every turn.
  12. Kt3kais


    Pokes 3 Gligar LA 2 Gliscor LA 1 Gliscor UD 1 Gliscor Lv. X 2 Toxicroak G 2 Torchic PL 1 Combusken PL 2 Blaziken PL 1 Blaziken FB 1 Blazkien FB Lv. X 2 Uxie 1 Azelf 4 Unown R 2 Unown Q 1 Crobat G T/S/S 3 PONT 3 Collectors 3 Conspiracy 4 Scoops 4 Turns 3 Communications 2...
  13. Kt3kais

    Mew Prime & Gyarados

    With Garchomp Lv X. from MD, you could use him via Mew to bring Gyarados back from the discard and onto the bench. The Garchomp only takes up one space in the deck and the Gyarados can attack for 120 (140 with E.B.) on turn 3. If needed, you could use mew as Gyarados to finish up.