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  1. Regirocket

    Thanks! :3 It was a really good day and I had a lot of fun. Even got a new TV from my parents!

    Thanks! :3 It was a really good day and I had a lot of fun. Even got a new TV from my parents!
  2. Regirocket


    RE: ReshiBoar 2.0 Pretty much any deck should use super rod, barring some very odd exceptions. Super rod is just too good at keeping you in the game, since you may (and at some point most definitely will) have to discard either some key energies or key pokemon, and super rod lets you throw both...
  3. Regirocket

    (1) New Xerneas/Yveltal Half Deck Cards + Chesnaught-EX Promo [1/14]

    Interesting leaked cards! I'm really digging all the fairy support we're seeing, making me think it'll be a strong archetype once it comes out. The new stadium cards are fantastic, and seem splashable, to some extent. The biggest surprise for me is Chesnaught EX, which I was expecting to be...
  4. Regirocket

    Mblastoise / Greninja = Heavy metal deck

    How was I forgetting that Blastoise EX has good attacks? I was talking about Mega Blastoise EX being too heavy in this deck. Plain old Blastoise EX is fantastic, and should probably be the center-piece of this deck. That's why I suggested not using the Mega version so much. It'll slow you down...
  5. Regirocket

    Mblastoise / Greninja = Heavy metal deck

    RE: Mblastoise/greninja = Heavy metal deck I'm not sure about running 3 Mblastoise EX, as when you play one, your turn ends, and if you get to a point where you are able to play all three, you wouldn't want to anyways, since that's 3 turns of damage gone. Yes I can see where Greninja can absorb...
  6. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    Yes, using Genesect for Red Signal. I probably should have said something about that. Good point though, Might not need them in the first place. Could be interesting for pulling up and stalling, but going with actual catchers and the coin flip might be worth it if that's all they're for.
  7. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    So, another thought to throw at the wall: Genesect EX w/ Plasmas in Greninja/Kingdra? It certainly has the time for the attachments to Genesect, considering one energy in play is actually all you need to start doing damage with Kingdra. Question is, is there enough space? By attempting to run...
  8. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    I appreciate the Cradily reference. I wrote a long post on it somewhere in the competitive play forum here. I wanna tell you right now, before this goes further, Cradily just isn't ever going to be fast enough, consistent enough, or powerful enough to make up for the 2, 3, or sometimes 4 turns...
  9. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    There was ReshiBoar, then there was ZekEels, and soon, we will have KyuNinja. I hope this deck pans out well. I don't want it to get stuck in the theory pool.
  10. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    Good enough explanation for me. I just wanted to find some use for the old NVI Kyurem who seems to have gotten no competitive use ever.
  11. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    Glaciate Kyurem or Frost Spear Kyurem? Both could work, but I like glaciate in this case since it swings at everything, assuming they're playing a heavy board. Is this turning into a thing now? I want this to become a thing.
  12. Regirocket

    Greninja Discussion

    Greninja could potentially be used with Kyurem EX from PLB or Mewtwo EX, to give it some attackers, while your ninjas sit on the bench and dole out a butt-ton of damage every turn. A few DCEs and some Candies, and this deck could be sitting pretty with Empoleon as top Rogue decks. I was thinking...
  13. Regirocket

    Maybe a Blastoise / Darkrai EX deck?

    If you are interested in Darkrai builds, a good place to start is in the metagame deck discussion board. From there you can branch out, after you already have a solid list.
  14. Regirocket

    Maybe a Blastoise / Darkrai EX deck?

    That's what forums like this are for though! :b when you just can't seem to figure out a different play, asking other people is a great way to reach out and broaden your horizons. We're more than willing to help, we just need a direction to head in first.
  15. Regirocket

    Ground and Pound

    I like Terrakion Ex, always have, so I'm drawn to this deck. Based on my own experience with the cards you have here, I have a few suggestions. I don't really see the point of the DCEs in this deck, as you can drop energies all day once you get Terrakion EX set up. Yes they can be used on...
  16. Regirocket

    Maybe a Blastoise / Darkrai EX deck?

    But you said you won't be running Juniper, because you don't like having a big discard pile, which means that you won't have the energy in the discard to accelerate, ALONG with the trainers to give you the acceleration. The key with Darkrai is that you need your discard pile to be full of...
  17. Regirocket

    Darkrai EX / Yvetal EX

    I agree that Mewtwo isn't as good right off the bat as Yveltal, but the two of them together are reeeeeally good. Yveltal loads up a ton of energy by typical means, then you start slamming and when the time is right, use it's second attack, and start moving energies off of it and onto mewtwo. It...
  18. Regirocket

    Virizion EX / Genesect EX

    Not sure if it's the same player or not, but one of the players at my LGS took V / G with 3 deoxys to regionals and took 32nd. I've been playing a similar list, and it works like a dream. With even one Deoxys (assuming badge), Virizion and Genesect combo off and get some big kills fast. Also...
  19. Regirocket

    How to Build a Cradily Deck (Future-Cast)

    The reasons I went with Virizion over Shaymin are that it has the big HP, and gives immunity to lasers. The problem with Shaymin is going up against something like TDK, you don't want that donk.
  20. Regirocket

    Virizion EX / Genesect EX

    Using a couple copies of badge however can be useful, and having them can allow you to fully justify having 2 or 3 copies of Deoxys. Megalo Cannon is a good attack, that gets overlooked because people see G-booster and put their blinders on. MC hits hard, and even that 20 bench shot adds up over...