(1) Honedge's Evolution Revealed [9/25]

Sheriff_K said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
If it has a third stage, perhaps it will have a red coloration. Blue > Purple/Magenta > Red seems like a logical sequence.

But I like the purple myself. If it stops here, I'd be fine with that.

It's not purple though, it's pink! I for one would love it if it becomes Lavender, my favorite color... :p

The fringe is pink, yes, but the main ribbon is purple.

One of my favorite shades of purple, if I might say. I have quite a few items in that same shade -w-
I wonder if the shiny version of Doublade would be a darker tone. I'm not terribly excited of this evolution, but the more new pokemon the merrier!
Sheriff_K said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
If it has a third stage, perhaps it will have a red coloration. Blue > Purple/Magenta > Red seems like a logical sequence.

But I like the purple myself. If it stops here, I'd be fine with that.

It's not purple though, it's pink(honestly, it reminds me of Gogurt.. >_<)! I for one would love it if it becomes Lavender, my favorite color... :p

DNA said:
Doublade is pink?
Ghost/Fairy typing confirmed.

It will join the other pink Pokemon in the ranks of manliness.

Kitana Coldfire said:
Sheriff_K said:
It's not purple though, it's pink! I for one would love it if it becomes Lavender, my favorite color... :p

The fringe is pink, yes, but the main ribbon is purple.

One of my favorite shades of purple, if I might say. I have quite a few items in that same shade -w-

Frezgle said:
Re: "It's purple!" "No, it's pink!!"

It's both. Shoosh.

It is all pink... Example can be found in my last post. compare the real colour (pink) to my purple recolour...

Last posted by mikes-ocean-sun:

"I like the design except for the pink colour! I would rather see it in maybe a royal purple like in the example I put together below."

Well... that was unexpected. And quite amusing, to say the least.
The design is as good as always, and I think if there is a pokemon that is justified in doubling after evolution, this is it. Now, three swords? four swords? that's silly.
It will either stay as a two stage line, or get a third stage that adds a shield behind, making a coat of arms, or maybe the honedges grow and become broadswords.
And to those complaining about the color, As kitana said, the purple coloring might be that way as a middle point towards a red evolution (and just look how good it looks in red), or, and get this, they might have wanted to change more of honedge, because if it stayed blue, people would complain about lack of changes or uncreativity... crazy, right? like people say that a lo... oh, wait.
The question is, is this reveal incidental, or is GF trying to give us a hint here? Most of the pokemon we've seen leaked have been rather exceptional in some way (i.e. megas, starter evos, or other pokemon that display some kind of new mechanic being launched in X and Y). On the surface, Honedge itself was also kind of special, because if I'm not mistaken, its typing is unique. Then why reveal Doublade to us? And why now? Could these be the first two pokemon in Kalos' pseudo-legendary line?

Also, if I may chime in on the pronounciation of "Doublade", adherance to strict, phonetic English pronounciation would mean it's pronounced "Duh-blade". However, given the fact that France is an inspiration for the region, I wouldn't be surprised if it end up being " Doo-blade", in reference to the French term "doublé".
mikes-ocean-sun said:

My favorite out of these designs is the red. I read earlier someone's speculation that going from blue to purple could indicate it'll go to red with the 3rd possible evolution, but like I said, merely speculation.
Oh for goodness sakes, are we really going to break this thread down into a color argument?

There is more than one shade of purple, just as there is more than one shade of pink. The ribbon itself is closer to purple than it is pink, whereas the eyes and fringe are more pink. Everyone is right.
It's ok to me. The color seems off though. NOT THAT I DON'T LIKE THAT COLOR. I think it's a great color. Just seems rather random and out of place here. Maybe too drastic of a pallet switch. It makes them almost seem like the two pokes are counterparts instead of the same line.
I would love to see Doublade hanging on a back of a cool Ninja Trainer in the anime or the game
I really like that Pokemon but I don't want it to evolve . It is just fine as it is
Eevee what is your problem with the color pink? first the fairy cards were too magenta and now the swords are too pink.
Still going to wait for Honedge to redeem itself with a suit of armor evolution in the final stage.

four swords? that's silly.
...oh, the flashbacks. So many fights broke out over that multiplayer.
Wow. words cannot describe how disappointed I am with this. I would've preferred pretty much any other Pokémon but this. What a let down.

I mean, I just am not a fan of Doublade's design. I know that there are Pokémon like Dugtrio and Magneton that add extra of the pre-evolution and those are fine. I actually really like them. But for some reason, this really pisses me off. However, I will most likely change my opinion slightly when I see more in-game screens.
I find it unlikely that it would be the pseudo-legend of the region, if for no other reason than its gimmick is basically the same as Hydreigon's.
It's about time we got another Dugtrio or Magneton. Am I the only one who always thought it was really cool when an evolved pokemon is just more of the same pokemon?

Still, Honedge looked pretty cool by itself and very slightly awkward with two hilts stuck together.
Blob55 said:
I keep on thinking Honedge's name is said "Hone-hedge", which reminds me of Stonehenge.
So is it said like Hon(hun)-edge, or Hone-dge?

For Doublade I'm guessing is Doo-blade, because Dub-lade sounds dumber.

There's two ways it could go:

(Hone: sharpen with a whetstone, rhymes with bone)


(On pronunciation coming from honor)
howelllawson said:
Blob55 said:
I keep on thinking Honedge's name is said "Hone-hedge", which reminds me of Stonehenge.
So is it said like Hon(hun)-edge, or Hone-dge?

For Doublade I'm guessing is Doo-blade, because Dub-lade sounds dumber.

There's two ways it could go:

(Hone: sharpen with a whetstone, rhymes with bone)


(On pronunciation coming from honor)

I'm pretty sure it's Hone-edge.
This is pretty much where I expected Honedge to go. It seems Game Freak is perfectly content with evolutions like these (not that there was any reason to think they weren't, with the gears last Generation) so this is a trend that will likely never end in the franchise.

I do like it, though. If its stats are nice and it's not too hard to obtain, maybe I'll use it. I've got some ideas for where a final stage could go (looking at a sketch I made right in front of me, actually) but perhaps this is where the line will end. We'll know in a little while. :0
It might be a bit of a lackluster reveal to some people, but I still kind of like it. At first I was just "meh", but it's grown on me a bit. I hope a third evolution would be a bit bigger and bulkier looking then.

And just think, if you find this reveal lacking, it just means the best ones are still to come.