(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Redneck said:
All right, that's illegal. >_>

On a lighter note, and more on topic, the plant owl thing creeps me out and reminds me of some baddies from Pikmin XD

What do you think the ability Sand Throw does? At first I assumed it like sand attack and maybe sand veil, but I don't understand. Sand Power makes some sense, but I desperately hope Mogoryuu's evo has a second typing. Just ground is boring :eek:

If its illegel why does everyone do it then lol trust i know A LOT of people who did that for HG/SS so ok... I just dont have the money and im not going to stress over getting it. :p

EDIT: Im definatly buying the english verson im just going to try it out like i did HG and then get bored and just wait for the English in anticipation

blastoise91 said:
If its illegel why does everyone do it then lol trust i know A LOT of people who did that for HG/SS so ok... I just don't have the money and im not going to stress over getting it. :p

EDIT: Im definatly buying the english verson im just going to try it out like i did HG and then get bored and just wait for the English in anticipation


Killing people is illegal but a lot of people doing it.
aaroncsmall2 said:
he said since a lot of people download roms and play them its not illegal and gave him an example
oh sorry :p prolly should read the entire discussion >.<
OH ,C'mmon when will these scans leak.I just woked up and nothing new.And for the pic I think it's fake.
But I don't understand something.So them of 2ch have the leaks and don't want to post it or they don't have it and spread fake scans.
Still no new scans ><

I think i get a plane to Japan get a copy of CoroCoro and Scan them myselfXD it be faster than waiting for them here How hard is it really come on 2Ch hurry up!!!!!
Tangrowth said:
In Generation 1, Psychic types ruled. By Gen 3 and 4, Dragon had taken over.
Looks like Gamefreak is revitalising the Psychic type in Gen 5.
Anyways, I love all the new Pokemon and I can't wait for the Sugimori art of Plantowl.
But why no more news on Denchura, Ononokusu etc.?

-__- I really hope there's much more new information to be discovered in the August CoroCoro. I don't understand why we haven't technically gotten any new Pokemon for it yet >_>

*Begs for Desukan and Denchura KS artwork...*
aaroncsmall2 said:
he said since a lot of people download roms and play them its not illegal and gave him an example

I DID NOT say that, now your putting words in my mouth i said a lot of people do and thats it.

I really, REALLY hope this isn't it for the "master document." I'm glad to know the names of a few Pokémon and that Dento is a Gym Leader, but other than that these leaks have done nothing so far. :(

I think Mamambo is a Luvdisc evolution. It's too similar to not be. True, there have been similar Pokémon released in that past that had nothing to do with the previously known one, but aren't those usually popular Pokémon? Like Emonga and Pachirisu. They're similar, but I don't think they're related. Pachirisu is just popular, even if it is from being a clone itself and the fact a main character in the anime has one. But I don't think Luvdisc is a well liked Pokémon, so why would they create a clone of it? Besides, Luvdisc could use an evolution.

I doubt Swana is the final evolution of Mamepato. Mamepato just doesn't look like it would become a swan. Is it possible "pigeon heart" could mean something else? Like, "pigeon" could be translated into another word, or is there a term "pigeon heart" in Japan? It might have more to do with just that type of bird. Swana doesn't seem to me like a Pokémon that will evolve to or from something, at least not yet. If it does evolve from something, I'd really like it to be an ugly duckling Pokémon. :p

Also, no Denchura artwork?!? *anger*
So.... Master Document? The fat Racoon Pokemon looks cool but i think it's fake.

aaroncsmall2 said:
New Pokemon?:


It looks crazy and I love it. Fat Blue Flower Raccoon!

This thing ftw! I hope it is Team Plasma's signature pokemon!

Drakeman said:
So.... Master Document? The fat Racoon Pokemon looks cool but i think it's fake.
blastoise91 said:

This thing ftw! I hope it is Team Plasma's signature pokemon!


People are guessing that thing is fake because the image in the upper corner is just a flipped/mirrored version of this picture:http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/plasmamunna.jpg

I still think there is a SLIGHT chance of it being real, but as of now people think it is fake.

Edit: BTW i got all the info on PokeJungle and they got their info from another source.
Shimama-man said:
I may join you.
(Not physically, obviously. I mean I might sleep soon :D)
Offtopic: Lol i laughed so hard at this, good one. I have no friends that actually play Pokemon so i can't trade and also i don't build my teams to make them extra strong i just put Pokemon on my team that i like. Timeshift said self facepalm you face pal other people? Ontopic: Went to bed at 12:00 got up at 8:00 went to school at 8:20 came home at 1:30 and nothing new except secret snow places i give up. I don't think that fat cat(lol puns) is real Also i do want more scans though.