(2) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

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RE: (1) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

Holy Spacegoat! O _ O

As many Arceus as you want in a deck? This is creepy.
RE: (1) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

FireMeowth said:
No. Crystal was the best of the three, introducing the ingenious Suicune-maniac (HI, EUSINE~) and the whole Suicune-plot in general. My favorite part of the 2nd Generation by far. Especially since Eusine had awesome theme music!

I had only Crystal so I can't really say "Crystal is my favorite of the three" because I haven't played the rest!
But I sure loved Kris ♥ Kriskriskriskris ..

But aaaah I'm hyping here *_* I've been waiting for thisss.
(Though now I just know when the waiting stops.)
RE: (1) HEART GOLD AND SOUL SILVER: GS REMAKES CONFIRMED!!; Advent of Arceus [5/7 - 5/8]

yes! after posting the 1st ever video on youtube about them 2 summers ago.. it's all coming to an end. THANK YOU NINTENDO!

I am so getting SoulSilver and starting with Cyndaquil. I loved Silver, it's probably my favourite Pokémon game. I love the cards from Pt4 too, I can't wait for more information on that and blanks from RI.
Arceus is awesome. It's eevee-esque with the whole type coverage thing.. unless they all have to evolve into colourless Lv X's lol.

But wow, one attack assumes 6 different typed Arceus in play... that's a bit extreme! Not saying it won't work, just... different! =)
Oh man, this is so sweet. Heart Gold. I'm so ecstatic, and this is so amazing for me, I'm checking all the calendars in my house to make sure it's not the beginning of April again. I can't wait until Saturday when Pokemon Sunday details are released. I want to see the new graphics and whatever new game play is getting introduced. I just kinda hope it comes out after Christmas. Otherwise, I might not have the $$ to buy the game :p.
HeartGold? Sounds like Team Heart might be in this game :D

But in all seriousness, this is the day we have all been waiting for. I give a special thanks to Nintendo for finally going through with this.

Wow. Is it just me, or does Arceus already seem weak? Those Lv.X better be powerful, because if they are not, then, well, Arceus will just be trade-fodder for n00bs.
Finally. They have been announced.


About the Arceus cards...they're awesome. I don't care if they suck, they're awesome. I can definately see Arceus being played.
AWESOME! gold and silver are the best pokemon games ever besides the graphics. although the arceus cards excluding the normal one are pretty bad.
Yeah...AWESOMEEEEEEEE! I'll definetly get the SOUL!Silver one ^_^

@ Arceus. They're broken...
I mean, you can play as many Arceus' as you like. The normal type one just give you 6! energies...and there will be some more Arceus' including the Lv.Xs...
i just restarted gold and i am stumped is it daylight savings time? also what starter should i pick besides cyntiquil and where do you catch pichu?
Soul Seeker said:
I mean, you can play as many Arceus' as you like. The normal type one just give you 6! energies...and there will be some more Arceus' including the Lv.Xs...

Pretty bizare. You could run a deck with so many arceus you don't even need trainers. Those card are going to be godlike. Literally.

The part that sucks is that they can just buy a set in Japan. We will have to buy a box or two of cards to get a whole set.
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