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Cooro's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some PT cards and Old EXs. -[W]- PT Rares

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RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some LA cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Oh, if I did sorry, but it was not my intention. :(
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some LA cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Ok, I will let you know what I get.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some LA cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

@Dudeman; It's fine. I misinterpret alot of things after a long day.

@SOTH; Okie. Thank you.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some LA cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Bump Two and Updated with Stormfront
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Bump 3~!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

CML for:

Blissey - MT HOLO
Jumpluff - SW HOLO x2

LMK. Thanks!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Sorry, didn't see anything other than Leafeon LV X, which is a totally uneven trade.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

hi, please cml for rh scizor SF
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Er, it's pending with someone else. Unless you have SF cards for trade, I'll have to turn you down, sorry.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- Gliscor LV X, Cynthia's Feelings

Bump 1~
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

Bump 2
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

If you buy cards, i have in JPN: mewtwo lv x, garchomp lv x, and porygon z lv x
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

I don't buy, and I don't need any of those.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. !Shining Mewtwo! Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

Bump 1.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

CML for x3 RH Eevee (#63), and x2 RH Quick Ball MD.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

I also have a bunch of Leafeon #7s As well as PokeRadar and RH Salamence (SW)

I like your Dusknoir and Heatran LV X.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

I will let you know tomorrow about a deal because I might get a Leafeon there.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

Er...Okay, I s'pose...
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

I could trade my gliscor LV X for your Wailord ex SS.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some SF cards and Gliscor LV X. Old EXs. -[W]- SF Rares

CML for shining Mewtwo & Entei ex
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