Forum Rules Question Thread

RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Señor Noobnerd said:
Hmm... I do not think that we have to come out with such drastic measures such as rule-making to prevent this problem. I don't see it anymore. The last time I saw it, it was Absol himself linking. :F
MylesPrower said:
A good way to check a link, is to hover the cursor over the link, and look at your bottom-left corner of your browser. (for IE)
A simple way to do it, and it also works for Firefox. After all, even if a rule is made, there will be some jokers who will not follow it.

Well, there was a period in time where fake-linking was so common that every 10 threads you go, you would be pwned. Now I don't see it, so yeah.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

I'm only in this forum to find people to Battle with. I created a thread so I could announce when I'm ready to battle and for how long I'll be waiting around for an opponent.

I thought I found an efficient way of doing that in the "Battle NOW!" thread, but I was rightfully accused (according to the rules that I thoroughly read) of posting in a "dead thread". If I start a new thread about being ready for a battle it would be double posting because I'd be saying the same thing that's in the "dead thread"

How do I properly search out or attract an opponent???
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Considering it's locked, and thus unable to be replied to, you can post the thread again. You can't be accused of making a double thread when the old one can't help you in any way.
RE: Forum Rules: Everyone must read and understand unless they want to be banned.

Lieutenant Houndoom said:
Considering it's locked, and thus unable to be replied to, you can post the thread again. You can't be accused of making a double thread when the old one can't help you in any way.
In other words, he's saying that you can make a thread. When we say double posting, we literally mean posting twice in a row.
If you made fun of a mod too much, and he disabled your PM machine, and your ban has just been lifted, (That he gave you) and you want your PM machine to be enabled, and have to ask a mod to do it without posting in a thread and being marked as spam, What-do-you-do?
It wouldn't be marked as spam, if you make a new thread at least. But now, considering that you have posted it, you can probably get it fixed now anyawy. Report your post or something, it'll get their attention faster.
See? And thats exactly why I respect you. Your so smart.

Ayyyy. Senor Noobnerd. I need you to come a fix up my a PM machine. (Mario accent.)

It`s still not fixed. Ahhh. Should I use the report button like you said? I`m scared. I don`t wanna get banned again. :(
I have a question about banning.

My brother Ben, TCGplaya, was permantly banned from the site. I am Nick, his brother and i want to know this. I know that you could ban my IP because my brother was banned, how can i prevent my IP from being banned.

and i love your articles Water Pokemon Master
You... can't...? IP banning is for use as punishment, and making someone exempt from punishment tends to be really useless, unless there's a good reason to.

When two people in the same house try to join many problems tend to occur...
When I tried to make a WiFi battling clan, everything, was fine, but the first post got cut off. I had to make it really long, since I can't double post. Why did it get cut off? I don't see anything about that in the rules.
You may not post in a thread older than two weeks old, unless it is a trading thread or a "My Player" thread. Breaking this rule twice will result in a temporary account ban. what does it mean?
Anything that's older than two weeks old in the last post cannot be posted in (unless it's a sticky thread, I assume). Violating this rule twice would result in a ban. My Player and Trading threads are immune to this rule only if the OP revives it.
Basically yes. So always check the date of the last post in the thread before posting.
The rules state that you are allowed to advertise in your signature. It's going around posting "hey look at my cards" that's not allowed.
Are you allowed to post 2 RMTs? In a way they don't have the same subject. But in a way they do.
Two different teams? Why not? I understand at other sites such as Smogon that you are only allowed to post one RMT at a time, but it's fine here.