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H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

do you have any Spec Dark energies or Crobat G? I have a RH BTS
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

I don't really need BTS so much anymore, but I could trade 2 Sp. Dark's for it.

Eevee: Your offer before was pretty insane on my part, as I was trading a ton of secret rares for several old rares and bulk commons/uncommons. Is there something not equal on my part? 2 secret rares for one old rare and a bunch of common/uncommons seem pretty fair to me.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

cml for:
Gallade 4 LV X
Alakazam 4 LV X

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Acting: Are you interested in buying either of them?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

I could do Gallade for $24.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

nah, no thanks, im mainly just wanting to trade..so cml please, thank you
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

There isn't anything on your list that is even to the Xs though. :/
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Bump #1! SV stuff!
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Hm... There isn't anything I would trade Luxray for, but do I have something I could trade for for you Garchomp C RH?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

hey, i have

Gardevoir SW (H)
Gallade SW (H)
Weavile SW (RH)
Rare Candies x 1
Super Scoop Up x 2

I want your LV X's. Haha, yes, i read your post, but let me know what you can do.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

ActingPokemon: Sorry! I just don't need any of those ATM. :/
1Pokemon: Are you interested in reprints? or is it strictly level Xs?
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

darksoulSP said:
ActingPokemon: Sorry! I just don't need any of those ATM. :/
1Pokemon: Are you interested in reprints? or is it strictly level Xs?

more interested in X's, but make an offer. if you can throw in an x, it'd be good.

RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Hi, im interested in these:
Machamp (RF)
Beedrill (GE)
and do you have any leftovers from GE ?
CML please :)
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

darksoulSP said:
Hm... There isn't anything I would trade Luxray for, but do I have something I could trade for for you Garchomp C RH?

nope see nothing I said that in my trade thread
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

Hey man, what's up? I have two of the pre-release Kirlia if you need those. I'm kinda interested in Lucario GL.
RE: darksoulSP's Trade Thread, with many Xs and SRs.W. Weavile SW and Garchomp SV

cml for rayquaza c