Media My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

You know, I never seem to get the relation between Bonbon and Lyra in fan-comics.

Also, I'm on episode 6. I get to watch it on on-demand. yay...
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

That comic reminds me of you too. Also me.
Just replace "chocolate pudding" with "ramen"
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

@ Tyraniking: They are always next to each other when they are in the backgrounds of the show, and I think somepony wrote a fanfic or something.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Tumblr is my best gal
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.


Found an image of a cool shirt on Ponychan.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Materious17 said:
Since I didn't watch MLP when they aired on TV, Hasbro has no idea that I even exist as a viewing member! In order to correct that I must buy the Season 1 disc set and set things straight. I love watching things for free, but if I truely want to support what I love, I need to cough up the moneyz so they know that I want them to keep doing what they do best.

I would think that they would put in alot of extra stuff....*cough*Season 2 previews*cough* who said that?

Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:

Found an image of a cool shirt on Ponychan.

HOLY.....PLEASE LINK THAT xD. That was the biggest trap ever....LITERALLY xD


This week is Celestia :D
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

catutie has the best pony profile themes. I'm looking at your signature from my phone, it is very scary, well made too. I sure can't wait for season 2, I hope they don't ruin the show, I have this weird feeling they will...
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I forget how I found this week is Luna :D
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Ponies ponies ponies.
Amirite or amirite?
I should stencil some variety of pony on to many shirts,
Any suggestions?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Stephen Colbert...just...he just did that...We bronies are a internet force to be reckoned with....
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I am beyond excited about the colbert thing.
But srsly, any suggestions for a pony stencil to put on shirts?
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Here you go LORDY.




IDK, those are just some cool extras I guess.

Also so pumped on Stephen Colbert giving us a shout out, it wouldn't be long before we take over the world.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I pooped with excitement at snowcatcher and blue october.
I was thinking derpy.
Or a cutie mark or something.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Soon...everyone will know of the show. We're slowly gathering important figures to give into the way of the brony.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

If we can powerful political figures to become bronies, we can stop wars with the magic of friendship!
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Eh, I wasn't a fan of Trixie because how pompous she was. I was glad Twilight was able to show her up.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

Also...I lay awake at night wondering...what name will they give Derpy? I'm sure they won't just say


>_> She needs an official name.
RE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Clan-Clan: 20% cooler than...everything.

I wouldn't be able to live if Derpy Hooves had an official name… her name is Derpy Hooves!!!

Also, SDB, I didn't really like Trixie, either, but she was a fun character and I agree with catutie that she needs more show time. So does DJ P0N-3 or Vinyl Scratch or whatever his/her real name is.

EDIT: Never looked at it like that, Tyraniking. :/ I guess you're right. (I still think of the name as more affectionate, though)