Zenith said:Equestria Girls was great, dunno what the major complaints are besides "blargle flargle humans". my only complaints were that Celestia and Luna had terrible designs, Flash Sentry was kinda boring, and Sunset Shimmer was almost Trixie 2.0
but it was pretty enjoyable
PMJ said:A nod to friendship is witchcraft would have been pretty cool.
Bolt the Cat said:Meh, that episode wasn't that great.
The only good thing to come out of FiW is Sweetie Bot.
The Fallen One said:"I will destroy you and steal your fiance, booty booty booty rockin' everywhere" isn't good enough for you?
PMJ said:Your mom is mildly amusing at best, nothing really to write home about!!!!
Salamencetrainer34 said:Any updates on S4 yet?
The Fallen One said:It starts sometime in November, that's all I know...besides the fact that it has 26 episodes. Really hoping they don't show both parts of the premiere on the same day again.
The Fallen One said:While fitting both parts into one week for the Season 2 finale was neat, I think that it really harmed the Season 3 premiere. We had no time for Sombra's character to sink in...granted, he got much less screen time than Discord did, but I think what helped Discord to stick was we had an entire week between the episodes for us to consider the character and what he'd done in that one episode. He had turned 5 of the Main 6 to the opposites of their true selves, and looked like he had Equestria in his...claws? Paws? Hmm...
Sombra was about to enslave an entire empire.
"Worst villain, just looks like a bad OC"
"Gak had more screen time than him"
I feel like the extra week for his character and persona to sink into the minds of the fandom would have improved the impact of the Season 3 premiere. Just my two cents.
Artemis said:As someone who watched all of S1 and S2 as one big lump instead of watching the individual episodes each week or so as they aired, I disagree. I had the same amount of time between episodes watching the S2 and S3 premieres and I still think Discord is much better as a character than King Sombra was. I honestly think this is because Discord plays a much more active role in his episodes whereas Sombra was portrayed as more of a passive threat.