Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Galatic_Ownage said:
Does anyone wanna battle?

Um, there is a "Battle now" thread for short posts like this. Please help this clan in cutting back on spam.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

sorry this is my first time ever on this website. were do i find this battle now thread
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Its a few threads closer to the top of this section called "The Battle Now Thread"
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Okay which clan are you joining...?

Rising sun clan (this one)

Or his?

If you choose this one, read the rules and post your info. (rules on first page)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

ok ill join urs im do i haft to tryout and battle u
(i won the gamebattles playoffs twice )
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Okay, let me edit this:

1st: Garchomp
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 252 speed/Atk. 4 HP
Moves: Sandstorm, Dragon Claw, EQ, Protect
(I checked Garchomps IV's and they are 31 in Atk and speed.)

2nd: Gengar
Nature: Timid
EV's: 252 Speed/SpA, 4 Hp
Moves: Shadow Ball, Icy Wind, T Bolt , Explosion

3rd: (not sure yet.)
4th: Sceptile
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 252 SpA/Speed, 4 HP

What happened to Gamercal? He was always around to give his 2 sence. I wouldnt mind it now... lol Oh well.

Yeah, as I stated before. Im well aware of my multiple ice weaknesses. But thats ok. Im going with a speed advantage. Plus offensive pokemon arent really suppose to survive long.

*2 cents

As for where I've been, suffice it to say pretty busy for one, as well as lacking a little interest in pokes right now since my wifi is obviously still not usable. Pokésav not working for me didn't help matters, but that's a minor point really. Plus with half of the other things going on around here...

Alright, I'm not a doubles player like at all, but a couple of general points:

1) No, it's not ok to have that many ice weaks. Icy Wind/Blizzard much? Not to mention Ice Shard... which on your paper defences is an absolute nightmare situation. Plus, you mentioned water types being really common/obviously going to be played against you... what's the most common attacking type to pair with Water? Oh yeah, Ice. Right.

2) There is no way that Garchomp is taking down most Vaporeon. Incase you've forgotten, Vaporeon very often boosts that Def stat more than anything else, and (although you haven't listed items!) you have no way of boosting your attack to take it out in less than 3 hits (LO might make that 2 though). It almost ALWAYS carries an Ice attack, and even if it doesn't it'll probably Helping Hand to give its partner an attacking boost... ESPECIALLY if it's a Surf spam team like you're expecting.

3) You have absolutely no way of dealing with anything that sets up... like anything. Trick Room will destroy absolutely everything you use here (given that everything you use with the exception of Garchomp is very fast and takes about -2 hits), Rain Dance will absolutely destroy you (Garchomp is unlikely to get to SS in the face of Kingdra/Ludicolo), even HAIL would utterly destroy you (100% accurate Blizzard from Froslass eating up both of your pokémon? Yes please). I guess this partially depends on the level of intelligence you expect from the opposition, but you're leading a very dangerous life by mindlessly attacking everything in sight like this.

If you think water spam is going to be a dominant play, why aren't you using Kingdra and/or Ludicolo on your team? Toxicroak, or even Vaporeon itself, would also be able to help that way, although Croak of course doesn't like EQ. Still, that's what Protect is for!

You also have to be really worried about Focus Sash with a team like this - nothing you use is taking any hits at all (except Garchomp if it's not Ice/Dragon!), so if the opponent lives by a Sash then you are probably losing a pokémon. Sashes of your own are slightly unreliable because of your Garchomp's SS, which nothing else on the team works well with.

Still, you really do need SOMETHING that can attempt to stop opposition setups. Taunt is a fairly productive way of doing this, although it's foiled by Follow Me (speaking of which Togekiss will take absolutely everything that your lead pair can throw at it and grant the opponent a free setup). Fake Out is VERY VERY useful in the lead matchup, flinching that key setup pokémon in order to stop the critical move from being played. Heck, a combination of both is often very beneficial - finding the time for it however is a little trickier.

Imprison would be a pretty comedic way to stop most setups - the pixie trio are probably best at this. Specifically Uxie, seeing as how it doesn't have much else to do ANYHOW... it could imprison either TR OR RD, depending on the matchup you do worst against (it might not be fast enough to remove RD in time though... possibly Azelf would be better there), along with Protect to keep it alive. Seeing as how it wouldn't have any offensive prowess by itself, Helping Hand seems like a perfect final move to lock - not only is that move very handy for people to have around, but it would give your partner some much needed boosting to try and plow through the opponents (especially since it's likely to be a big target!). You don't have to worry about enemy Protects since they're imprisoned, and Uxie's Levitate guards it from EQ (which is most likely the main source of damage you'd pair it with). Of course, Taunt itself would likely ruin this (Uxie is probably the biggest Taunt bait of the trio too, so you'd need to find a way to take out potential Taunters before they could harm Uxie), and if Uxie's your last man you're screwed, but it would be novel at least...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Well truth be told, I was using the Canalave Library for some help too. lol

Either way, I still have another slot to fill which can easily be kingdra or some water type.

I suppose I could use Garchomp and Azelf same time. I like Azelf's move pool.

somthing else.

Garchomp can easily avoid the explosion with protect and other attacks.

The people at my league arent very smart. LOL Normal DS battles are always 3 vs 3. I never see my opponent switch out.
I guess lots of this comes down to trial and error...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hmmm.....Ill join this clan.....I will PM whoever wants to battle me this weekend when I can....Looks like this clans come a long way.....still remember the day the name was made....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Ok....I got up to 16 on This Chain of Shinx...should start Reseting there??
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

No way PDC!! LOL... 16 is nothing... i mean you would eventually get a shiny... LOL... but it might take you half a day... LOL... you want to aim for 40... By the way I was trying to EV train one of the shiny hondours that i caught... Special attack EVs... so i was doing a roselia massacre and on chain 16 a shiny patch came up... I was ready so i used my synchronizer... after I was done EV training, my chain was at 43 and i just decided to catch a few shinies... caught 3 for the day... one lax and 2 timid natures... cool huh? I'm willing to trade... in fact, they generally have really good IVs... in fact, the lax one has 31 IVs in special attack!

But by request of lucario:

Things that Cause your Chain to Break

Okay, well there are many things that could break your chain... but Im going to break them down into three groups... the technical things... the dumb things... and the really dumb things...

Let's Start with:

The Dumb things

-> Forgetting which type of patch you initially started chaining.
-> Not paying attention and missing where the patches are.
-> Accidentally pressing a button and walking into the wrong patch
-> Running from the battle.
-> Accidentally using teleport with your abra, ralts (synchronizers) and ending the battle.
-> Using Roar/whirlwind with a pokemon and ending the battle.
-> Not killing the pokemon and letting it roar/whirlwind you away.
-> Not taunting the shiny pokemon and letting it roar/whirlwind you away or teleport away.
-> Using Fly outside of battle.
-> Using teleport outside of battle.
-> Shutting off your DS.
-> Soft Resetting your DS.
-> Walking into another patch type.
-> Walking to the spot directly in back of the player's big head. (most of the time you won't see grass shaking there but grass DOES shake there...)
-> Forgetting to use the repel

The REALLY Dumb things

-> Using your bike to "run faster"
-> Not deleting teleport from your synchronizers
-> Not walking into a shiny patch.
-> attempting a couple of steps without the repel in order to "synchronize" repel and pokeradar steps
-> Letting the target pokemon sweep your whole team. LOL
-> Throwing your DS out of frustration and impatience and thus manually breaking your chain AND your DS.

The Technical Things

-> Resetting the pokeradar at the edge of a field.
-> Walking into the wrong patch because it's not the right distance away.
-> Walking out of range of the last spot that the pokeradar reset on.
-> Resetting the pokeradar in a patch next to an object (tree) other than another grass patch.
-> Not resetting the pokeradar when in doubt.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I have a problem. I dont have the PokeRadar for Platinum. I used my AR to get the National Pokedex early on, but as of Now, I lack the PokeRadar.

Icristia, since your on such a good streak, do you have an extra Shiny Houndour for trade? Specifically one that is Adamant or Jolly.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

please don't spam the thread shadow... even though you're the leader... should know better... LOLOLOL....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Relax, it was just so I could reach the new posts.

I delete it right after.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

What to you mena by reseting next to a tree object or Out Of range of last patch.....I would have gotton a shiny by now if i knew this.....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Sorry PDC... i will change it... I meant to say something different...

I meant to say that if you walk into a patch next to a tree, or a rock, or an empty space that doesn't have a grass patch, the chances of your chain breaking are greatly increased... it won't break all the time... but eventually it WILL break... you should always walk into a grass patch that at least has one other patch in all directions (north, south, east, and west of it)... I hope I'm not making this too confusing...

About the range thing... if you walk too far from the last place that the pokeradar reset, then the chain will break... like if you walk to the next town or something... the chain will break... it doesn't even need to be the next town... I think it's like 10-15 steps in either direction and your chain will break... if you walk that far, then your chain will break...
Sometimes there will be a patch really far away that looks good... but if it's too far away, it will break your chain immediately upon entering it...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Icristia, there are two posts from the last page I made you need to read. Please.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW. go near patches in the Middle?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Umm... I don't have any hondours that are those natures... I was using timid and modest synchronizers... plus, houndoom makes a much better special attacker than attacker... so, you still havent beaten your game shadow? and that's why you still don't have the pokeradar? but you have played and beaten HG right? you can get the pokeradar there...

For PDC, umm... you don't have to go to patches near the middle... just stay away from patches on the edges... that's it...

check my trade thread... they're all there... Decent IVs too...
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