Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Excuse me?

Just because im not sure how to chain very well doesnt mean jack! That has nothing to do with leading a clan.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Excuse me?

Yes do you have something to say mr. Shadow sir? Oh well no matter.....Im looking forward to our test battle.... And I wasnt questioning you....Just thinking out loud....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

It's all about the IVs I guess... catching shinies doesn't yield very good IVs you know... sometimes you have to use what you get... which is what I did... I still can't believe that a heatran outran my electivire for a KO though.. LOL... I guess I won't use it for serious battles anymore... oh and by the way sniper... you have a very very cool banner... it looks really nice... wish it said sun rise though because this is the rising suns clan not the setting suns... but oh well... no matter...
I could test battle you if you want...

Oh and shadow, I just don't understand why that happened... maybe there's something wrong with your game 'cause when you run away from a battle the chain is supposed to end... are you sure you're not fainting them?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Im sure.

Tell you what. If I get a shiny Baltoy, wanna trade for that Shiny Houndour?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Im sure.

Tell you what. If I get a shiny Baltoy, wanna trade for that Shiny Houndour?

Just check my trade thread... I'll trade those... and it doesn't have to be a shiny baltoy... I'll give it to you because of your interest in chaining... as a matter of fact... Im going to chain for baltoys myself tonight...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Oh your on!

btw; I found some helpful info for chaining:

Now it's time to let you know about the "Rules of Chaining."

Rule 1:
Only choose a patch of grass if there are FOUR patches shaking.

Rule 2:
After the first patch you choose, all subsequent patches MUST shake in the same way. Choose any others, and you'll break your chain.

Rule 3:
Never choose a patch of grass that forces you out of the radar's range.
(The range is dictated by whether or not you can see all of the moving patches. This is especially important to consider when you only see two or three patches moving. Often this is due to the fact that there are patches shaking in other areas of grass on the edge of the screen. Take care not to choose a patch of grass from these sets, as you could break your chain)

Rule 4:
ONLY choose a patch of grass that's farthest from you, and is at least four patches away.
The patches must be four grass patches away. Look at the following.
A good patch to go into: P####%#
A bad patch to go into: P###%##
P=Your Player
#=Non-shaking grass
%= Shaking grass

Rule 5:
When using another repel, NEVER choose a patch of grass until you reset the radar. (This one is kind of up in the air. Most of the time, using a repel doesn't seem to upset my chosen patch of grass. This may only be a superstition. But proceed with caution anyway.)

Rule 6:
NEVER choose a patch of grass that occurs on a corner. Beware of patches on an outside edge as well.

Rule 7:
Avoid patches of grass if they are right beside other moving patches.

Rule 8:
When in doubt, reset the radar and try again.

Rule 9:
If you see a patch of grass that sparkles twice dramatically, and seems to have a differently colored hue, it's a shiny Pokemon. Proceed with caution! What the grass will look like (video courtesy of Pokerealm)

Rule 10:
Never run away from the Pokemon, and never let it flee either.

Rule 11:
Never use your bike.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

The thing is though... i don't have a bold synchronizer which is the best nature... I have impish and relaxed... but not bold... which sucks... there are a couple of natures that I need for my synchronizers... which are jolly, naughty, lonely, bold, and rash I think... mild as well... so I'll see what i can do...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

so just get a pokemon with the ability synchronizer? Hmm...I can use my AR to spawn a Gardevoir of each nature....Mwahahahaha.

Im having such a hard time with starting hte chain and holding it....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

oh... and I disagree with numbers 5, and 7, 1, and maybe even 4... even though I use 4 a lot... good luck... I see you're doing your research on this... LOL... wow... this is getting to be a clan-wide shiny hunt...

by the way, did i tell you that I caught 3 shiny roselias today? just as I was Eving my houndoom in special attack... LOL... funny right? now I'm going to EV my togepi in special defense with these baltoys... LOL...

I agree that starting the chain is hard... especially with pokeradar pokemon... but a hint with pokeradar pokemon like baltoy is that they only appear on patches that are brighter... not the ones that shake the longest and are less bright... get me? they will never appear in the less bright ones... so that should improve your chances of finding baltoys by a lot... and it's better too because it's night time and brighter patches are easier to spot...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hey, it gives the clan somthing to do and discuss. As far as the baltoy goes, your on. Next up for me is a shiny togepi. Once I find the baltoy.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Pikamaster said:
What the? Jolly raises Speed but lower SPECIAL Attack. Adamant raises Attack and lowers SPECIAL ATTACK.

The key word was "little" not that much difference. That was what I meant. If I did not explain it like I think then sorry. I sometimes can't explain things right. I know it lowers those but I was comparing the ATTACK and SPEED stats. Those 2 natures are not that far off.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.


I just chained a SHINY Baltoy!!! SWEEEEEEET.

Baltoy Lv 17 Nature: Calm.

This is the part that will make you guys cry; I found him on the third pokemon. I had just stared my chain again and POOF.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

but wait shadow... you use AR for everything... how do I know you're not just gonna come up with some fake shinies? I mean it would be much much easier for you to do so... what would be holding you back?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

True. Very true.
And your right, why beleive me?

But, even PDC has an AR. My AR was not inserted into my DS when I was chaining.

I asure you, it is 100% Legit.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:

I just chained a SHINY Baltoy!!! SWEEEEEEET.

Baltoy Lv 17 Nature: Calm.

This is the part that will make you guys cry; I found him on the third pokemon. I had just stared my chain again and POOF.

That is awesome. Since you are a chainer Join The Shiny Clan. Lcrisria did already.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

xxashxx said:
That is awesome. Since you are a chainer Join The Shiny Clan. Lcrisria did already.:)

LOL... you guys screw up my screen name soo many times it's not even funny... oh and sorry shadow... I do believe you...

that's funny though... I didn't see your post there when I was posting what I said about not believing you... i guess we were posting at the same time... LOL... and then boom... and you got it synchronized too? with a calm nature? that's good...

There is one question left to ask though... are you going to use it competitively? I mean the claydol shiny is one of the coolest looking ones... but are you going to use it? obviously it's got the right nature... it's up to you...

The good thing about baltoy is that egg moves don't hinder it... so it would be just like any other baltoy because it doesn't get egg moves... it has just as many options as bred baltoys... I like that...

My first chain with the baltoys went up to 28 and then I went on a patch and it messed up for no reason... I mean it was the right distance and all... but oh well... sometimes that happens...

On chain number 3 though? wow... that's impressive... good job... now it's PDC's turn... he has been chaining for longer and he's been chaining easier pokes and still no result... but then again, he hasn't gotten as lucky...

one question though... were you as excited as I was when you saw that shiny patch for the first time? 'cause I know I was...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

BTW: Icristia, if you want, I can clone it and trade it to you. There are several ways to prove if a pokemon is hacked or not.

WIFI battles. Some hack check program. ECT.

Im Currently on my 10th Swellow in hopes of a shiny one.

Question: I can chain ANY wild pokemon right?

EDIT: Oh, ok sweet. Then disregard the other stuff written above.

YES. I was out of my pants excited. lol

Swellow is next, followed by a Nincada. Shiny Shedinja is really cool. All silver.

Yes, I will EV train it in hopes that its IV's are good. Can I trade you a copy to check the IV's for me later on?

But you know? I got super lucky with this find. Not only was it a quick find, it was the correct nature too.

And get this! I didnt have a pokemon with Synchronize either. It was PURE 100% Beginners luck.

Now lets see if can find that shiny swellow soon....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
LOL... you guys screw up my screen name soo many times it's not even funny... oh and sorry shadow... I do believe you...

that's funny though... I didn't see your post there when I was posting what I said about not believing you... I guess we were posting at the same time... LOL... and then boom... and you got it synchronized too? with a calm nature? that's good...

There is one question left to ask though... are you going to use it competitively? I mean the claydol shiny is one of the coolest looking ones... but are you going to use it? obviously it's got the right nature... it's up to you...

The good thing about baltoy is that egg moves don't hinder it... so it would be just like any other baltoy because it doesn't get egg moves... it has just as many options as bred baltoys... I like that...

My first chain with the baltoys went up to 28 and then I went on a patch and it messed up for no reason... I mean it was the right distance and all... but oh well... sometimes that happens...

On chain number 3 though? wow... that's impressive... good job... now it's PDC's turn... he has been chaining for longer and he's been chaining easier pokes and still no result... but then again, he hasn't gotten as lucky...

one question though... were you as excited as I was when you saw that shiny patch for the first time? 'cause I know I was...

Sorry man. I alway mess up on that one. Wi-Fi is still down. Did 3 gyms on my Pearl today. I hope my Wi-Fi is back up soon.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

NICE!!! I like what I hear shadow... but don't count on beginner's luck every time... i mean look at me... I chained 12 shiny hondours and only like 4 or 5 came out the correct natures... and I used synchronizers... so you need to get those... and congrats...

Swellow is nice... haven't really tried it... but now that i am going to have to train my houndoom in speed as well... I might as well do it.. I was looking for a pokemon that gave speed evs... the only thing though... is that swellow's best move is brave bird and it's an egg move... so if you catch a shiny one, you're gonna have to settle for aerial ace for a flying stab... which sucks... also.. pursuit is a great move, but it's also an egg move...

so yeah... I'm happy for you... and good luck with your swellow man...

Oh and by the way... to answer your question... no you can't chain ANY wild pokemon... you can only chain the ones that appear in the grassy area... this means no caves... no surfing... no fishing... no buildings... just grass... this rules out a whole bunch of pokemon and is probably the reason I don't have a shiny gyarados right now...

Dang!! another chain broken at 28... I knew not to go into that patch but I decided to risk it... oh well... sometimes you win.. sometimes you lose... but I'm already done training my togetic in special defense... hmmm... I guess i could put it off 'till later... Oh and by the way... you could just do a lev 100 battle and write down the stats and easily figure out the IVs from that... that is the hard part though... sometimes they come out good with the natures and all... but the IVs are messed up...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Yeah, I know. It would almost seem too good to be true if the IV's turn out to be good. Well, all Im hoping for is 28+ in HP and SpD. Otherwise Im happy.

Whats the best way to chain more common pokemon? I went to route 205 (grassy area between starting point of game and sandgem town) and used the pokeradar to find a Starly. I figured starly was more of a common pokemon in that normal wiggling patches of grass could easily have it.
But im having a hard time keeping a chain like that going.
Any tips for non pokeradar exclusive pokemon?
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