Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hey, Why the spam?

Seems school has really upset pokebeach. Shadow, wanna battle?

I mean, we're both probably a bit rusty, but ohwell..
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

What spam? I dont see any spam?

If you mean my post: "EDITING" thats because I have to post somting random just to see the new posts. Then I edit it.

Anyways, Im in school. Cant battle.

OMG. PDC, Icristia, I cant count the number of times I move "north" on the screen and stumble into a patch of grass that ruins the chain....Dang it. lol

Okay, update. I finished EVing that Shiny Claydol.

Its final stats are:

Calm nature.
EV Spread: 252 in HP/SpD and 4 in Def.
HP: 323
Atk: 130
Def: 216
SpA: 161
SpD: 357
Spe: 160

It appears that its HP IV is 30. The SpD IV is probably 27 or 28. Not sure. Can someone here check its IV's for me?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Yeah, I know. It would almost seem too good to be true if the IV's turn out to be good. Well, all Im hoping for is 28+ in HP and SpD. Otherwise Im happy.

Whats the best way to chain more common pokemon? I went to route 205 (grassy area between starting point of game and sandgem town) and used the pokeradar to find a Starly. I figured starly was more of a common pokemon in that normal wiggling patches of grass could easily have it.
But im having a hard time keeping a chain like that going.
Any tips for non pokeradar exclusive pokemon?

Umm... well shadow, one of the most important factors that aid to chaining is the field that you're chaining in... some fields are just annoying to chain in such as the sandstorm and hail routes... I mean you can't see a thing most of the time... Also, the field shape and size is very important... route 230 has got a really good size with a lot of grassy patches... a lot of space to move around...

Another good one is the field between the fancy hotel and the eighth gym.... i think that's route 218...

Some fields like the one in route 201 are really small and therefore there is a high probability of the patches hitting a corner and therefore more annoying because you either have to risk trying those patches or reset the radar over and over and over again... also, the field on route 215 is very annoying as well...

Fields that have trees on the bottom can be annoying because they effectively cover one row of grassy patches... the shiny may appear in those patches (it did that to me once) and you may not even see it (even though I did spot it)...

So yeah... in conclusion shadow, route 201 is very annoying because of the shape and size... it's a little small which makes chaining in it really hard...

And I told you shadow... that was like one of the things that I've been saying all along... DON'T MOVE to the spot DIRECTLY IN BACK of the character that is obstructed by his/her big head!! it's like a major rule man! but yeah...

Oh and about your stats there the IVs are:

30 IVs in HP (excellent)
0 IVs in Att
0 IVs in Def (ouch...)
16 IVs in Sp. Att
17 Ivs in Sp. Def
5 IVs in Speed

Well... I mean the only bad thing I see here is the defense stat... the attack stat here doesn't matter because you weren't planning on using physical attacks anyways with a calm nature... the defense stat is off-putting... The special attack stat is decent... I mean its base offensive stats are low to begin with but hey... maybe you can use this claydol as a supporter... I mean with 357 sp. Def you can take a load of hits... even super effective ones! 17 IVs in special Def looks bad but you already know what the end result is: a 357 stat... which is a high number... And the speed... well... let's just say that you're not trying to sweep anybody here... I mean you weren't even investing in speed to begin with...

I think that this is a good supporter... though if it was up to me, I'd try to find another better one (which I know is crazy and hard) but oh well.. to boost up that low defense, you might want to use the move reflect in order to take hits from both sides of the spectrum and also support your team...

Even though they are not too impressive, the IVs can be worked with... after all, I use a lot of shinies in my battles and they don't have perfect stats... and so far I have a good record... so...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Yeah, I understand. I WAS trying to find a Nincada in the Eterna Forrest. But visibiliy is a pain in there. Its too hard to see the shaking grass...

Also, Im currently on chain number 14 in my search for a shiny swellow.

Wow....I didnt think it was possible to get "0" as an IV....Let alone 2 stats with zero. lol

But yeah, im happy about him over all. His HP is only 1 point shy of max. Hence 30 IV. :D
HP is the most important factor in a WALL. Or Special Wall.

But only 17 for SpD? Wow... His stat is only 15 points away from max.

AND DANG IT! THe chain broke. Stupid Shellos!

But I guess I cant complain too much.
I was SUPER lucky to find that baltoy so soon. AND to have a good nature.

It would be almost too good if it had several really good IVs.

I just hope PDC is able to find a shiny soon.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

LOL... were you guys racing? 'cause last time I checked he was doing simple chains like starlys and bidoofs and stuff..

also, the reason why I chain is because I might want a pokemon but i don't want to go through the arduous pain of breeding for it... breeding moves and breeding for IVs and crap... so I just do chain it and it takes less time and sometimes they come out decent... plus they're much more cool looking...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

No, we werent racing. Im just saying, he was chaining for much longer then me with no luck on a shiny yet. (at least i think)
Whatever. And then i show up and get one super quickly.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Guys geuss who's back

yes it's me MxL

ps: just spoke brandy on msn she's really busy with her schoolwork so she won't be on to often

ps on ps xP:shadoworganoid i like the fact that you made this temporary clan keep up the good work

MxL xP
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

yeah your back!BTW ML....wanna battle again?I'm board..BTW Trying out alot of new Pokes.!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

PDC, hows the chaining coming? Check out the Shiny Baltoy I chained last night. Its a few post from the top of this page.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Nothing yet......its torture.....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

How about joining in on the challenge Icristia and I are doing?

We are in the Valley Windworks chaining for a shiny Mareep.
Care to join in?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Fine....I'll lose battling and everything has slipped away......And iv'e been thinking....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Mareep is acting up on me... it's been like 15 minutes and I haven't even seen one to start my chain... it sucks!!! also, the area sucks... it's too small... but we'll see how this goes... I have never chained a mareep...

OOO... i just found one... gonna be careful with this chain...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

This isnt a win/lose thing. The only way to win, would be getting it with good IV's.

Whats wrong?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

and the chain broke at 2... and don't worry PDC... the thing is that before we didn't expect much from you battling wise... and then you started getting good... so now we expect much more and we're ready for much more from you... it's not that your battling is off... it's just that we've taken it up a notch when we're dealing with you because you've gotten tougher...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

When your chaining, does your sceen start to "lag"???

Mine does that after 3 or 4 pokemon in the chain.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

nope not mine... but yeah... I'm getting tired of this.. my last chain broke at 12... and it sucks... 'cause I was being really careful... oh well.. umm... I think we should change it... I mean there's flaffy on route 218 which is a much better chaining ground... what do you think?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Since Flaffy is not pokeradar exclusive, can we still chain it?

If so, what kind of grass am I looking for each time?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

What's the point in chaining anyways??? I mean, this sounds very time consuming, and I would think that the reward would be... worth it.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Eevee Freak said:
What's the point in chaining anyways??? I mean, this sounds very time consuming, and I would think that the reward would be... worth it.

Chaining increases the odds of finding a shiny pokemon. I mean, look above, I found a shiny Calm Baltoy very quickly.

But your right, it IS very time consuming.
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