Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I hope you guys are able to watch my Battle Castle video! I'm so happy about getting my second gold print, so I'll give you all the code. Enjoy! 69-42830-03472
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

im wacthing your video right now that was a good match congrates
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I actually skipped about 17 battle to get there. Thank you! Credit to PDC for giving me the Pokemon! I think we can consider each other friends.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Yeah we can.they are awsome pokes.Fear Rocks!Thanks!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Lcrisria. I should be on WFC after 1 PM PST so we can do the move tutors. Keep checking back as I will be in and out doing stuff around the house. Thanks. I did get an EV'D Gyarados but not sure if it can get Thunder Fang though.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hmm... that's funny... i didn't know that weavile got low kick... serebii is pretty updated with that sort of stuff and it doesn't list it... but like you said... it wouldn't help it at all against its counters...

and by the way... I think we have to discuss something that i think hasn't been cleared at all! it goes along the lines of the same subject anyways so why not... when I mentioned before that infernape and lucario were counters to weavile... i wasn't exactly right... I know I've seen it somewhere but i dont remember where, the fact that, by definition, a counter is something that could come in on an attack and quickly dispose of the threat... there's a difference between a counter and a revenge killer... and i think we have been mixing up the two... i mean lucario can become a reliable revenge killer (or at least can pose a check if it switches) to weavile but it cannot come in on its move brick break... I mean one CB brick break from a jolly weavile as lucario comes in and it's all over... so in that way it's not a very good counter... get what I'm saying? If weavile had a 120BP (superpower) move that was neutral on infernape, then infernape would have to be careful of entering because it could easily be OHKO'd even with a jolly nature and CB (with SR)... it would have to wait until weavile killed something and then come in to revenge kill or at least to place a check...

And I'm sure that if weavile was common enough and infernape and lucario came to pose a threat often enough, then with a CB, Weavile would opt to use superpower fearing the switch in... or pursuit to kill the fleeing gengar that you couldn't possibly superpower...

you might ask, why are we still on weavile? I really don't know... I haven't used one competitively yet... but I was EV training for speed once and decided to chain sneasels in the process... caught 3 shiny... all jolly... and one of them is well endowed when it comes to IVs... even though it has only like 17 IVs in attack or something, but the rest are pretty good... I traded it over to Shadow Ice to borrow while he made a team of his own... And I heard it won him some matches which is what I like to hear...

But getting back on subject... weavile is not a good counter for anything except for something like a jynx without HP fighting or focus blast... but it is a very efficient revenge killer with its great speed, priority move and very strong attack stat...

Also, about the infernape issue, I don't really have a suicune or latias (even though I'm going to get a latias pretty soon) and I have never used my vaporeon even though it has HP electric which is excellent against gyara (although its defense IV is 11)... but somehow it never presents a problem... maybe it's really the people... but let me tell you that I don't just battle here... i battle with friends via direct connect (which is why I have to level my pokes to 100) and i sometimes pick fights (JK) on smogon... infernape has never been an issue... it's too frail I think... but that's just me...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

palkia dialga clash said:
Yeah we can.they are awsome pokes.Fear Rocks!Thanks!
Actually, Azelf has been proving to be the mastermind of the team. That's why I'm going to send it through the Dome.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
Hmm... that's funny... I didn't know that weavile got low kick... serebii is pretty updated with that sort of stuff and it doesn't list it... but like you said... it wouldn't help it at all against its counters...

and by the way... I think we have to discuss something that I think hasn't been cleared at all! it goes along the lines of the same subject anyways so why not... when I mentioned before that infernape and lucario were counters to weavile... I wasn't exactly right... I know I've seen it somewhere but I don't remember where, the fact that, by definition, a counter is something that could come in on an attack and quickly dispose of the threat... there's a difference between a counter and a revenge killer... and I think we have been mixing up the two... I mean lucario can become a reliable revenge killer (or at least can pose a check if it switches) to weavile but it cannot come in on its move brick break... I mean one CB brick break from a jolly weavile as lucario comes in and it's all over... so in that way it's not a very good counter... get what I'm saying? If weavile had a 120BP (superpower) move that was neutral on infernape, then infernape would have to be careful of entering because it could easily be OHKO'd even with a jolly nature and CB (with SR)... it would have to wait until weavile killed something and then come in to revenge kill or at least to place a check...

And I'm sure that if weavile was common enough and infernape and lucario came to pose a threat often enough, then with a CB, Weavile would opt to use superpower fearing the switch in... or pursuit to kill the fleeing gengar that you couldn't possibly superpower...

you might ask, why are we still on weavile? I really don't know... I haven't used one competitively yet... but I was EV training for speed once and decided to chain sneasels in the process... caught 3 shiny... all jolly... and one of them is well endowed when it comes to IVs... even though it has only like 17 IVs in attack or something, but the rest are pretty good... I traded it over to Shadow Ice to borrow while he made a team of his own... And I heard it won him some matches which is what I like to hear...

But getting back on subject... weavile is not a good counter for anything except for something like a jynx without HP fighting or focus blast... but it is a very efficient revenge killer with its great speed, priority move and very strong attack stat...

Also, about the infernape issue, I don't really have a suicune or latias (even though I'm going to get a latias pretty soon) and I have never used my vaporeon even though it has HP electric which is excellent against gyara (although its defense IV is 11)... but somehow it never presents a problem... maybe it's really the people... but let me tell you that I don't just battle here... I battle with friends via direct connect (which is why I have to level my pokes to 100) and I sometimes pick fights (JK) on smogon... infernape has never been an issue... it's too frail I think... but that's just me...

Woo, I don't get to jump down your throat here cause you're pretty much right on this one :p

It's a little silly to go what if when it comes to moves though. The fact is that Weavile DOESN'T get Superpower, and probably won't do anytime soon - therefore, I don't see any relevance in bringing up with it MIGHT be like if it DID have that move. It's like saying what if Flygon got Dragon Dance? Or if Salamence got Superpower etc.

Lucario is perhaps more of a check rather than a counter, but it all comes down to prediction. Lucario only doesn't stop Weavile if it comes in on Brick Break - literally every other move Vile can use is good for Lucario coming in. Same with Infernape really, although naturally it doesn't fear BB as much. However, neither are solid counters on the whole since they can be 2HKO'd... but note that both of them can carry STAB priority moves that are SE on Weavile (Bullet Punch and either fighting one for Ape). So if you REALLY don't have anything else to stop Weavile (somehow), these two can be good checks/partial counters if you predict well. Yes, prediction is a bad argument in theorymon like this, but it's only really one move that those two can't come in on, so the odds ARE in your favour most of the time. Especially if you lock Weavile into Pursuit, since then you get setup turns with SD (or maybe NP on Infernape if you prefer).

I don't NORMALLY have issues with Infernape unless I get haxxed by it somehow, but that's because I very often carry Vaporeon for the wish support. Nape IS fragile, but it's something that is very VERY destructive whilst it's about. It can be very difficult to stop Infernape if you can't outspeed it and don't have anything similar to the pokes I mentioned left to take a hit, as it is very capable of destroying all kinds of walls with its coverage moves (Fire/Grass/Ice/Fighting hits pretty much everything in the game for neutral as far as I know, and many things for SE damage). So yeah, chances are that if you aren't having problems against Ape you're playing people who can't use it to the best of its abilities.

Unless EVERYTHING in your team can hit it SE of course...

A note on HG/SS moves: don't rely on Serebii for this stuff. Smogon has a thread on Stark Mountain with all of the info in it about moves and such, and with them being solely designed for competitive I think it's safe to say that they are best when it comes to research.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Umm.... okay... thanks for that one i guess...

About the superpower, I was just using it as an example of a 120 bP move that would hit Ape for normal damage and KO with a choice band if it tried to come in... not that it is likely to have it... just any old 120BP move would do... i think it would be really up to prediction on that one though... Weavile isn't designed to be a sweeper... it's role in teams is to get rid of that starmie, gengar, alaka, and most importantly that salamence that's about to wipe everything out with that dragon dance it just set up... after it's done its job then... well... it's done its job... but if you're really not gonna pursuit anything, ice shard anything, or in general revenge kill anything and you bring weavile in just for the sake of showing off your cool weavile, then the smart thing to do if you predict (don't say it... i know...) there's gonna be a switch is to use brick break. This is because the opponent is most likely to bring in either a counter... Something that can soak up its STAB hits like infernape, lucario, and scizor because of the resisted damage and that at the same time set itself up, or something that just can completely wall its moves due to high defense and/or type resistance as well... But if you use brick break you can surprise that thick fat snorlax coming in to set up curses... I think that if weavile isn't going to do its primary job (revenge), then it should use that move due to the awesome coverage its two stabs provide (sarcastic)...

Also, I haven't really thought about this too well or tried to think of many exceptions, but notice that pokemon that would normally resist its stab moves are either weak or at least neutral to brick break... heatran, lucario, infernape, snorlax, regice and the many other steel types... so brick break would be normally the best choice if you're not out there to revenge something and you're gonna get locked on a move...

OO... and i had forgotten about regice which is 2KOd as well w/o Stealth rocks(calm, max HP, max Def 299)... and this is not exactly a frail pokemon what with max defense and all...

And about infernape... Yes it is a good INITIAL killer... BUT and here's a big but... once it kills something, it is VERY VERY easy to revenge it with something faster since it is SOO frail... I mean there are a number of pokemon who outspeed it and score super effective on it... and it doesn't even have to kill something... if it tries to set up as I switch in a latias, gengar (LO), starmie, swellow, alaka, jolteon, flygon (prediction... I know)... fun's over... and if it has taken enough prior damage even weavile can take it... I mean if yanmega switches in on a nasty plot or a fighting move... it can take it with its speed boost and air slash... and all of these pokemon can also revenge kill... ambipom can also revenge with fake out followed by double hit... I don't know what it is... but it's just too frail to threaten me... LOL... i think I listed all of the pokemon in the game that are faster (not uber)... LOL... except for the two fastest ones who suck anyways... (ninjask can come in on a fighting move though and OHKO if it's carrying an item, though its not common at all for it to be carrying a boosting item)

The point is that you might let one of your pokes die yes because you're not going to switch out to your counter if it has taken a hit... which most infernape set up midgame anyways because of the counter/frailty reason... But after that, it's over for infernape as you have given it a check... it can't come in on many moves (except scizor/weavile moves) so its choice is to come in after something has died... Point is... it's too skinny...

I have another topic of discussion... i don't know if this has happened or not, but if they provide an item to boost the duration of trick room, then it would revolutionize the entire game... I think... i mean trick room is such an AMAZING effect... it not only lets you pass on speed training, but it also lets you use cool pokemon like ampharos and a lot of current UUs... the only bad thing is that you can only use it for 5 measly turns... but if this were boosted to 8 turns with an item just like the duration of the weather conditions... MAN! it would be over!!!

I mean, if you're going to use trick room, then your WHOLE ENTIRE TEAM must be in sync with it... you usually build it around trick room... but in order for it to be effective, you need like 3 trick roomers because of the fact that it goes by so quickly! I mean trick roomers are not meant to do any attacking at all so you're just setting up the way for your sweepers... so let's take a count... as you switch in your sweeper, that's 1 turn... that only leaves you with 4 turns left... then, if you have to set up that takes up another turn (minimum) leaving you with 3 to 2 turns left... that's definitely not enough.. and if something is brought in in the process that can threaten your sweeper and you have to switch out... then it's over and trick room was a waste basically... I mean it's not enough! give us 3 extra turns and man!! what a world of fun ursaring would have!! we would see ampharos again in play!!! (i think amphy is a favorite of many people including me...) Step aside weavile, starmie, infernape, and all you speed freaks and welcome rhyperior, machamp, aggron (LOL), and a whole bunch of pokes... I mean seriously!!

and not only that... but your pokes automatically get to be wayy bulkier as they no longer have to spend those 252 evs in speed anymore so you can spend them on defense, attack, or HP... I mean come on...

I'm not trying to be "Outlandish" here but I'm willing to go as far as saying that if Trick Room were to become more popular as to actually have that type of effect on the metagame, then Dragonite usage will rise and Salamence usage will drop... WOAH!!! "what are you saying here lcristia!?!??!!" now now... calm down... I'm not saying that they will get to even levels... I'm also not saying that dragonite's will be higher... I'm just saying that they will start to even out IF it comes to a point that trick room usage goes up... Which i think will happen if it was given a duration boosting item...

I know it sounds a little out there... but maybe you guys haven't tried using Trick Room... it's such a great effect... Stats and team wise... I just wish that it would be longer because it will then allow it to come out of Doubles play into Single battles... You would also expect Bronzong usage to rise as well as any other Trick Roomer even on non trick room teams! just so that if someone tries to Trick Room, it could reverse it back...

Think about it and discuss...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

So does anybody know a good Roserade lead? I might test one out. =)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I hate the Palmer from the battle Fronteir!!!!

My team easily makes it to him but I lost against him for the second time!!!

I start with scizor against his Dragonite.
I use Sword Dance.
He uses Thunder Wave....
I try Bullet Punch. -Paralysed.
That happened over and over until scizor died...
So I had my Zapdos and Salamence left. I kill him without a problem and zapdos almost kills ryperior. But now im stuck with salamence agaisnt his Milotic...

Had scizor not been paralyzed, I would of won. Because zapdoes would of been around to T bolt his milotic....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Ouch... Sounds fustrating ShadowG... It reminds me of my most troubled Frontier Brain... which is...umm I don't remember the name but it's the Battle Hall... Can't beat her after three tries *sigh*

Anyways, umm I'd like to give you my two cents as to how to deal with Palmer... I don't know if you've noticed it or not but, your lead pokemon does matter! Whatever pokemon you have as your lead during your run, Palmer will send out his lead that has your weakness or best chances to survive longer. Scizor seemed to be the perfect choice, but it didn't turn out in your favor. If I may, I would suggest a...speedy fake out pokemon, with good attack and type coverage move set. Fake out negates the oppenets first move and negates Focus sash, so turn two you can hammer away.

Also, you want to keep the weakness of your three away from the same type. For example, Zapdos and Salamace are both weak to ice, and Milotic holds Ice beam. She can survive both of their attacks once and have the potential to OHKO Either of them. Ice beam the Salamce, or take the T-bolt from Zapdos, and shoot back with Mirror Coat. So yea.. you're kinda in a bind. So really look at the type weaknesses of your team.

This is all from my experince. Not bragging or anything, but Palmer is the easiest Brain to defeat, just remember that 'Speed Kills' and you should be able to pin him down. Good luck ShadowG!

Oh yea, I'm back, so I can battle again.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

That's good Eevee... 'cause man! you guys have been absent!! anyways...

First of all, Palmer's milotic has hypnosis which is incredibly annoying... but the miss rate is good enough in platinum... Second... you only need one pokemon for this battle... Starmie... OHKO on rhyperior with Surf and OHKO on dragonite with Ice beam... T-bolt is a 2KO on the milotic unless it uses hypnosis and then tries to recover which sucks... but since you resist both attack that it carries you can really try to stall it to death... surf won't really deal that much since it's resisted... when you wake up you can recover if you have it or strike back with thunderbolt...

Anyways... just caught another shiny poke... 31 IV HP, 31 IV Speed. Not telling which one it is... Not telling the other IVs... Not telling what nature... you have to battle me to find out... It is a real Threat!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Just had a Good battle with ShadowG.If He had Rhyperior wqith him then it would have Killed Blissy.I Probubly would have Lost.GG none the less.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Yeah, good game. I got lucky with that counter attack. ^_^
Dont say on who.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Guys, we really need to get the clan tourny moving. There's only a few days left in it. Also, can I have my rank-up test battle now? I am now more avid in shoddy than I am in Wi-Fi, so you can meet me on there.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Joey... I guess I could rank you if you're still on... PM me...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
That's good Eevee... 'cause man! you guys have been absent!! anyways...

First of all, Palmer's milotic has hypnosis which is incredibly annoying... but the miss rate is good enough in platinum... Second... you only need one pokemon for this battle... Starmie... OHKO on rhyperior with Surf and OHKO on dragonite with Ice beam... T-bolt is a 2KO on the milotic unless it uses hypnosis and then tries to recover which sucks... but since you resist both attack that it carries you can really try to stall it to death... surf won't really deal that much since it's resisted... when you wake up you can recover if you have it or strike back with thunderbolt...

Anyways... just caught another shiny poke... 31 IV HP, 31 IV Speed. Not telling which one it is... Not telling the other IVs... Not telling what nature... you have to battle me to find out... It is a real Threat!

And is it a problem that I was out enjoying my life? -cries- xD J/K j/k Seriously though, there are time where you can't do anything about it and you have to understand that we're busy with our lives. But it's good to be back -Holds Jolteon- :3

Hmmm you speak truth. However, if he's gonna be your lead, Milotic is going to be the first pokemon he'll send out. And I forgot she had hypnosis... Wait is the moveset: Surf, Ice Beam, Hynosis, Mirror Coat? Or is it Aqua Ring instead of Mirror? If not, Starmie is in some serious trouble... on T-bolt = a succeful one shot from Mirror...

??? Is it OU, BL, or UU? >.< Tell us!!

OH that brings up a question, is Magnezone OU or UU??? I've been thinking of training on but, I'm having my doubts because of his inability to get more than one Steel STAB move. In other words, I have no Flash Cannon -_-U
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Can't say... but it's not OU...

Oh and magnezone is OU... Flash cannon is a Solid Stab move... Poor type coverage, but it's sort of the best he's got besides T-bolt... And then there's Hidden Powers... which are not that great... but coming from 394 attack they should knock out whoever they are designated to target (Scizor, Swampert, Salamence)... LOL.. wow all names begin with S...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.


I know that, but I don't have an extra flash cannon... and when I checked one of my best Magnimites HP Type was grass...however it was power 58 >< So yea... no good... I'm thinking of sticking with the drive to get an HP grass... Just gotta catch magnimites like no tomorrow... Also, should I choose Magnet Rise over T-wave for the last move???
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