Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Take someone that could skill swap and use a jolly life orb Slaking... I mean talk about monstrous!! skill swap truant and you have a monster!!

If you use an adamant nature, we're talking more power than a gyarados after a dragon dance!! and comparable power to a yache berry salamence... so... it's huge...

You could also use the weather strategies such as sunny day/ solarbeam and fire attacks... plus all the pokemon that get boosted by sunny day... rain dance/ thunder plus all the swift swim and rain dish pokemon... trick room is also very effective in double battles... there's so many options for double battles it's not even funny!!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Oh that reminds me, my league is shifting over to Double battle format for DS tournys. It makes me mad.... sigh...

What are some good ideas? I know there is that stupid Water Absorb/Surf combo.
But what are some other ideas?

I've thought of 2 Electric pokemon or somthing. One with Volt absorb, the other with Discharge.

Ive thought of A pokemon with Flash Fire and the other using Fire on it.

Surf/Dry Skin.=P Hail teams are good, two Flash Fire Pokemon using Lava Plume, so much variety. I personally like this Smeargle.

Nature: Jolly/Timid
EVs:252 S/252 HP
Moves: Rain Dance, Trick Room, Imprison, Dark Void

Ruins Rain dance and TR teams, just don't get stuck with him as you last Pokemon.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
You can only get one.. 'cause I don't clone my pokes... and I have a friend who's already interested and getting dibs on one of the pokes... that's only if you're talking about the oddishes... if you're talking about the other ones... be my guest... just check my trade thread... they're all there...

I'll have the calm one please. Plus could you PM me about chaining?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Oh that reminds me, my league is shifting over to Double battle format for DS tournys. It makes me mad.... sigh...

What are some good ideas? I know there is that stupid Water Absorb/Surf combo.
But what are some other ideas?

I've thought of 2 Electric pokemon or somthing. One with Volt absorb, the other with Discharge.

Ive thought of A pokemon with Flash Fire and the other using Fire on it.

Wow... double battles can be very annoying know that I think of it... I used to love them, but too many people started using the same things and I got angry lol.

Well, people have thrown out good ideas, I actually have a team based around discharge... Fairly simple really, scarf a Rotom and pair it up with Electivire. But don't be too obvious... Have like, a Gyarados with protect, just in case your oppenent has a lightning move. Scout that out while D-charge then switch out to Electivire next turn and there you have it. He takes one free motor drive, and Rotom supplies the second all in one turn. And due to Rotom's levitate, you can spam EQ no problem. However, make sure you have trick on that Rotom, it will be handy in the long run.

This is actually a... somewhat original team, I've only seen one other person slap together a team like this. And it should outrun an shift swim/chlorophyll team out there. IMO of course...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I have a basic team idea in mind.

Im thinking about starting with Froslass and Glaceon.

The Froslass has really high speed and will start the show with Hail. Now both Glaceon and Froslass have +1 Evation.
Froslass will hack away with things like Toxic (to break down walls) and Blizzard which hits both opponents.
Then Glaceon will be loaded with Mud Slap. This will lower the foes accuracy. (which is pretty much the same as raising my Evation more.) He will also have Wish.

THe idea here, is to have the Hail ruin any Focus Sash pokemon. And have poison rip throw walls like Vaporeon. All the while avoiding damage 50-60% of the time due to Lowered accuaracy and hightened evation.

And if they only hit me every few turns, Wish will just ruin their chances at winning.

The other 2 pokemon I will use are: (probably) Jolteon and Electrivire.

Again, just like Froslass, Jolteon is so fast (and cute :p) he should attack first. He can use Discharge to strike both opponents and raise elecrivires speed at the same time. Once Elecrivire is really fast, he is fairly unstopable.

A possible sub for Jolteon woud be a Thunder Punch using Flygon. It avoids the Ground weakness.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Wow! Will they allow you to use Weather evasion on purpose? If so that's pretty good. However, that kind of team can easily be torn down by fire pokemon, and to those Sandstorm users... Darn that Hippowdon!!! Main weakness will be fire and steel, though both are weak to the mud-slap tech, I don't think it'll be that effective. If you are going with this, give Frosslass Taunt. She'll agervate the Trick Roomers xD Top three Trick room set ups: Bronzong, Dusknoir, and Gardy (From my personal experiance.)

Like I mentioned, have Rotom do that role with Electivire instead of Jolteon. And have a back up D-charger like Porygon-Z, and having Flygon in there wouldn't be bad at all! That way, you can avoid getting one shot by EQ. And those Trick room set ups can easily get things ready against this team.

Hate being such a downer, but this is truth that I speak.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hey Shadow I know this isn't a really big shoddy clan so I don't want to join not to be mean. :)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Well....I ahve Shoddy and so Does Shadow and a Bunch of other people.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Eevee's right shadow... There goes scizor to ruin your fun if you have two ice pokes on the field... I mean they can't do anything to scizor really as he resists both ice and ghost attacks, is immune to toxic and won't mind a thunderwave (if you choose to use it) too much because he's gonna bullet punch you anyways...

On a side note guys... I don't mean to show off or anything... but today I chained hondours... and it was a bit frustrating at first because the chains kept breaking for no reason... but I finally got a chain to reach 40... and guess what? about 3 hours and 100 max repels later I have 12 shiny houndours!! that's right! 12! I had to catch a soundproof pokemon though because these guys just keep roaring away... but yeah.. 12!! I have tried to synchronize them with either modest or timid natures but I don't know how many are actually synchronized because the chain is still going!

It's at 94 and the chain is still going... So you guys be sure to check out my trade thread for some shiny houndours... the only thing though is that I must admit that while houndoom is an awesome poke, the shiny sprite is not that cool.. so... I don't know...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I was at 16 in My starly Chain when imoved to fast and broke it....I'm trying again...this time in a Chair...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Chain of 15 Bidoofs!!!..BTW whats makes 40 so Special a Number for Chaining?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I thought that then everytime would appear a Shiny,not sure though.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Okay, I am missing in action for a while, then get back to find that everyone here now knows how to chain!?

I know I need the PokeRadar to do that, so first off, where do I get the pokeradar?

Secondly, anyone care to explain how to chain?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Okay, I am missing in action for a while, then get back to find that everyone here now knows how to chain!?

I know I need the PokeRadar to do that, so first off, where do I get the pokeradar?

Secondly, anyone care to explain how to chain?

You get the Pokeradar (and National Dex) when you talk to ProfRowan when you got all pokemons on the Pokedex.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

16 is a good number... If you keep at it, eventually you'll catch a shiny... because some of the shinys that Ive caught have appeared even at number 7... so you might get lucky like that...

Umm... I don't really know why 40 is a good number... I just use it for no reason... everyone says it's the perfect number because that's where you get optimal shiny appearance ratio... 1/200 I think... and then they use this formula and place the number forty in there to show how it's 1 in 200... but I really don't know where they pulled out the formula or the number 40... so I don't really believe in that... but I just chain to 40 just because I don't have a better number...

Once you're at 40, they say that one out of every 50 resets of the pokeradar will yield a shiny.... and I guess that's pretty close because yesterday I think i used about 120 or 130 or at most 140 max repels and caught 12 shinys... and 10 max repels give you 50 resets... so that's pretty close... it will get annoying... once you're at 40 and you don't see a shiny for like 15-20 or even 30 max repels though... but once you do, it seems to go by much easier because you might get 1 shiny there and about 5 resets later another shiny and 7 resets later another one... so they might "bunch up" if you guys get what I mean...

Reaching 40 is one of the most arduous things though because once you're at 40, it's easy... you just have to stay clear of any patches that are not shiny and you're good... but before 40, there are 40 opportunities to mess up your chain... and it seems that the higher you go in the chain, the harder it gets and the easier breaking your chain becomes... usually, once I'm at 40 I can say that I've caught the shiny already... because all you have to have is patience in resetting from then on...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

ok what im confused on about chaining is they say when you see a shiny patch go to it i do after like 9 chains and i mess it up i need help
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

shadoworganoid said:
Okay, I am missing in action for a while, then get back to find that everyone here now knows how to chain!?

I know I need the PokeRadar to do that, so first off, where do I get the pokeradar?

Secondly, anyone care to explain how to chain?

Shadow check out the Shiny clan sometime. That is where you can get lessons on chaining. Wi-Fi is down until we can get the router reconnected. Had to clean the tower out. We have to have our Wi-Fi guy reconnect it tomorrow hopefully.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Okay well... Ummm Blast... I think you are confusing the bright patches Vs the Actual shiny/sparkly patches ... There are very Distinct differences between the two... Bright patches appear all the time... Shiny patches are what you're aiming for... TRUST ME... you will know one when you see it... and you'll be happy...

Patch Basics
There are three major types of patches... there are the normal patches... the brighter ones... and the shiny ones... Pokeradar pokemon can ONLY be found in the brighter patches... but otherwise every other pokemon that can be found, can be found in either of the patches...

You have to pick one of the two patches to start your chain with... and once you do, don't pick another patch type... like say, if you start your chain with a normal patch, don't switch to bright colored patch halfway through because it will mess up your chain like 99% of the time... you can get lucky and pull if off but it will be unlikely...

The other thing is that depending on the patch type will determine how efficiently you will be able to chain in some situations... like... if it's night time, you will want to try and go for the brighter patches to start with... that way you could see them better when you reset the radar... because normal patches are really hard to see sometimes... Also, bright colored patches are much easier to spot in sandstorm, hail, and rain areas... so you'll want to think about these things...

Also, there are subtle differences between patches even of the same type... some bright patches will look different than others and stuff... this can become important if you're trying to chain a very rare poke because it might break your chain.. most of the time though, if you pick the patch at the right distance, it won't matter... but if you want to play it safe, just learn to recognize the difference between each...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I'm not sure if anyone here remembers me, but i was in the clan for a short time, then my DS broke. I sent it off to Nintendo, and have it back now, in working order. I would like to re-join.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I remember you. STG IS BACK!!! =D

Thanks Icristia. Could you post all the ways to break a chain?
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