The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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The Pikachu Mafia said:
you forgot the rouge Kyurem/Feraligatar/Kyurem EX/Mewtwo EX deck =P

I would've figured Feraligatr is much too slow for the current format. Smart ZekEel players run 40 HP Tynamo's over the 30 HP one's however players teching in Absol with Prism can easily get around that apparently. Infact the only reasons why Absol is getting attention nowadays is that Eye of Disaster helps score easier KO's on Mewtwo and Dark Toolbox next set makes it amazingly good.

Most players who run ZekEels usually only run 1 Zekrom EX or don't run any at all due to being a horrible 1st turn game opener. I don't see why Kyurem decks nowadays don't run Celebi to achieve a T2 Glaciate with Skyarrow, it's not that hard and it's quite effective. It's better than wasting Rare Candies on Gatr considering how fast the format is right now, 1st turn usually decides who wins the game with most decks with just Basics, it's like SableDonk all over again... -___-
ehh I say feraligatr is the safest way to charge up kyurem. It may be slow but you could still pull off a T2 Glaciate, he has way more hp than celebi to survive an attack (from most things except reshi/zeky EX) kyurem accelerates water energy keeping you from making a dangerous split in basic energy, he guarantee's sound acceleration unlike electrode, he even has a grass weakness, which is great right now! (unless they have the rare-ish virizion/yanmega in their deck.) so all and all I think feraligatr is the best partner for kyurem, he can also charge up a kyurem EX easily too, plus he can accelerate energy so easily onto mewtwo, non of these Forest breath/Juniper Shenanigans that celebi has to play. Like you said his only weak point is he fact that he's Stage 2....

but that's kinda off topic :/ any Regional winning decklists out there that anyone might wanna share? (long shot I know :( )
Top 8 list:

2/2-3 Eel
2 Krom
1 Krom EX
2 m2 Ex
1 thunderus
1 smeargle
1 shaymin

4 collector
4 juniper
3 n
3 sage
1 seeker
4 ja
3 catcher
3 level ball
2 eviolite
2 switch
1 gear
1 super rod
1 plus power

9 lightning
4 dce
Pretty solid, though I could see it having trouble against Kyurem since it's gaining popularity again at least until Kyogre EX and Groudon EX can prove they can spread damage as good next set.

Also how does ZekEels fair against Lilligant/Vileplume, the other rogue deck gaining popularity lately? I've heard alot of great things about that deck and I'm surprised there's no Metagame Thread for it here.
iisnumber12 said:
Top 8 list:

2/2-3 Eel
2 Krom
1 Krom EX
2 m2 Ex
1 thunderus
1 smeargle
1 shaymin

4 collector
4 juniper
3 n
3 sage
1 seeker
4 ja
3 catcher
3 level ball
2 eviolite
2 switch
1 gear
1 super rod
1 plus power

9 lightning
4 dce

you were that kid who came in 16th exactly at PA Regionals right? Seeker o_O the list doesn't look that bad =P.... Just Unique :O
The Pikachu Mafia said:
ehh I say feraligatr is the safest way to charge up kyurem. It may be slow but you could still pull off a T2 Glaciate, he has way more hp than celebi to survive an attack (from most things except reshi/zeky EX) kyurem accelerates water energy keeping you from making a dangerous split in basic energy, he guarantee's sound acceleration unlike electrode, he even has a grass weakness, which is great right now! (unless they have the rare-ish virizion/yanmega in their deck.) so all and all I think feraligatr is the best partner for kyurem, he can also charge up a kyurem EX easily too, plus he can accelerate energy so easily onto mewtwo, non of these Forest breath/Juniper Shenanigans that celebi has to play. Like you said his only weak point is he fact that he's Stage 2....

but that's kinda off topic :/ any Regional winning decklists out there that anyone might wanna share? (long shot I know :( )

I must be going crazy, but am I the only one who remembers that Feraligatr Prime only accelerates energy on water typed pokemon? Feraligatr simply doesn't work for Mewtwo EX.
your right I'm sorry, I keep forgetting he can't accelerate energy quite like emboar >.< but he's still the best partner for kyurem =P
I've been testing with two Mewtwo EX on my Magneboar build, in place of RDL, and it's working great. It's even more consistent that the RDL for this deck, and it was top cut in my states two weekends ago.
Card Slinger J said:
Also how does ZekEels fair against Lilligant/Vileplume, the other rogue deck gaining popularity lately? I've heard alot of great things about that deck and I'm surprised there's no Metagame Thread for it here.

Lilligant is a rogue, not metagame. And I'm not exactly sure how it's so good, it seems not too hard to beat to me. You can take a few prizes while they're setting up, and then they have a 25% chance to fail every time they attack. If they are only doing 40 damage a turn (including Poison), that's a lot of times to fail. Then when they fail, you can just retreat and attack.

Also, if you send up 30hp Tynamos you can break the Kingdra lock.
Pehu said:
I've been testing with two Mewtwo EX on my Magneboar build, in place of RDL, and it's working great. It's even more consistent that the RDL for this deck, and it was top cut in my states two weekends ago.

This is the ZekEels discussion thread, not the Magboar discussion thread.
Glaceon said:
This is the ZekEels discussion thread, not the Magboar discussion thread.

Sorry, won't happen again.
By the way, Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom was the deck of 4 from our top 8 in that states I talked about. That deck really is hard to beat without a mewtwo EX of your own.
CMT does not always run 3 Mewtwo. Also, a match should never come down to a Mewtwo war if you can help it; Mewtwo is really just an insurance policy.
The current metagame Pre-Dark Explorers is basically Mewtwo Wars, you know it's coming like Catcher but you don't know when and when it happens you need to be prepared for it. Darkrai EX is going to change all that as with an attached Eviolite can absorb 40 damage from Mewtwo and can still survive long enough to 2HKO it for 180 with Night Spear.

However Terrakion and Groudon EX are going to see a staggering amount of play due to Dark Toolbox becoming more popular, ZekEels will still be good since it gets Raikou EX but I really don't see it replacing Zekrom EX in it since it hits for more damage but the bench snipe is too hard to ignore yet you need to double Dynamotor to get it off and If they get rid of your Eels then Raikou EX is a dead card.
If you still feel the metagame right now is basically Mewtwo wars then clearly you need to look past the two best decks in format.
it really kind of is still mewtwo wars :/

even durant runs mewtwo now, It's like eat or be eaten..... 2 mewtwo is standard but you could use 3, it works surprisingly well because you don't have to worry about having one prized or being forced to start the war due to a bad hand. A certain 6P member (I wont mention his name) ran 3 mewtwo in his zekeels and he completely dominated all 3 states. He did especially well against other zekeels, because once their last mewtwo hits the discard you normally can run them over. The guy who came 2nd at the ECC also had 3 mewtwo, so it's a really viable option. That is at least until rayquaza comes out (I think mewtwo could even stand a chance against darkrai since dark box tries to constantly keep 6 dark pokemon in play, they will probably have a lesser mewtwo counter, leaving an opening to dump alot of energy on our evil kitty, and don't forget mewtwo can abuse eviolite too while darkrai will probably have dark claw instead, not eviolite)

the only rouge that could beat mewtwo right now without running it's own are either something that paralyze locks you, (like VVV w/ mew) something that can exert hate/resistance/attack lock (like Cobalion/Scizor prime/optionally vileplume) or something that hits for weakness (like messiemew/mew box)

yeah there are ways to beat him :/ but the best way is by far to counter with your own mewtwo, and lots of them!
I like 3 Mewtwo. It means you can be more carefree with them, like you can Juniper one away without being forced to lay it down. Super Rod can only get you so far as it isn't searchable.

I would say no to both Zapdos and Tornadus, but Tornadus is the better of the two
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