What should I play for _________?

Event: City Championships
Division: Masters
Metagame: VileGar (lots of it), SP Variants (mostly DialgaChomp and LuxChomp with some Blazikens), Gyarados, Machamp
What you can play: Blastoise/Floatzel or Porygon-Z promo?
@Festizzio: I'd definitely go with Blastoise/Floatzel. Although Porygon-Z can hit hard very quickly, most everything in your meta that you mentioned can hit it just as hard back (Gyarados can hit 90+, Machamp can OHKO, Vilegar just stops you dead, and SPs just have good track records and recovery), and without stuff like Junk Arm it will be almost impossible to recycle your TMs, which can't really be searched for all that well. I have played Blastoise/Floatzel many times myself, and it's actually very phenomenal, because it can get set up fairly quickly (though not super-fast), and once it gets rolling you can basically draw a prize every turn if you keep the cycle going, and then use BTS to just set up another Blastoise. (On a side note, do you think Kingdra Prime is feasible in Blastoise/Floatzel? My meta is rather SP-heavy and I run into a lot of Pokemon with 110 HP, and I don't own that much SP stuff...)
Event: City Championships
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Maybe 3-4 LuxChomps (maybe one with Dialga G), 1-3 VileGars, 2 DialgaChomps, 2-3 Regigigas, maybe some Machamp (with or without Kingdra Prime) and Gyarados.
What you can play: Donphan with or without EnteiRaikou LEGEND, DialgaChomp and Gyarados.

I'm best at playing Donphan with EnteiRaikou, but it has some problems against Gyarados and maybe VileGar, but it can win LuxChomps easily. Gyarados is fast and can hit hard, but it has some bad matchups. I'm haven't played much with DialgaChomp, so I think I'm not going to play with it. What should I play?
I say gyarados + DGX (since you have it) + mesprit LA. Mesprit slows down the speed decks and hurts luxchomp, gyarados most of the time (provided that they don't play the prime) beats machamp, regigigas, and dialgiachomp both give you a good run, and DGX shuts down Vilegar.
Event: Cities
Division: Masters
Metagame: SP, Gyarados, Champ, VileGar
What you can play: DialgaChomp(which I will be tweaking pretty soon), or BlastiGaTurn(Gatr, Lanturn, Blastoise)
Well, I had a 1-1 Drifblim in my deck, but when I turned it from BlazeChomp to DialgaChomp(cause I bought a Clash of Legends Box with DGX and PGX), I took out Drifblim. But I might put it back in when I turn it back into BlazeChomp(if I can ever get another Blaziken FB X ><'), but there isn't much Champ in my meta.
Event: Cities
Division: Seniors
Meta: T-Tar, BlazeChomp, Shuppet, Uxie Donk
What I can play: Uxie Donk, Gyarados, Wormadam, MewPerrior
I'd say Gyarados, but you might not want to do that because of the Donk decks in your area. If possible, I'd say VileGar is best for your meta.
I dont think it would do well against Shuppet. I don't know about Mirror.
Event: States (getting ready)
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Stallbreon, Kingdra
What I can play: Blastgatr, SP, Stallbreon

In theroy SP would be the best choice with it's great matchup aginst kingdra (provided you have any form of luxray), but I am not femilar with stallbreon or blastgatr so the choice is your what ever you feel best playing is the true answer
Event: Cities (Bathurst, NSW~Australia)
Division: Masters
Metagame: Vileplume/Gengar/Dialga G-Lv.X/Lady Gaga/SP & other net deckking decks
What you can play: Eeveelutions, Shaymins, Lions (I don't have Luxray G Lv.X), Bright Flames (No Zard from Arcues~Only Base/SF)....basicly I don't like net deckking.
@Light Venusaur.
Playing Luxchomp and other populair tier1 decks is not netdecking.
Netdecking is copypasting a full list.
Also if you only can play 1 deck, then why are you asking what to play?
Try Shaymin, since you'll have better chance of one-hitting stuff and keeping yourself alive. Just remember to run it with Leafeon RR or some other good grass type (JUMPLUFF) and you should be fine.
Also, get ahold of some Arceus Charizards. That deck is beastly. Requires very little setup to get up and running and it can hit 1 for 80. Yes please.
^I would use Jumpluff...but I don't have access to one, as I'm not allowed to trade (TCG) on here (& it's also a very popular card here in Sydney).