Search results

  1. Babasai

    Misprint Pokémon 1st Movie Promo

    That's pretty strange. I'm not a collector so I don't know how much that'd be worth, but that's one strange card.
  2. Babasai

    Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

    Hah. I suck at making riddles, but I love solving them. Well, I guess it's your go now.
  3. Babasai

    Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

    Awesome! Ok here I go... I've had many run-ins with cases of mistaken identity. I even turn completely upside-down when I evolve, but that doesn't stop trainers from coming up and touching me. I'm not Adamant, Lustrous, or Griseous. Who am I?
  4. Babasai

    The "I did an Awesome Trade" Thread

    O_O How in the WORLD did you pull that one off???
  5. Babasai

    The "I PWNed you SO badly" thread.

    I was up against my friend's Sceptile deck with my (currently dismantled) Muktank deck. I went second. He had a single Treecko out and no energies. I drew a Grimer, a few energies, a Bebe's Search, a Rare Candy, a Skuntank G, and a Honchkrow G. I led with Honchkrow, played Grimer, evolved to...
  6. Babasai

    Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

    The answer's Arcanine, the LEGENDARY Pokemon, also known as WINDY in Japan!
  7. Babasai

    Band on the brain?

    RE: What band is in YOUR thoughts? I VERY recently got back into Queen, like merely days ago. I got their Greatest Hits collection (don't ask how :P) and now I can't stop singing to myself! In the shower I fantasize that I'm Freddie Mercury belting out the classics. "Bicycle" will be forever...
  8. Babasai

    What Was the FIRST Cinema Movie You watched?

    I know the first movie I saw was Toy Story, and that was when I was, like, 3... has it really been over a decade since then? My, how time flies...
  9. Babasai

    James Cameron's Avatar

    I went into the movie absolutely hating the whole concept of Avatar, expecting the worst, most cliched plot since... well, since the last clichéed movie that came out. I left the theater completely thrilled. The music was stunning, the graphics were surprisingly convincing, and I actually...
  10. Babasai

    The "I did an Awesome Trade" Thread

    Oh I was just reminded of this one trade I did a long, long time ago. This was back when Neo Genesis was nothing more than a rumor in the US, and it had just barely begun in Japan. I traded my Cool Porygon (Pokemon Stadium lol) with my cousin in the Philippines for a Japanese Typhlosion. It was...
  11. Babasai

    Cat Summoned to Court

    I feel sorry for the cat. What if they actually have to bring it into the courthouse, and it jumps away and gets lost? :(
  12. Babasai

    Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

    It's been FOGGY around my area, actually. So much for snow.
  13. Babasai

    What "clique" do you fit into in school?

    lol NICE. That's the kind of environment I'd like to be in once I graduate. Pokemon's become routine for me; every day before lunch, me and my best friend whip out our cards and play for 20-30 minutes just to wind down after a grueling half day of high school. Anyway, my high school's kinda...
  14. Babasai

    Platinium Premium Box

    I saw a picture of one yesterday on the forums, but no, I haven't seen it at all in person. Seems like a relatively new product.
  15. Babasai

    First 3 english Primes!

    Meganium HGSS = Base Set Venusaur + Feraligatr HGSS = Base Set Blastoise + Typhlosion HGSS = lol what These cards are good, but they're kinda lackluster. Nice art, though.
  16. Babasai

    The "I did an Awesome Trade" Thread

    I traded a Base Set Rattata for a Claydol GE!!! Oh yeah. No but seriously, I gave someone a few Burmies and Wormadams for a Gyarados SF. Not epic, but I think it was well worth it.
  17. Babasai

    Draw after Claydol and Uxie

    I'd actually like to see people using Volkner's and POV more often, but I'm not gonna lie, Roseanne's Research will be sorely missed once it's gone for good. :(
  18. Babasai

    (1) Twelve 'Revived Legends' Cards Revealed [1/15]

    Whoah. These legends give 2 prizes? Didn't see that coming.
  19. Babasai

    (2) Ho-Oh and Lugia LEGEND English Card, CoroCoro to Reveal Surprising Movie 13 Pokemon [1/14]

    It might be the scans, but the english cards seem much paler than the japanese ones. Hopefully PUSA decided to keep the legends reverse holo by default.
  20. Babasai


    RE: Ferraris fast trades W:SP STUFF BADLY! Hmm... I have: 3 Energy Gain 1 Flygon RR 2 Cyrus's Conspiracy Did you get those already? Because if not, I'm looking for any one of the following: Poke Healer + Felicity's Drawing Looker's Investigation (maybe Togekiss GE?) This is the...