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  1. viewtifulme

    Ruling Zapdos MD question

    Zapdos's attack says it does 40 damage to one of your pokemon. First of all, do you get to choose which one of your pokemon takes the damage? If so, would it be possible to play an old amber on the bench, direct the 40 damage to the old amber and then have it negated because of old amber's...
  2. viewtifulme

    Ruling kabutops MD ruleing Question

    Is this true? I thought that you couldn't play fossils unless you're allowed to play trainers. For instance, I thought that you couldn't play fossils on the first players first turn, but you can play them if you go second.
  3. viewtifulme

    Ruling Poke-Power?

    Ok guys, here's the big question: Is aerodactyl stackable?
  4. viewtifulme

    Ruling kabutops MD ruleing Question

    On a related note, when exactly are fossils trainers and when are they basic pokemon? I'm guessing fossils count as trainers as long as they are not on the field (in your hand or your deck) and they count as basic pokemon only when they are on the bench or active. Is this correct? Does this...
  5. viewtifulme

    rocket packs

    Well if those rumored gold and silver remakes actually come out, there will be reason to have another Rocket set. I for one would love to see a Dark Empoleon... also dark 3rd gen pokemon...
  6. viewtifulme

    Ruling porygon2 and steven's advice

    No, Porygon2 says "use the effect of that card." The 7 card cutoff is part of the effect.
  7. viewtifulme

    Ruling GE Swampert's PP

    Can GE Swampert's poke power move scramble energies? The power reads: " may move a Water or Fighting Energy attached to 1 of your benched pokemon to your Active Pokemon." It says nothing about basic energy, so I'm assuming you can move activated scrambles, correct? Thanks.
  8. viewtifulme

    Japanese Mothmin and Bronzong?

    Where there translations for the mothim and bronzong promos that came with the alternate artwork empoleon and torterra lx's in japan? Like, the psychic bronzong with fire resistance?
  9. viewtifulme

    Ruling Blaziken GE

  10. viewtifulme

    Ruling Blaziken GE

    Can GE Blaziken's first attack scoop up special energies from the discard pile such as double rainbow, multi, and scramble (if scramble is activated, of course)? The attack reads: "Search your discard pile for a fire energy card and attach it to 1 of your pokemon." Double rainbow says it...
  11. viewtifulme

    Why is Tangrowth so good?

    Tangrowth is a diabolically broken card when paired with Sceptile. Why has no one noticed this? Without Sceptile, it's still very good: for 4 energies, do a solid 60 AND remove 3 damage counters AND prevent retreating...every turn. Pair that with leftovers and you're removing 40 damage each...
  12. viewtifulme

    Wednesday, 1/23, Darkrai from Great Encounters, Nationals FAQ Up

    Now that we know darkrai is #4, the only pokemon that could fill in the #3 spot are another darkrai which we already know of, another cresselia that we don't know, or don't forget the possibility of a new crobat from DP5 (a stretch, but possible). Most likely its going to be the other darkrai...
  13. viewtifulme

    Friday, 1/18, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai February 2008 Tins; Great Encounters Blister Pack; DP5 Release

    RE: Friday, 1/18, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai February 2008 Tins; Great Encounters Bliste Anyone else notice the announced "Bulbasaur" reverse holo from the GE blisters? Could this be a mistake or could there be a new Venusaur coming our way (maybe from Japan's DP5)?
  14. viewtifulme

    Ruling Question about Plus Power

    So let's say, for example, Empoleon has a Plus Power attached to it and uses Ice Blade on one of the opponent's benched pokemon. Does Ice Blade do an additional 10 damage to the active pokemon or does it just to 40 to one bench. The card reads if the pokemon its attached to attacks (Ice Blade...
  15. viewtifulme

    Ruling Question about Holon Energy WP

    So what if the attack has a coin flip that adds more damage (like DP Heracross' Horn Slash)? Does the attacker still flip the coin or is the coin flip canceled? Thanks for the quick response by the way :)
  16. viewtifulme

    Ruling Question about Holon Energy WP

    The card reads "prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to that pokemon." What does it mean by 'effects of attacks'? Does it include status effects? coin flips? extra damage under certain conditions? (ex: Venusaur's Green Blast attack) bench damage? (Aqua Shower) Thanks for...