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  1. samuel_

    Pokemon Pokemon Trainers and Pokeballs!

    1. The pokémon back wild 2. There a different dimension
  2. samuel_

    Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

    Corsola need two evo!
  3. samuel_

    Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

    I think that Plusle and Minum or\and Volbeat and Illumise need the same evolution male and female
  4. samuel_

    Pokemon Arceus and Regigigas

    Only the color scheme is similar
  5. samuel_

    Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

    Jynx evolution is good! like Magmar and Electubuzz! and Venomoth evolution or dolphin pokémon is good!
  6. samuel_

    Ash's final pokemon.

    RE: Ash's final two pokemon. Turtwig (I think released it) Kirilia Staraptor Monferno Ambipom Pikachu (Evolve PLEASEEEEEEEE) Snower (or EV)[hr]Turtwig (I think released it) Staraptor Monferno Ambipom Pikachu (Please EVOLVEEEEEEE) Snower (or Abomasnow) Kirilia
  7. samuel_

    Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

    New types can be for example Aliens, that contain Pokémon from different wordl (like Deoxys)
  8. samuel_

    Place your favorite song

    Slipped Away- Avril Lavigne
  9. samuel_

    Which region did ash had the strongest pokemon?

    Kanto! Charizard, Pidgeot, Lapras, Muk, Kingler and more...
  10. samuel_

    Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

    I want a steel eeveelotion with razor tail, a Sharpedo evolution and a Rotom evolution
  11. samuel_

    My Contest:Show me what you got

    I too!
  12. samuel_

    Ash's final pokemon.

    RE: Ash's final two pokemon. I think Ash need Gible (and evo), Shellos (but pink) and some ghost pokémon...for example Misdreavus!
  13. samuel_

    Do you think its Real or Fake?

    Magic: fake Big Foot: fake Yeti: fake Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: It's death Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: What? Aliens: YES!! Doomsday: mmm... Dragons: before Atlantis: Yes Luck: No...