(1) Slightly Clearer Scan of Monkey Screenshot with Hiyappu [9/4]

I guess that's what I am saying, also ash having the blue one was just an example he maybe have the fire.
i keep writing ask. i mean ash.

they better have cool monkeys or i am going to freak. they serve the same purpose like plusle and minun. they want to emphasize triple battles. i didnt like plusle and minun. so these better be good. and they need to evolve or they will suck.
@Illusion agreed i was just about to say that! they need to evolve! cause if i dont like the way the starters look im choosing all three monkeys haha ( sorry didnt mean to go back on the subject of the starters... anywayyys lol )
i usually plan my team before i get the game.... but i like the idea of different types. it would be funny if they were the starters. lol. :)

but im getting tired of the fighting about the starters. so lets not bring it up again.
random but if dento an the red and blue hair guys are grass, fire, and water.... then aloe is what type????

cause aloe had a red shadow around her artwork ( dento had a green and its confirmed has yanuppu whos grass )
@Illusion me too. that's why i watch the walkthroughs to see what pokemon would be good for my team =]

Edit: @NickyP it seems that the more we try to uncover the more mysteries appear.
@OMGxShante i know right?!? haha it doesnt help that im impatient aswell... i wanna know already haha
@NickyP me too lol. but it's kind of fun trying to put this puzzle together then realize it's still pieces missing lol.
i like the new games i think that they will be amazing. if dentos gym isnt one type, maybe aloe's isnt one type either. i think that this will make the games much more interesting.

this is sorta off topic but how do u put a picture under your name?
ohhh man im no expert on this haha umm go to main forum page... an click on User CP right at the top near LOGOUT... then you can change it in there

it says change avatar under profile settings

ohhh looks like you got it! haha sweet
okay if found it. why did they make the CP thing so hard to find? Thanks for everything. now i just need to find a better picture. lol. :)
Off-Topic: i wonder how to get this thing to stop saying magikarp bait -__-. i don't like being bait lol
OMGxShante when everything is released, i def will miss the days where id wake up an look online an a new pokemon pops up... but then again i want the games badly lol
@OMGxShante me too!! i dont like it at all. imma change my picture to zoroak, it wil be more fitting considering my name. :/ lol.
@NickyP i thought i was the only one that did that lol but when the games come out i have the walkthroughs to look forward to. i have my person for the black walkthrough i just need to find someone for white since im getting both =]