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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

... Choice Scarf Salamence runs max Spe as well <_<. The bulky ones do get outdone though.

Unlike yours, my calcs were done using Adamant Aggron. You however are persistently using JOLLY Aggron - there's a big difference there, which turns your precious 2HKO into a 3HKO. Numbers aren't there to be misquoted - check back at what I did and you'll see that (again) the Jolly Aggron doesn't ever break 50% to 449 HP Harry.

On the note of Harry, Force Palm is preferred, yes. But like Registeel, if people were finding Aggron to be too much of a problem to their team, you can guarantee that that would change to something else that would do the job better.

"Not very much" is pretty easy to equate to "Not enough" damage over the course of 2 turns - if Aggron can't damage something enough to KO it before it itself dies, it's not exactly doing a LOT of damage. I'd quite happily trade Hariyama for Aggron if both had to die though, because Harry can be replaced on the types of teams it is normally seen in (like Stall)... removing a good offensive threat from your opponent is usually worth that.

Did you even think for a second that Registeel's EV's would change if Aggron starts getting popular? The metagame doesn't stay constant you know; if Aggron really became popular then Registeel would run more Def to better take it on. I kinda forgot about Steelix as well this whole time - it has that colossal base Def to take pretty much anything without TOO much of a threat to itself (even EQ and Aqua Tail), and can then hit you with STAB EQ. Maybe that's a bit of a better counter than Registeel, given what Registeel CURRENTLY runs as a standard, but I can guarantee you that it would change if Steel was to be used to stop Aggron (like Magnezone changed to stop Scizor and Lucario).

Oh, I saw what you said, but I don't agree with it. Maybe I should've specifically said that, but w/e. Scizor can be effectively trapped no matter what set it's using unless it U-Turns as you bring Magnezone in, or you get outpredicted and get hit by a fighting move. So long as you don't come in against a fighting attack, you will ALWAYS be faster, will pretty much always take the attack with little damage (the only one that would hurt remotely is SD Bullet Punch, since we've established that it's not good to come in against any fighting attack), and will always KO it. If all else fails, bring Magnezone in after something has died, and trap Scizor that way.

You seem to have an issue here - if something is designed to counter something else that it normally doesn't, of COURSE it's going to be specialised towards taking it down. Why should that be irrelevant?

Have you looked at the things you said Weavile is good at KOing there? With the exception of TTar (although even that is a fragile argument if TTar is in good health and has a few HP EVs - 339 Atk Weavile with a Choice Band does 290-341 damage with Brick Break to a 256 Def (no investment) TTar), all of them are rather frail... anything remotely physically defensive not named Hippowdon, Gliscor or Celebi (who obviously all fear boosted Ice Punch), or not weak to anything Weavile has, takes virtually nothing from it - given that this is quite a significant number of opponents (including Scizor, the most used pokémon of the game atm!), how does that make Weavile strong?

Personally, Weavile is in OU for the same reasons as to why Electivire, Porygon-Z and Alakazam are in OU - it sucks, but enough people use it to keep it there for some reason... that's not the point of the matter, but w/e.

I apologise if you think I was ignoring the overall point of your counters section. I guess I lost focus a bit with the whole "Weavile is strong in OU" -_-. I was going to say something about inherent flawsof pokeshere, but I can't find the words to put it together atm, so I'll leave it for now.

I don't really see your point with LO here... I know you've been using that (it's pretty obvious just from looking at the numbers, given that I've been doing calcs as well), so... what's your point? LO doesn't change that fact that you can't do 50% to some rather dangerous defensive pokémon (well, dangerous to Aggron anyhow)... whilst the added recoil from attacking most definitely will be a negative impact from the orb.

Just for coverage here, the ONLY reason Focus Blast is standard on ANYTHING is because the things that use it have literally no other viable option that works in its place to do its job. Hidden Power Fighting is a gigantic drop from Focus Blast's power (not to mention losing a speed point to obtain it), and that's often fatal to the pokémon you mentioned (Typhlosion needs HP for something else anyway, but personally I find Focus Punch better than Focus Blast since it can actually dent Blissey... but meh, prediction vs accuracy is not a fun thing to argue). If it wasn't for that, I highly doubt it would even see use... I mean, how many other pokémon do you actually see it used by?

The only things I'd change in that closing statement would be as follows:

"And the fact that some of the counters that it has, most notably hariyama, registeel, and some others, have trouble repeatedly switching in to moves it may carry (Iron Head for a 3KO/iron tail (on Adamant Aggron) for a 2KO, EQ + Superpower/ Superpower for a 2KO while it can't guarantee an OHKO it respectively)"

Otherwise I pretty much agree with your revised statement. I guess I'll see what the metagame is like shortly after these changes are implemented, since under SS this might stand a chance if you can avoid EQ/Fighting attacks. It might be a little hit and miss with that low initial Spe and somewhat crippling weaknesses, but a STAB 150 BP move is always fun... EQ is definitely a move you'd want though, since it provides pretty much the best coverage with Head Smash.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Sigh... man! this just won't stop... but... Okay... I can admit when I do something wrong... I did not utilize an defense boosting nature leading to harry having a 219 defense which does lead to a 2KO... but I guess my argument then turns to SS... but since I didn't say that initially let's not go there because you have proved your point. But hey... that's a COUNTER... and I guess you call doing over 95% damage not doing "a lot"... but that's you...

About registeel and force palm... They Would change but again, you're missing the whole point of my argument... Even though it has COUNTERS doesn't mean that the thing doesn't hit hard or cannot become a threat... just like how you mentioned Zapdos is a threat IF (big IF) you don't have blissey (and not just blissey can counter it either)... I mean you just can't keep arguing against that...

Choice scarf salamence doesn't run Max speed... check smogon... don't argue the validity... i know what you're thinking... "oh that thing probably doesn't get updated"... but actually I was trying to make a salamence not too long ago over the summer and looked at the EV spread for the DDer and it had 176 speed EVs (if I remember correctly) just like the actual choice scarf... it probably got updated and that's why in the beginning I posted that it can outrun the standard DD mence... I know it's just for reference and people can stray from that (and they do all the time especially with something as complex as Salamence), but you know that the standards that we both have been arguing about have been coming from smogon...

And with the weavile thing, come on... scizor is resistant to both of its stab moves and can swiftly dispose of it unless it switches out... the same thing happens with the same scizor and gyarados... or scizor and Zapdos... you don't have an argument there... Do you consider mamoswine frail? because the standard CB Mamo is 83% OHKO'd after SR(I'm talking adamant) while with jolly it still stands a chance (though slimmer) to KO... Empoleon resists both stabs but is a 39% OHKO jolly after SR, Snorlax (careful, 168 HP, 120 def) takes from 55.8%-65.8 from a jolly brick break while it fails to OHKO even with the rare fire punch, Standard (Max HP, 0 def) Umbreons are 2KOd even if they curse the second time around... and all this is using the only move given to it besides its standard stabs. Besides this even the most defensive (Max HP, Max Def) Cresselia is 2KOd causing it at least roughly 70% damage. But let's not get sidetracked here...It's in OU because it can dispose of many OU threats and even though it does have its COUNTERS, it also has its usefulness. That's the deal with COUNTERS gamercal...

What you are beginning to bring up to the table with accuracy is the very VERY old argument and debate of Power Vs. Accuracy that ALL trainers must face when building their teams and individual pokemon... Surf or Hydro pump... flamethrower or fire blast... It's not just focus punche's prediction vs. Blast's accuracy... I think it's pretty safe to argue that Iron Head Vs. Iron tail, in this case, is the same deal if it is needed for Aggron's survival.

I hope this ends this argument with Aggron and its useful new move. It was great debating with you and even though it got pretty heated, I hope there were no hard feelings stored because that's not why I'm on Pokebeach. I would suggest to go to battle with this theory but that just wouldn't be right since you obviously have the chance to pick your 6 pokes with a super effective move (which is not too hard with such common weaknesses)... I'm better off testing my theory on Smogon once I actually do have the game... But yeah... I'm done... I think 5-6 hours (I think) is enough for this... Considering I also go to college and have a lot of work to do.

By the way, shadow, what are the privileges and details for the RH rank? Have we even decided if it can test or not? I mean we need to get these things straight. You can decide such things since you are the current leader and asking echo will effectively take from weeks to months... I know this is not a big deal but since nothing else is happening we should get it cleared just for peace's sake.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

how about this...we settle this with prove or other word battle..
Aagron vs any counter come forward...(this would be fun)
but for now we need to wait until hg/ss to converte english version....
so now just hold your own understanding until we prove in battle so ask to put at easy for both party...XD
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Yes... Except nothing is going to do well against its counter. Find the right counter for anything and it's not going to do well.... that's the point I'm trying to make about counters...

Also, i thought you couldn't be in two clans at the same time... i was just looking at the shiny clan and well I saw xxashxx is a co leader there... that's pretty funny huh? Unless that's one of those other clans that are different... even though they are holding a competitive tourney....
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

The shiny clan is not an Battle Stadium Clan.
Yes,it is from wi-fi but not from the Battle Stadium.
So it is one of the clans that is different.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Gotcha! thanks... 'cause man! I would love to join that clan! those guys do everything legit (no hacks)...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

sure you can do under clan and club right?
btw do want to battle now or later on tuesday...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hmmm... I didn't think I'd be awake at this time... umm... let me check if my wifi is working and sure we can have a battle... It is! I'll see you there...

By the way guys... different topic out for discussion....

Have you guys ever wondered about pokemon typing? Have you guys tried to think of type conbinations that would be totally brutal? Have you guys ever wondered what a pokemon with at least decent (defensive) stats (porygon2 like) would be like if it had the right typing?

What if gamefreak decided to make a pokemon with at least decent stats but that had a Ghost/Steel Typing... Wouldn't that be brutal? I mean I know they have made pokemon with no weakness at all but come on sableye? Spiritomb? and this ghost/steel could have levitate which a lot of ghosts run... its only weakness would be fire... and I think that would be pretty cool... Just like Bronzong... What do you guys think?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

ya..i saw once the ghost/steel pokemon... it not that nice...but type is great..
maybe they should improve on the character only...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

BTW... good battle... And you obviously mean on a fanmade site right? I guess you could come up with an offensive one... kinda like metagross except meta is susceptible to ground moves...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
BTW... good battle... And you obviously mean on a fanmade site right? I guess you could come up with an offensive one... kinda like metagross except meta is susceptible to ground moves...

Not if you run Magnet Rise.=P
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Of course there's no hard feelings. It's a debate, so naturally both people want their arguments to be the correct/accepted one. I enjoy a good discussion anyhow - that's something this clan SORELY lacks most of the time due to all the spammy "OMG BATTUL ME!!!1!" posts we see every half a page.

HOWEVER, you asked at least one question of me there (and there's a couple of points I'm compelled to say after reading that last post), so I'm obliged to answer. Once I've answered these I'm done, since as I told you before I am happy with your conclusion after making the slight changes needed to keep it correct (as you said, you used the wrong nature, so now you can see why it's not a 2HKO :))

Yes, I do consider Mamoswine frail actually. It has no resistances except that Electric immune to speak of (Poison is a non-issue since it's not immune, and Poison is not a used type of offence outside of VERY select STAB occasions, and most of those use secondary types that Mamo is weak to), has fairly low defences despite the large HP (80 Def is nice; 60 SpD is horrific), and has some VERY VERY BAD weaknesses against it that both undermine its decent physical defence and accentuate that horribad SpD. Weaknesses to Steel and Fighting make it difficult to defend against many of the top physical threats atm (Scizor/Lucario being two major pokémon that it would handily beat if it wasn't weak to the moves they use), and weaks to Fire/Grass/Water make it VERY vulnerable to the special side of offence, at least one of which is very rarely absent from special attacker's movepools (even if it's HP Fire or something, like Gengar is). Taking 2x from many of the most prominent attacking types in the game is really not a good thing at all when your defences are already fairly poor. The fact that lead Mamoswine almost always uses a Focus Sash is testament enough to the fact that it is incredibly fragile, despite its HP stat.

Smogon isn't reliable for absolute up-to-date metagame changes when it comes to things in the high-end of OU (or stuff in NU, but that's besides the point), as it is a very difficult task to keep up with that in such detailed articles as theirs. The reason for those particular places above all others is that the standards VERY QUICKLY CHANGE (or in the case of NU they just don't care :p).

Salamence originally ran only 270 Spe as its standard, but then Lucario got Ice Punch and it suddenly became a much larger threat. So Salamence went to 280 to outspeed it... but now that Choice Scarf Flygon (among others - Jolly Kingdra in particular outspeeds the 280 variant) are popular, Salamence has had to step up again. Pretty much like all base 100 Spe pokémon actually - infact, it is not uncommon for pokémon of Salamence's speed level to run Max Spe with a boosting nature nowadays, JUST to try and get the jump on one another! Well, and to beat Modest Scarf Latias/Gengar I suppose.

For example, Jolly Scarf Flygon, although less common than Adamant ones, has been fairly extensively as a revenge killer to Salamence locked into Outrage. I myself have ran Naive ScarfMence before just to guarantee the KO against just about any dragon type out there, since dragons are often very difficult to keep under check the entire match (unless you play Heavy Offence, but that's another story). Smogon doesn't list things like this though very often because of how much work it would take to update all the articles whenever something new becomes the standard.

For the record, with the exception of Hariyama all of the standards I have personally used have come from my own experience above Smogon - they are often the same, but equally they are often different. I like to draw on personal experiences before going to a website, so most of what I chose to argue with was sets/spreads I commonly see used. I don't however play UU, so i then HAD to go to Smogon for Hariyama (I didn't bother with Registeel since it should be fairly obvious that Registeel can be EV'd to take on Aggron, even if it isn't standard without that threat of Aggron about). But this really doesn't change the outcome of anything here.

I'm gonna say one thing more about the counters thing, since you seem to think I'm missing the point here and giving lots of random examples, where I don't believe I actually am. It should be pretty obvious that whilst an opponent has a counter which is able to do its job (that is, it's at a level of HP whereby it can still threaten the pokémon it's meant to counter), the pokémon you are using isn't going to be capable of very much damage, as the counter is completely free to come in whenever you send the pokémon in. That of course makes you switch out, doing very little in the process. If you can gear the rest of the team towards weakening/removing these counters, THEN your pokémon can get to do a lot of damage. That I guess is obvious, and repeated over and over again in this little discussion.

You effectively have to neuter the counters to something before it will be ALLOWED to deal significant damage, unless the opponent is a person forced into a position whereby he cannot switch out the pokémon in play (like Weavile vs Gengar using Pursuit, or if they have like 10% left). For that reason, pokémon with very defined counters will not deal significant damage until they (or their team more like) has successfully eliminated the counters. Don't think I don't get that, cause I do :p

I guess the other point is that if something has a LOT of counters (like Weavile), it's naturally not going to be as useful as something with fewer counters (like Lucario). This is a little team-dependant I know, but if Weavile has say 10 counters compared to Lucario's 3, it's natural that it is more likely that your opponent will have a Weavile counter than a Lucario counter. This, along with the fact that many of the things it likes to take out are low-end OU pokémon that are uncommon in most matches (Umbreon, Cresselia etc. Quick Note: this is the sort of thing the Shoddy Ladder statistics is used to determine; it may or may not be the same as your personal experiences) is why I think Weavile is a bad pokémon overall. Well, for that and for the fact that it never causes me any problems when I play against it xD

Can I just ask what calculations you were doing up there? I'm assuming you were talking about Weavile at this point, but you didn't make clear what set (or even move half the time, although I assume it's Brick Break for most since everything there not named Cresselia is Fighting weak lol) you're working with here. CB? SD? Just LO like before? I don't want to argue this one, I just want an answer so I can be at peace :cool:

FINALLY, Power vs Accuracy is a very old debate, yes. But consider this: the average power difference between moves you have mentioned is ABOUT 30% (just less than that, but it's a good enough approximation). So it's easy enough to see that it's an issue when there's some new KO's possible. However, the power difference between HP Fighting and Focus Blast is just over 70%. That's like a LO and Specs combined or something - it's huge. Couple this with that fact that the majority of pokémon who use Focus Blast as their standard need Hidden Power to be a different type, as well as they have few other viable moves to fill the slot, and you can see why people are willing to risk the low accuracy. I personally avoid the move like the plague unless it is COMPLETELY necessary, but that's just me. The choice to drop back down IS there; it's just not one that you would normally want to take because you trade deal less than 2/3 of the damage with HP Fighting.

Don't worry, I'm considering what sort of team I could use Aggron in myself atm. It's definitely INTERESTING - it's just whether or not it has the power behind it with only LO as a boost that concerns me. Well, that and the fact that everything and their mother has a SE move on it... almost.

Whew, that was fun. What's next?

What was nice about that debate was that, although it obviously got heated as you said, it didn't degenerate into a flame war. Both of us were civil enough about it not to resort to flames to drive our points through, which gave them much more merit TBH.

Anyhow, moving swiftly on, Ghost/Steel would be so insane if it was remotely good lol. Whilst offensively it doesn't bring too much to the table, its defensive abilities would be through the roof, especially with Levitate. It could very easily be a Bronzong with different typing (and therefore different applications) with the right defensive stats, but give it a good offensive movepool/stat spread and you could be talking about the next Lucario or something (a longshot, but hey, it's possible!).

You could actually post it here if you wanted, since we've been known to do CAP (Create-A-Pokémon) threads once in a while. Poké General Discussion or something would be perfect for it IMO.

Dragon/Fire would be the most obvious typing for brutality. Come on, the only thing not neutral to one of those STABs is Heatran, and the common dragon's EQ would tend to that. Getting STAB on both of those things would be ridiculous. But like Salamence, the SR weak would wear it down... unless it had Levitate the ground weak would be dangerous too. But that typing is potentially the most dangerous unused combo left in the game, given the neutrality of those amazing STAB's.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

GamerCal, you mention the power difference between HP Fighting and Focus Blast. I agree that Accuracy is better than power in most cases, but is it always better? I run Flamethrower on my Heatran, I hate the low PP and accuracy of Fire Blast, but I've missed out on a few KOs because of it. When do YOU think power is better than accuracy? Do you think that power is generally better than accuracy (Hydro Pump over Surf), or you should keep your accuracy for extra power. I'd like to see everyone's opinion on this actually, it could be interesting.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

urgh lol my name is LLaveEspada not LLaveEspan*da. and my FC should be in my sig so if this can be changed on the first page ofthis thread
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I prefer accuracy over power in most cases, but there are some general exceptions.

I prefer Fire Blast to Flamethrower IN GENERAL (although I'm leaning back to FT atm) because the compromise isn't as great as with most low-acc moves. 30% power for 15% accuracy? Usually worth it unless a) you don't need the power, or b) you need the PP. A possible c) is that you might need the accuracy since many other moves on your set are inaccurate also.

I prefer Surf to Hydro Pump unless I need the power as a compensation. Like my Timid AgiliEmpo and my Naive DD Kingdra both use Hydro Pump, but everything else uses Surf.

I tend to use Stone Edge over Rock Slide because Rock Slide isn't 100% accurate to START with, and Stone Edge is just that much more powerful overall.

Most other lower acc moves that I would consider are team dependant (Draco Meteor over Dragon Pulse as one example)

Clearly Thunder and Blizzard aren't worth it unless you make their accuracies 100% with the appropriate weather state. 30% accuracy loss is only worth it on vastly more powerful moves, like Focus Blast. Beyond the cases mentioned above, I tend to highly favour accuracy over power, as I've had horrible experiences with Draco Meteor too often...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

gamercal said:
Most other lower acc moves that I would consider are team dependant (Draco Meteor over Dragon Pulse as one example) Beyond the cases mentioned above, I tend to highly favour accuracy over power, as I've had horrible experiences with Draco Meteor too often...

"Latias used Draco Meteor, Latias's attack missed! Latias used Draco Meteor, Latias's attack missed! Latias used Draco Meteor, Latias's attack missed! Metagross used Explosion, Latias fainted!"

True story, if it had hit once...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

I have actually been wondering why they haven't made that type yet... because you always hear of these fire breathing dragons and stuff everywhere! I mean dragon/fire would be a great type now that I think about it... can't come in on EQ and stealth rock though... and knowing gamefreak, they'd probably find some way to hinder it on another area... I mean what they have done to a perfect typing (dark/ghost) does not do it justice...

Oh and about the weavile thing... My calcs were all using a CB, jolly, max attack (339), brick break. On some occasions which i outlined I mentioned having an adamant nature but those weren't needed since it still had a chance to KO the target (though slimmer)... The only calculation I didn't do using brick break was the one on cresselia. And I did all these brick break calculations because like I said, it is the only move outside of its STAB given to it... I mean the movepool is horrible outside of a little support (taunt, knock off which isn't even a good option)... what else does it have to work with? shadow claw? x-scissor? return? iron tail? come on... So I just used it because it's on its standard moveset... It's once again gamefreaks fault.. I mean it's not weavile... it's the fact that it doesn't have 3 BP stab moves at its disposal + 1 140 BP STAB move + 2 150 BP STAB moves like infernape does .(even though one of those is not that viable).. and then it has the right movepool with actually powerful moves (grass knot 120BP against a main counter hippowdon) to kick around its would be counters. Weavile has 70 and 75 (usable) BP moves... I mean come on!! It's stats are great, even though it can't hit from the special side. And even though it doesn't have great defensive typing or great defenses at all, I think it would be a much better poke if it received a better movepool and/or more powerful STAB moves. Although with Scizor/infernape/lucario in the wings it would definitely be knocked back... but those would then be effective COUNTERS...

Also, I don't know if it's my teams or the people that I've battled but for some reason infernape has never presented itself as a threat and I dispatch of it fairly easily...

Haha! i once used aqua tail 2 times in a row and it missed... the defending poke was a swampert and it was frozen... I had a really good sweep set up with like max attack!... and it defrosted after the second aqua tail in time to roar me away. it sucked... lost the match...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Well isn't this funny. We're having the exact same problem. I've been trying to post my Battle Castle Video for two hours now.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

lcristia said:
Oh and about the weavile thing... My calcs were all using a CB, jolly, max attack (339), brick break. On some occasions which I outlined I mentioned having an adamant nature but those weren't needed since it still had a chance to KO the target (though slimmer)... The only calculation I didn't do using brick break was the one on cresselia. And I did all these brick break calculations because like I said, it is the only move outside of its STAB given to it... I mean the movepool is horrible outside of a little support (taunt, knock off which isn't even a good option)... what else does it have to work with? shadow claw? x-scissor? return? iron tail? come on... So I just used it because it's on its standard moveset... It's once again gamefreaks fault.. I mean it's not weavile... it's the fact that it doesn't have 3 BP stab moves at its disposal + 1 140 BP STAB move + 2 150 BP STAB moves like infernape does .(even though one of those is not that viable).. and then it has the right movepool with actually powerful moves (grass knot 120BP against a main counter hippowdon) to kick around its would be counters. Weavile has 70 and 75 (usable) BP moves... I mean come on!! It's stats are great, even though it can't hit from the special side. And even though it doesn't have great defensive typing or great defenses at all, I think it would be a much better poke if it received a better movepool and/or more powerful STAB moves. Although with Scizor/infernape/lucario in the wings it would definitely be knocked back... but those would then be effective COUNTERS...

Also, I don't know if it's my teams or the people that I've battled but for some reason infernape has never presented itself as a threat and I dispatch of it fairly easily...

Haha! I once used aqua tail 2 times in a row and it missed... the defending poke was a swampert and it was frozen... I had a really good sweep set up with like max attack!... and it defrosted after the second aqua tail in time to roar me away. it sucked... lost the match...

Yeah, that's why I didn't like the idea of Aqua Tail/Iron Tail/Head Smash Aggron - WAY too many opportunities for silly stuff like that to happen.

I did think most of them were with BB since as I said it was super effective on all cept Cress, but the other stuff (Jolly CB) was something I wasn't sure of, which was why I asked. After all, there's a fair few different versions of Weavile, even IF it still sucks as a result :S

You're right though; with stronger STAB moves it would be more useful, since it then becomes harder to wall. But both STABs ARE still resisted by one of the most common types in the metagame atm (that being Steel), which definitely hampers it given the fragility as well.

The appearance of Low Kick in Weavile's repertoire might aid its cause however - with the exception of Umbreon (and unfortunately Blissey, but oh well), all of the pokémon you mentioned there would be hit harder by Low Kick than by Brick Break. That would then put the damage up a fair bit, potentially turning those 2HKO's into OHKOs when the foe is heavy enough (Snorlax I'm sure would be a OHKO at least some of the time, since the move has 120 BP against it). It wouldn't help it against many of its actual counters though (Scizor, Vaporeon, Forretress, Skarmory etc), so how much more use Weavile would see remains to be seen. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.

Infernape not being a problem to you is probably a split case of team and people, probably with the emphasis on people. I mean, most Infernape are stopped cold by Vaporeon, Suicune or Latias; it's very rare that it can punch through one of them (I believe it takes SD Ape to go through Vappy, CB to really go through Latias, and I guess Specs + Prediction to take out Suicune more often than not). If you always have one of them about, Infernape is almost never going to cause you trouble until they die (which isn't usually what they all do given that they are all bulky).

It also depends on the user though, as many less experienced players use poor movesets on Infernape (most I've played recently have been from in here, and the user expects TPunch to beat Vaporeon... when it easily doesn't, since CC doesn't beat Vaporeon and CC is stronger than TPunch). So as I said, it's probably a combination of both.
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