The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Is it safe to say that ZekEels is pretty much dead in BW-On when we get Terrakion EX after the next rotation? We know Dragon decks like Hydreigon/Darkrai and Garchomp/Altaria will be huge and Terrakion/Terrakion EX is going to pop up in just about every deck to keep ZekEels in check. Just like how Garchomp/Altaria will keep Rayquaza EX in check.

It's almost like when TyRam used to be good but for ZekEels case it becomes a terrible deck due to Type Disadvantage not because of how TyRam died due to lacking the speed to keep up with the format due to Typhlosion Prime being a Stage 2 and Junk Arm + Pokemon Catcher killing it of course. It's a shame but now it's looking like ZekEels is going to be bumped down to Tier 2 at least for BW-On.
I think that Zekeels will just be replaced by Rayquaza decks. Eels in general will still be good, but Zekeels itself will probably change a ton.
iisnumber12 said:
I think that Zekeels will just be replaced by Rayquaza decks. Eels in general will still be good, but Zekeels itself will probably change a ton.

According to Japanese results, Rayquaza isn't as good as other decks.
The only changes ZekEels has made in BW-On is by running more Raikou EX and possibly Tornadus EX to get around Terrakion. You're probably better off running at least 2 Tornadus EX for ZekEels in BW-On because Terrakion is going to keep getting more popular. It already has but not to the extent of the kind of impact Terrakion EX will have in our next format.

How does Rayquaza replace ZekEels when it not once made the Top Cut in Japanese Nationals this year because of Garchomp/Altaria keeping it in check? I hardly see Hydreigon/Darkrai shutting down Rayquaza because it utilizes Darkrai EX as it's main attacker. But the bottom line is that Rayquaza EX is severely overhyped otherwise it would of made a strong showing in Japan.
Garchomp/Altaria wasn't all that bad huh? (I knew stage 2's were viable in a newer format! xD)

anyways currently I feel zeels is still BDIF, the SAB version is especially good....
:/ eh Battle Roads are this weekend and zeels seems to be doing very well in testing, I doubt anything will be able to move it from BDIF yet, but we'll see....
Card Slinger J said:
You sure I thought Hydreigon/Darkrai is BDIF in Japan's BW-On format.

Hydreigon/Darkrai winning one event in Japan makes it the best deck? Hardly.

I don't think it'll be dead, as the fundamentals of the deck really stick even in a BW-in format. It'll need some changes but it will still be very powerful. Maybe not the best, but yeah.

And just because a deck makes first at one event does not make it the best. I'm sure any of those decks could have made first given the variety between them. It just so happened that the Hydreigon/Darkrai player was better/had better draws/etc. Don't overhype.
I'm still predicting RayEels to be tier 1 over here, simply because you can drop raikou EX and nom garchomp's support altaria's, the KO it with Rayquaza EX or normal Rayquaza without having to fear a revenge KO.
in theory Rayeels works very well, but in Japan it's not doing well at all currently it didn't get any top cut slots I believe, while back at the ECC mageels got 5 slots... we all know what happened to that deck....

if the format goes CL-On I think zeels will remain tier 1/BDIF, if it goes BW-On things will be a little different....
The Pikachu Mafia said:
in theory Rayeels works very well, but in Japan it's not doing well at all currently it didn't get any top cut slots I believe, while back at the ECC mageels got 5 slots... we all know what happened to that deck....

if the format goes CL-On I think zeels will remain tier 1/BDIF, if it goes BW-On things will be a little different....

Keep in mind that we may get a different format than Japan leaving out ket cards. Also, Japan hasn't had the format long, so there is still room to work with the new cards. Things that people haven't tested yet.
yes, like I said, CL-on or BW-on, I don't think we'll get anything outside of those two new formats..... (I'm leaning towards CL-on actually)

also yeah, BW-on is still kinda new for Japan, but I doubt Rayeels is suddenly going to start winning anything out of the blue.... the combo is over hyped imo
CL-On would just result in unecessary power creep that we don't need and we would have an unfair advantage against Japan for running Dual Ball to get Basic Pokemon while they are stuck with Ultra Ball to do it. PONT and Smeargle have overstayed their welcome and need to rotate out cause they make donks too feasible in the current format with overly consistent drawpower.

Garchomp/Altaria keeps RayEels in check and with Terrakion spam in most decklists it will stop Raikou in it's tracks somehow. Terrakion EX is played more than Groudon EX cause it has better costed attacks and possibly more damage output. ZekEels will get moved down to Tier 2 at best by next format depending on how things go with the card pool. Terrakion EX is probably going to be the next Mewtwo EX not Rayquaza EX.
the next mewtwo EX would have to be something splashable like mewtwo, not terrakion EX that only works in fighting decks.... It's the same reason why Darkrai wont be the new mewtwo, nor will rayquaza, mewtwo is so splashable and will still be the best counter to himself for the foreseeable future....

Also I don't think the guys in charge care as much about a healthy format as much as they care about $$ (sure to some extent the format is very much in their interest, but given that the professor cup is CL-On and since SAB and others make cards like smeargle, PONT, Dual Ball etc worth that much more, they might stay CL-On.... at which case zeels would still have an iron grip on the format...) IF it goes BW-On then zeels is definitely not the play, but right now we have to worry about BR's before thinking of new formats =P
I think ZekEels lost a humongous amount of power. It has tons of trouble with Darkrai, even if you run Terrakion. I don't know about it it's CMT matchup, but I'm pretty sure it got worse.
The one deck that could possibly make ZekEels unplayable in HGSS-On is Darkrai/Groudon, that deck seems like it's going to cause a major upset at Battle Roads this weekend. Tornadus/Tornadus EX isn't good enough to ease ZekEels' matchup against Darkrai/Groudon because it beats the deck with bench spread by getting around Resistance.
What the heck is Darkrai/Groudon? That sounds horrible, they use different energy and they have no correlation whatsoever.
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