Search results

  1. poleskitty

    Ruling Giratina Lv.X vs. Dusknoir Lv.X

    I think the confusion is caused by the wording on Giratina Lvl X. It indicates that the card is sent to the Lost zone if it would be KO'd by the attack. In other words during the attack phase if there equal to or more damage counters on Giratina then it had HP, then the effect of sending the...
  2. poleskitty

    Ruling Take Out vs. Basic w/ Unown G

    My question is actually if anyone has insight as to why this question when asked on the Gym has not been answered, as usually this is the case when a mistranslation is suspected.
  3. poleskitty

    Ruling Take Out vs. Basic w/ Unown G

    I was judging a Cities yesterday and given the popularity of Machamp and the equally popular Unown G as a counter, there were cases where Take-Out was declared as the attack and then the debate set in over whether the 40 damage occurs. According to the card its pretty clear the KO effect is...
  4. poleskitty

    Ruling Butterfree evolution

    As a second reason why it would not work even if it weren't your first turn, you can't use RC to go from a Stage 1 to a Stage 2. Only Basic to Stage 1 or Basic to Stage 2.
  5. poleskitty

    Ruling Rare Candy

    Certainly if TM-TS-1 was attached to a pokemon its effect could be used on the first turn. But, on the first turn (that being the first turn of the player who plays first) Trainers can't be played, and TM's are Trainers unless someone knows something I don't. QED
  6. poleskitty

    Ruling LA Fortress Poke Body?

    Is this optional Poke Body a new thing. I can't remember a card which had a "may" in a Body. Is this possibly another case of a misprint which should be a Power like Empy LvlX.
  7. poleskitty

    Ruling Honchkrow + TM/ Regice

    As to the question of Regice. This is still open on the Ask the Master's forum on the Gym, so I would take it that the translation is somewhat open to interpretation. The card reads: "Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this power. Discard 2 cards from your hand and...
  8. poleskitty

    Ruling Bronzong`

    Pheoenix Turn is triggered by a KO during your opponents term by damage from an attack. Bronzong's Pain Amplifer attack places 1 damage counter on each Pokemon that already has damage on it. The meta rule that your question refers to relates to the fact that placing damage counters in not...
  9. poleskitty

    Ruling [split] TCG Rules Masters (Forum Staff)

    RE: TCG Rules Masters (Forum Staff) Excellent concept to provide a vetting process for answers on the forum hopefully without the formality of the Gym Ask the Masters forum, which although definative and indispensible can often be quite slow for resolving grey areas. BTW, Professor for 2...
  10. poleskitty

    Ruling damage counters

    Oh yes, dice weren't allowed either as damage counters at Cdn Nats, unless one dice = 10 damage. It was supposed to make it more clear. -- Worked great for my youngest son who had an opponent who convienently brushed off counters when my son called over a judge after his opponent refused to...
  11. poleskitty

    Ruling Battle fault questions

    Just be very careful about trying to get your opponent penalized. Game state is the responsiblity of BOTH players at all times. Best course of action is for you to ensure your opponent knows very quickly that he hasn't knocked out your Pokemon and for you to ensure he doesn't draw his prize...
  12. poleskitty

    Ruling Last-Minute Questions

    Are you sure? My understanding was that the discarding of the DRE phrase was only to be invoked in the case of devolution. It says clearly it cannot be attached to a basic, so my understanding was you could not choose to attach it as such to gain the effect of discarding it regardless of...
  13. poleskitty

    Ruling Need a judge

    Here's my two cents worth. Certainly you do not need to annouce that a non-optional effect like that from Psychic Lock is being placed. Now if during the next turn your opponent used a Poke-Power, that's when things get interesting IMO. If you stop him before the actions become irreversible...
  14. poleskitty

    Ruling A question of wording.

    To be more precise it effects the game state because you shuffle your deck after you search. Put the card back on top of your deck often refered to as "paying the cost" is not considered an effect of the game. The jury's still out on whether you can play Bebe's search when there are no cards...
  15. poleskitty

    Ruling Fossils

    Looks like I just needed to wait 15 minutes before posting. The official answer on Old Amber is that it is a Fossil card with respect to game set-up, but because it doesn't have Fossil in its name Relicanth can't search for it and Excavator can get neither it nor Aerodactyl MD as it doesn't...
  16. poleskitty

    Ruling Fossils

    It appears we finally got POP rulings on most of the questions regarding fossils. 1) You cannot evolve the new fossils to the old Stage 1 forms (e.g. Helix Fossil cannot evolve to Omanyte PK) or the old fossil to the new Stage 1 (e.g. Mysterious Fossil to Omanyte MD) 2) With rare candy...
  17. poleskitty

    Ruling Nidoking's (#34/132) Poison Rub Attack

    That's an interesting intepretation, I don't double battle much so I mostly miss those nuances. I think this is a good one for the Chairman. I don't see any linking words in the switch statement, so I would think that it is quite possible to poison the Defending Pokemon (which means you get to...
  18. poleskitty

    Ruling Nidoking's (#34/132) Poison Rub Attack

    Just for clarity sake I quote the passage in question with all appropriate reference to source Nowhere here does it say anything about poison damage on the bench. Clearly a Pokemon on the bench is cannot be poisoned and there's no indication by the author that there is damage being done to...
  19. poleskitty

    Ruling Darkrai MD

    OK as I read the card Dark Slumber puts an effect on the defending Pokemon which after your opponents next turn puts them to sleep. So if they retreat to the bench all effects are removed from that Pokemon. If they knock out Darkrai, that doesn't remove the effect and your opponent's...
  20. poleskitty

    Ruling Devolving Lvl X

    Thx PPM that was what I was looking for.