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  1. Nitros

    XY Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X & Y

    RE: Nickname Censoring in Pokémon X / Y A thing that works in some cases is use upper "i" instead lower "l". My Banette is named BloodyMary with this little trick. Also my Cofagrigus is named Hitler with the same trick. No difference at aIl x)
  2. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees, Heracross, Shinies and more!

    I have a "Wants" list in the first post of my thread. If you don't have any of those things on my list, I will have to see what you have. Do you have a thread with the relevant things you have?
  3. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees, Heracross, Shinies and more!

    If is a Male Mareep, I can trade for a 3 IV Phantump. If is a Female, I can trade for a 4 IV Phantump. It's ok for you? So, what you offer to me? Do you have a thread?
  4. Nitros

    XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers How can I know my own Shiny Value (TSV and ESV)??
  5. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades ImminentFate13's First Trading Thread

    Hey, I want Umbreon and Espeon. I have Bulbasaur, Litleo, Mareep and Inkay. What you say?
  6. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 IV perfect french pokemons for Masuda method Ah, I though you'd see it on my thread. My FC is 1392-5226-8215 =D
  7. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 IV perfect french pokemons for Masuda method No, no. Can be without HA =) I just want to know if your Gastly has the right 5 IVs (all but Atk), and if the two can be female =) I'll add your FC, right?
  8. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 IV perfect french pokemons for Masuda method Hey, I have some 5 IV Fennekin (Timid, HA) and a 5 IV Heracross (Jolly). Can you trade for a 5 IV French Gastly and a 5 IV French Gible?
  9. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: HAVES: !**Shiny Gabite**!, Shiny Kingler, Shiny Wartortle, Shiny Zweilous, Shiny Skorupi, more! WANTS: Shinies! Ditto friend safari! Perfect Chansey! Hey, I updated the shinies of my Thread. Do you something for the Wartortle? Or for the Trapinch?
  10. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    RE: Sir Taco's trades: have Shiny Greninja and other stuff. What are the IVs of your timid Gastly?
  11. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees, Heracross, Shinies and more!

    RE: Nitro-Delivery - Magician Fennekin, Eevees and more! Damp. And it's Modest.
  12. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Vivillon Form Exchange Thread

    I can breed Modest Savannah Vivillon with Hidden Ability. I'm searching: Monsoon Vivillon Tundra Vivillon Sandstorm Vivillon Trade 4 any of these.
  13. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades The Dark Corner ((Pumpkaboos Everywhere. Also, updated with Legendaries and Shinies))

    RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service) Hey, man. You still looking for a Sableye with Pokérus? =) Can you trade the Shiny Swalot on it?
  14. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades CMP's MyPlayer Thread: 4 and 5 IV Pokémon (Zubat/Gible), plus DITTO FARMING for IVs!

    Uh, ok, so. I have a 4 IV Magician Fennekin with Timid Nature. Do you want? And, if we can't trade, it's ok, I liked to know you and I want to talk with you about Neo Redux anyway x)
  15. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread Zoroark is populair, but he can get at Poké-Bank. I don't want Shiny Clawtizer or even HA pokémon for non-fishing Shiny, sorry =/
  16. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread I have Shiny Pancham, Staryu, Politoed and Clauncher. I want your Shiny Zweilos or your shiny Zoroark. What you say?
  17. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

    RE: HAVES: !**Shiny Gabite**!, Shiny Krabby, Shiny Wartortle, Shiny Gourgeist, Shiny Shuppet, Shiny Skorupi, more! WANTS: Shinies! Ditto friend safari! Perfect Chansey! Man, I'm interested in your shiny Wartortle. I have some 5 IV Magician Fennekin, some Shinies like Pancham, and 5 IV Eevees...
  18. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades CMP's MyPlayer Thread: 4 and 5 IV Pokémon (Zubat/Gible), plus DITTO FARMING for IVs!

    Ok =) How about the 13 Pokémon for one 5IV Male Zubat nicknamed "Saga", a Shiny Growlithe and a Pichu Egg?
  19. Nitros

    Wi-Fi Trades kenshi08's Pokemon X/Y Trading Shop Official Opening

    Uh, what you searching for? I mean... "shinies" and "legendaries" is so... generic xD I have a Xerneas, do you have interesting? I've got a Shiny Pancham recently too. And, one more thing... if you want, we can negociate two Pokémon for one. So, what do you say?